

The Resarch Onto Lenin’s Political Ethics Ideas

【作者】 苏玲

【导师】 李培超;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从一般的学理层面而言,政治伦理所关涉的主要内容是社会政治共同体(主要是国家)在政治活动中所追求的政治价值理念、社会制度设计过程中所遵循的道德规范原则和目的性追求以及执政党道德建设和社会道德建设。列宁作为人类历史上第一个社会主义国家的第一代主要领导者,在领导苏联人民进行社会主义革命和建设的过程中,在政治实践方面大胆探索和改革,形成了较为丰富的政治伦理思想,这些政治伦理思想既是列宁个人政治智慧、领袖人格和德行操守的体现,更是人类历史上第一个社会主义国家在政治实践中的道义追求的原初体现。研究列宁的政治伦理思想,不仅可以了解列宁个人政治伦理思想的丰富内涵,也可以思考列宁时期苏联社会主义国家在政治价值追求方面的得与失,更可以为我国当下的政治体制改革和带有本土化色彩的政治伦理思想的建构提供有益的参照。本文从论题研究的缘起入手,分析了研究列宁政治伦理思想的重要意义,研判了当今学术界在关于列宁政治思想和政治伦理思想方面所取得的重要进展,明确了自己研究的框架和目标。论文主体部分分为六章。第一章分析了列宁政治伦理思想形成的现实条件。从总体来看,列宁政治伦理思想的形成首先有其重要的现实基础,俄国的社会状况特别是俄共(布)执政时期所面临的复杂的社会局面、严峻的现实考验以及苏联社会主义建设的曲折进程,是列宁政治伦理思想产生发展的现实土壤;列宁领导所建立的苏维埃社会主义国家也是马克思恩格斯的政治思想或政治理想在东方社会的现实化,因此马克思恩格斯的政治伦理思想对列宁政治伦理思想形成起到了直接的启导作用,也是列宁政治伦理思想形成和发展最重要的思想理论基础。当然,任何一个思想家思想的成长也与其个人的禀赋分不开,列宁独特的人生经历也是其政治伦理思想长生发展的重要条件。第二章阐发了列宁政治伦理思想的价值理念。所谓政治伦理思想的价值理念即是一种政治伦理思想所主张的价值目标,它构成了政治伦理思想的内核。虽然在这一方面,列宁并没有太多的显性话语来加以系统表述,但是无论是他的建国思想、建党思想、制度运行思想和社会道德教育思想中都渗透了对自由、民主、平等、公正、和平的诉求,而这也构成了列宁政治伦理思想的核心价值理念,体现了列宁和他所领导的社会主义国家致力于人的发展、自由和对幸福的追求,致力于良好社会秩序的建立,致力于无产阶级政党自身的建设和美好社会理想的实现。第三章探讨了列宁的制度伦理思想。所谓制度伦理思想即是关于制度的伦理底蕴和道义依据的基本思想。社会主义制度的建立是人类历史上开创了新纪元的制度革命,列宁在领导建设社会主义的过程中,在社会制度建设方面进行了大胆的探索,他在制度设计、运行、监督等方面都渗透了他的价值理念和道义追求。简言之,列宁始终坚持,社会主义制度必须坚持人民性的原则,因此社会主义国家社会制度的设计和运行必须以实现人的政治解放为前提、以实现社会正义为要旨、以实行政治民主为核心、以促进社会生产力的发展为目标。第四章论述了列宁关于执政党道德建设的理论与实践。列宁在执政党的道德建设上既有丰富的思想,同时也非常注重实践,在执政党的道德建设方面取得了许多经验。列宁反对个人专权,认为个人专断和专权是违背无产阶级政党道德的,是封建君主和官员的道德表现;列宁强调党的集体领导,执政党必须服从人民的意志和集体的意志,必须坚持集体领导;列宁倡导实事求是的作风,他认为,执政党必须坚持一切从实际出发,说大话、假话、浮夸是一个严重的道德缺陷;列宁还强调执政党应密切联系人民群众,应充分相信群众,与人民群众打成一片,这也是对执政党的特殊的道德要求。第五章概括了列宁社会道德建设的理论与实践。通过加强社会道德教育来推动社会主义事业的发展,也是列宁政治伦理思想的重要组成部分。列宁的政治伦理思想不是关涉社会政治精英道德操守的观念或主张,而是关于建设社会主义新的道德风尚理论和实践。列宁鲜明地提出了建设“共产主义道德”的观念,并以此作为苏联社会主义国家社会道德建设的纲领和指南。在实践上,列宁提出,提升全体社会成员和全社会道德水平的途径是开展共产主义道德教育,培育共产主义道德文化,锤炼共产主义道德品质,发扬共产主义劳动精神。第六章总结了列宁政治伦理思想的特征及当代意义。列宁政治伦理思想具有尖锐的批判性、鲜明的实践性和突出的创新性。当今,列宁关于政治伦理的思想,仍然是我们宝贵的精神财富,它对政治主体的伦理关怀、对政治制度的正义追求、对国家社会关系的和谐处理等对中国共产党执政都有着重要的理论意义和实践指导。列宁政治伦理思想是一笔丰厚的文化遗产。尽管在今天,世界局势在不断发生着变化;列宁之后,苏联社会主义国家也可谓命运多舛。但是列宁在领导社会主义革命和建设过程中所形成的思想和所领导的社会主义伟大实践是永恒的,是永远无法被历史风尘所湮没的。特别是在中国社会主义的发展过程中,列宁政治伦理思想的启示和参照意义是不容忽视的。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of theoretical principle, the main contents of political ethics are what the political community (here it refers a country) pursues:the political value ideas for the political activities, the moral principles and goal pursuing followed during the process of designing political system, and the moral construction of the ruling party and its citizenships. Lenin, as the first main leader of the first socialist state in the history, formed abundant political ethics ideas during the process of leading the Soviet people to construct socialist revolution and construction by exploring and reforming in political practical activities. These political ethics ideas reflect not only Lenin’s political intelligence, leading personalities and personal moral integrity but also the primitive model of moral pursuing of the first socialist country for its political activities. Therefore, the research of Lenin’s political ethics ideas can benefits us a lot from the aspects of understanding the profound connotation of his political ethics ideas, learning from the merits and defects of Soviet Union’s process of political value in Lenin Times, and consulting our political reform and construction of political ethics ideas with Chinese characters.Beginning with the origin of this topic, this paper first analyzes the importance of Lenin’s political ethics ideas, then it researches and remarks the significant researching findings from the present academic fields on Lenin’s political thoughts and ethics ideas, and finally it presents its own researching frame and target. This paper consists of six parts. In Part One, this paper analyzes the realist situation for formation of Lenin’s political ethics ideas. Generally speaking, the forming of Lenin’s political ethics ideas should be first based on the special reality. Russian social situation, especially what Russian Communist Party were facing caused the forming and progressing of Lenin’s political ethics ideas:the complicated social situation, stern reality, and arduous process of building Soviet socialist country. Soviet socialist country founded by Lenin is also the realization of Marx’s and Engels’political thought in the oriental society, so Marx’s and Engels’political ethics ideas not only directly guided but also functioned as an important theoretical basis for forming and progressing of Lenin’s political ethics ideas. It cannot be denied that any thinker has its gift. So does Lenin. Lenin’s