

A Study on Teaching Risk Management

【作者】 王健康

【导师】 周庆元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein,P.L.)指出,“未来”是风险的游乐场,其名著《与天为敌》(Against the Gods)的最后一章名为“等待紊乱”。联合国在2004年曾连续出版《与风险共存——全球减灾情况回顾》(Living with Risk:A Global Review of Disaster Reductiaon Initiatives)、《减低灾害风险:发展面临的挑战》(Reducting Disaster Risk:A Challenge for Development)两书,国际社会对风险问题的关注可见一斑。在当今社会,不仅每个人都面临着随时可能爆发的风险威胁,而且人们每一个实践行为都在制造着可能的风险,社会已经进入了抗拒风险的时代。风险日益加剧,学校教学亦未能置身其外,教学风险亦呈愈演愈烈之势。屡屡发生的学生自杀事件,居高不下的“失学”、“失管”、“失控”、“失教”“四失”青少年犯罪率,历史上并不罕见的大规模教学改革失败教训,网络世界的快速发展在使教学大受裨益的同时也使其面临空前的、深不可测的风险,所有这些都雄辩地表明教学风险——教学结果的不确定性(特别是长期以来人们关注较少的“损害学生的不确定性”)问题已经成为教育工作者不得不正视并亟需研究及妥善应对的问题。随着“风险管理”这一新兴管理学科自二十世纪中叶以来的蓬勃发展,风险理论与技术在半个多世纪以来已为人类卓有成效地应对、化解了大量的风险,为人类社会的和谐、幸福保驾护航。当前,我国政府对风险管理的关注亦可谓到了前所未有的高度。例如,我国国资委2006年下发的文件——《中央企业全面风险管理指导纲要》就明确要求其旗下所有中央企业在内部设置专门风险管理部门(即:风险管理委员会或风险管理部门),以防范和控制风险,并规定这一部门由各央企的“一把手”直接领导。已然对人类社会作出了突出贡献的风险理论与技术能为我们的教学保驾护航吗?答案是毋庸置疑的。风险的基本含义是损害的不确定性。教学同样具有损害的不确定性,教学所具有的这种“损害学生身心健康的不确定性”即教学风险只是风险中的一类而已。好的教学能促进学生的身心健康、和谐发展,不好的教学将会给学生带来“损害的不确定性”即教学风险。教学的风险属性昭示着我们,风险理论与技术对教学问题的研究必然是有效的。笔者之所以选择以该课题为研究对象,其目的就是要通过对本课题的研究,全面梳理过往有关教学所具损害性方面的研究成果,合理移植当前正蓬勃发展的风险管理理论之精髓,构建出教学风险管理理论并作应用案例研究,希望达到以下目标:①丰富和发展教学理论;②提高人们对教学风险的认识及人们的教学风险意识;③提高人们分析教学风险和应对教学风险的能力即教学风险管理能力。下面就对本文的基本思路和逻辑结构作一个简单的介绍:全文除导论和结语外主要分为两个部分:第一部分包括第一章、第二章、第三章;第二部分为第四章。导论部分主要介绍了该课题的来源、研究现状以及研究目的和意义。第一部分即第一、二、三章从理论上对教学风险管理进行了全面的论述,是该论文的核心内容,其中,第一章主要是对教学风险本身作了一个详细的介绍,第二、三章则主要介绍了教学风险管理的原理、原则、过程及操作系统;第二部分即全文的第四章,充分结合第一部分所构建的教学风险管理理论,以高等职业院校的教学风险管理为对象,进行了专题研究,从理论跨越到了实际应用中,实现了全文理论与实践的结合。

【Abstract】 Bernstein P.L. once said future is the playground of risk, and the last chapter of his famous works, Against the Gods, is named Wait for Disorder。 In2004the United States published the two books Living with Risk:A Global Review of Disaster Reduction Initiatives and Reducing Disaster Risk:A Challenge for Development from which we can see evident concern of the international community to the risk. Nowadays, not only everyone is facing the thread of risk, but also our practice will result in possible risks, which shows our society has entered the era of resisting risk. School teaching is also facing risk, which is getting worse as the society develops, such as students’ committing suicides, dropping out of school, being out of control, being deprived of education and high rate of youth crimes and so on. We experienced some large-scale teaching reform failures and the rapid development of the online world that greatly benefit the teaching work makes the teaching face unprecedented, unfathomable risk, which eloquently shows that the teaching risk-the uncertainty of teaching results (especially the uncertainty of damage to students)has become an urgent problem which the educators have to face and needs to be dealt with properly.With the vigorous development of management subject "risk management" since1950s, its theory and technology in more than half a century effectively respond to and resolve a number of risks for mankind, and escort for the harmony and happiness of human society. At present, China’s government pays unprecedented attention to risk management. For example, in2006China’s SASAC issued the documents, Comprehensive Risk Management Guidelines of Central Enterprises, which explicitly requires its internal central enterprises must set up specialized risk management department (ie. risk management committee or risk management department), led by its CEO to prevent and control risk. The risk theory and technology which has made outstanding contributions to on human society can escort for our teaching? Of course there is no doubt about that. The basic meaning of the risk is the uncertainty of damage and loss. So it is with the teaching and therefore damage to the health and heart of students is one kind of risk. Good teaching can promote physical, mental health and harmonious development of students while bad teaching will produce "damaging uncertainty", that is, teaching risk. It beckons to us that risk theories and techniques are effective on teaching.I chose the subject aiming to comprehensively review the past study about the damaging aspects of teaching, reasonably transplant the essence of risk management theory to build teaching risk management theory and apply them to case studies. Also I aim to enrich and develop teaching theory, to increase people’s comprehension and awareness of teaching risk, and to raise capabilities of analyzing and responding to teaching risk, that is, teaching risk management.A brief introduction of the basic ideas and the logical structure of this article is as follows:there are two parts besides the introduction and the conclusion. The first part consists of Chapter Ⅰ, Chapter Ⅱ and Chapter Ⅲ. The second part is Chapter Ⅳ. The Introduction introduces the sources, current research, the purpose and significance of this study. The first part is a comprehensive discussion of teaching risk management which is the core content of this paper. In the first part, chapter Ⅰ makes a detailed introduction to teaching risk itself while Chapter Ⅱ and Chapter Ⅲ Mainly introduce the principles, processes and operating system of teaching risk management. The second part is Chapter Ⅳ. It conducts a special study on the teaching risk management in professional colleges with the teaching risk management theory set up in the first part, which is the leap from theory to practical application, to achieve the combination of the theory and practice.


