

The Higher Education in Different Culture

【作者】 刘颖洁

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文从“文化——教育——人”这一主线进行研究,试图揭示不同文化背景中的教育理念及不同理念对人的培养的内在联系,探索适应我国教育发展的理念和理论。纵观教育发展的历史,其中无处不留有文化的深深烙印。文化制约教育,决定教育价值观取向,从而影响教育目的和教育内容;教育传承、发展文化,作为文化的“传播过程”,其价值观实质上就是文化价值观在教育上的反映。从历史的渊源来看,教育在文化中萌生。我国春秋战国时期在诸子百家“百家争鸣”过程中,形成了中国思想文化兼容并包和宽容开放的特点。儒家的礼乐文化通过吸收、融合各家之长成为了中国的传统主流思想文化,并形成了“修身”、“齐家”、“治国”、“平天下”的教育价值观。古希腊道德与理性文化、契约文化(古希腊文化的重要组成部分)及以身心和谐发展为核心的自由、理性教育思想的产生源于古希腊的灿烂文明,同时也是伴随古希腊哲人的出现而出现的,是与古希腊哲人相辅相成的。苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德三位伟大的哲学家、教育家,在世界教育史上被誉为古希腊“三哲”,他们的教育思想为后来欧洲各国的教育思想的发展奠定了基础,也为现代世界各国教育改革提供了丰富的思想源泉。欧洲中世纪初期的教育与基督教文化是密不可分的,中世纪大学是在宗教与理性文化背景下产生的,其“自由”的理念也成为了近代大学的传统。文化背景影响教育理念,教育理念影响人的培养。不同的民族文化背景其教育理念和人的培养目标是不尽相同的。英国的绅士文化孕育了贵族精神与精英教育的教育理念,在这种理念的影响下,培养了英国的“绅士”;德国文化的民族性和两极理性孕育的理性教育思想,成就了德国教育的辉煌,使德国成为了“思辨者”的摇篮。;美国的多元文化孕育了通识教育与个性化教育理念,造就了美国的“自由人”;中国的儒家文化传统孕育了“仁”、“德”的教育理念,培养了中国的“君子”。由于文化的同源性,英国、德国和美国的教育特征都含有“自由”的理念,这正是西方自由教育传统影响的结果。多元文化是当今社会文化发展的特征。美国“多元巨型大学”是多元文化的教育产物,是美国多元文化达成和谐的结果。我们在研究高等教育未来的发展方向时,先要从文化入手,通过教育的文化选择和创造功能倡导和培育先进文化以引领教育的发展方向。多元文化的和谐——契约文化新理念——“契约意识”的提出为孕育先进的教育理念提供了文化基础。契约文化来源于古希腊的灿烂文明,是西方社会的主流文化。它的内涵随时代的变迁而不断升华,其自由的理念已成为了理性思考。尤其是卢梭的《社会契约论》诞生之后,它对西方社会的发展产生了重要的影响,并形成了契约文化的核心理念—“契约精神”。因此,如何将西方契约文化的核心理念与中国文化及现实相结合,提出适应我国文化传统的契约文化新理念成为了研究者们现实的课题。多元文化的融合,不是一种文化吃掉另一种文化,而是它们必须寻找一个共同的价值观。“契约意识”理念,它是西方契约精神与儒家文化“守信”思想的对立统一。“契约意识”理念的提出,为契约文化赋予了新的内涵。当下,随着市场经济体制的建立,我国将不可避免地融入经济全球化,各种不同文化也将不可避免地流入我国。在多元文化相互交融的背景下,我们的教育要选择、适应和发展什么文化?文化孕育怎样的教育?教育将要培养怎样的人呢?契约文化孕育的和谐教育,培养全面而自由发展的人。契约文化的核心是“自由”,和谐教育倡导的理性教育思想其核心也是“自由”,它们之间存在着内在的联系,本质追求是一致的。契约文化追求社会关系契约化和人的“独立人格”,确保了人的“自由”发展;和谐教育培养的自由人,因习得自由知识使其成为社会更自由的人,支撑了人和社会的发展,它们之间的对立统一推动了的“人”的培养和社会的发展。

【Abstract】 In the wake of the history of educational evolution, its impact left a deep imprint on cultures worldwide. Generally speaking, culture restricts education and determines the orientation of educational values. In order to achieve its goals and communicate the contents, education inherits and transforms traditional culture as a "propagation" of the culture. Hence, this process essentially reflects cultural values in education.This doctoral thesis on "the Higher Education in Different Culture" aims to find out about the relationship between diverse educational conceptions and the people having been educated by different educational concepts, and investigate the concepts and theories so as to adapt into the educational development for the People’s Republic of China.Since it is a library research, this paper focuses on the cultural aspects based on the perspective of existential culture which describes the existence of a person or group living in nature, history, and age groups, and culture. This cognitive method emphasizes on behaviors, thinking and consciousness of a person while in existence. In theory, it also views that education is not just a single concept but a complex, multifaceted and multilayered system. In a broad sense, education is a social activity intending "to influence people’s physical and mental development". So this doctoral thesis studies the main interrelation among culture, education and human-beings through the revelation of the intrinsic link of the philosophy of education from diverse cultural contexts, and find out the connection between technicality applied in different educational conceptualization and the solid impacts on the educated from different academic backgrounds. By exploring the above-mentioned concepts and theories, it is expected that this will be adapted into the educational reform for the People’s Republic of China in the near future.The thesis consists of four main chapters. Chapter one discusses the sources of educational provision since the historical origins as a by-product of culture.From the Chinese history, the coexistence of the public and private schools in Spring, Autumn and Warring states in China, created a large number of people with ideology and integrity. These groups of people were knowledgeable and well-off who evidently later formed up a new social class. In spite of being educated from the different schools of thought, the new social group had shared the same purpose of spreading culture and developing the new generation of academia. They were regarded as "philosophers" by posterity from the various academies and their fellow supporters during the period from pre-Qin era to the early years of the Han Dynasty. Confucianism and music culture gradually became the main ideological thoughts and culture of the Chinese culture by absorbing and integrating various thoughts from the "philosophers" in a long time. The teachings of Confucius are the source of wisdom of the traditional Chinese education, and it has profoundly influenced China’s education in the following thousands of years. Confucianism takes ethics as a core principle of education, emphasizing the unity of the morality and self-cultivation, teaching people how to "be a good person" to achieve the secular ideology of "governing the country, and building the peaceful country." As a result, the core values of Chinese traditional education were founded, which stressed "self-cultivation","regulating the family","governing the country", and "building the peaceful country"Then from western history, ancient Greece is the cradle of modern western civilization, and the birthplace of modern western education. Morality and rationality are the main features of the ancient Greek culture, and rationality and freedom are the backbone of philosophical thinking and creativity. Contract culture is considered as an important part of ancient Greek culture for its appearance derived from the urban civilization which took Athenian as a representative, and the commercial civilization which was gradually given birth by the urban civilization. The concept of freedom is one of the characteristics of ancient Greek culture; it is also the core of the contract culture. The main features of the ancient Greece’s traditional thinking can be summarized as follows: emphasizing state-controlled education, advocating rational education, and initiating the harmony of body and mind. The culture and philosophers existed side by side and played a part together in the Greek history. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are great Greek philosophers and educators, and they are known as "the three greatest ancient Greek philosophers" in the world educational history. Not only the Greek wisdom constituted the foundation of European educational ideology for the subsequent development, but also provided a rich source of perspectives and directions for national education reform in the modern world.There was inextricably link between early mediaeval education and Church Culture in Europe. The mediaeval universities were established under the background of Church culture and rational culture; and their belief of "liberalization" also became the traditional concepts of modern university.Chapter two analyzes the relationship of educational ideology and the people who are nurtured and educated by diverse educational system. Various educational ideas and thoughts under different national cultures’ background leaded to diversity of personal traits.British culture established the sprit of nobleness and elite education which fostered the British genteelness in the British society. While the concept of education in Germany embraces the education of rationality that fostered German idealism and culture. American liberalism puts a great emphasis on educational system with open-mindedness that emerged from the multi-cultural phenomena in the US. Chinese Confucian culture established the "Ren (Humanity" and "De (Virtue)" values in the Chinese educational system; therefore it fostered "The Gentlemen"(Jun Zi) in China. When taking almost every culture of the same origins in western countries into account, the main characteristics of education in the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United State all presented the concept of "liberalization", as a result of which greatly impact on the western liberal education.Chapter three demonstrates the harmony of western ideologies and its adaptation into China’s modern education.The multi-culture is one of the main characters in today’s social and cultural development."Multiversity" is set up under the multi-cultural education, which responded to the evolution of multiculturalism in the United States. Nowadays, along with the establishment of the market economic system, China is unavoidably integrating into the economic globalization. In this circumstance, there are many different cultures is inevitably flowing into our country.The last chapter provided the answers to the thesis question and synthesized the results of this research study.Contract culture gives the birth of the new type of educational system, called harmonious education, and this kind of education will be pursued as time goes by. This type of educational system strengthened a full and free-of-cost development of a person."Liberalization" is the core concept of Contract Culture and Rational education which is advocated by harmonious education. There is an intrinsic link between them, which shared the same nature of pursuit. The contract culture seeks for the social relation contract and "independent personality" of individual person, to ensure the "Liberalization" development of individual person. The persons who learn liberal knowledge from harmonious education will be more free in their lives, because the liberal knowledge let them can do whatever they like. This kind of person supporting the development of human and society, and the unity of opposites between contract culture and harmonious education promotes the social development and the developments of nurturing people.

【关键词】 文化契约文化理性教育自由
【Key words】 Culturerational educationcontract cultureliberalization
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1541