special life experiences also affected his political ethics ideas.In Part Two, this paper explains the value idea of Lenin’s political ethics ideas. The value idea of political ethics ideas is the value target that political ethics ideas concern. The value idea is the core of political ethics ideas. As for this aspect, Lenin did not explain systematically and clearly, but the value idea of freedom, democracy, equality, justice and peace is embodied in his thoughts of country construction, party construction, system construction, and citizenship’s moral education, and these thoughts are also the nuclear part of value idea of Lenin’s political thoughts. These thoughts reflect what Lenin and the country he was leading devoted to:human beings development, the pursuing of freedom and happiness, the building of a society with a good order, the construction of the political party of the proletariat, and the realization of a nice society. In Part Three, this paper discusses Lenin’s system ethics ideas. System ethics ideas are the basic ideas of inside information of system ethics and moral principles. The foundation of socialist system is a milestone of system revolution in the history. When he was leading the construction of a socialist country, he made an exploration in forming social system, so his pursuing of his value idea and moral principle is reflected in the designing, operation and supervision of system ethics ideas. In brief, Lenin insisted that socialist system must stick to the principle of affinity to the people, so when designing and operation of socialist system, the political party must realize the political liberation of the proletariat and the working people, to realize the social justice, to practise political democracy, and to promote social productive forces.In Part Four, this paper discusses Lenin’s theories and practice of moral construction for the ruling party. The moral construction of the ruling party is the important content in Lenin’s political ethics ideas. Lenin not only had abundant thoughts on the moral construction of the ruling party, but also paid much attention to practice, so he gained a lot of experience. Lenin fought against personal arbitrary decision. He proposed party’s collective leadership. He pointed out that it is the reflection of the monarch and officials’moral principle in feudal society for a person to act arbitrarily and grab all the power. This is disobedient to the moral principle of the party of the proletariat. The party’s cadres are people public servants, so they must obey people’s will and the collective’s will because the power is offered by the people. Lenin insisted on the style of being practical and realistic. It is also a good moral tradition formed in Lenin’s times. Lenin pointed out that the ruling party members are different from common people, so boasting, telling lies and exaggerating is a serious moral defect. He also pointed out that, the most serious and the most fatal fault that Marxists would make is to take empty talk as facts, false appearance as essence, or common as importance. He took the idea of being practical and realistic as the communist party members and cadres’moral principle. Lenin also stressed that the ruling party should keep close contact with the masses, think for the people and work for the people. The most dangerous thing for the ruling party is that the ruling party is separated from the masses. The ruling party should believe in the masses. This is also a special moral requirement to the ruling party.In Part Five, this paper summarizes Lenin’s ideas about the theories and practice of the citizen’s moral construction. It is an important part of Lenin’s political ethics ideas to promote the socialist development by strengthening the citizens’moral education. Lenin’s political ethics ideas have little to do with the political elites’ideas on morality, whereas he focused on the theories and practice for constructing new socialist moral principles. Lenin proposed the idea of "communist morality", and used it as the guiding principle to construct the citizens’moral education in Soviet socialist country. As far as practice is concerned, Lenin pointed out that the way of promoting the moral level of citizens and the whole society is to carry out the education of communist morality, to cultivate the culture of communist morality, to form communist ethics, and develop the spirit of labour for communism.In Part Six, this paper summarizes the characteristics and the contemporary meaning of Lenin’s political ethics ideas. Incisive criticalness, distinct practicality, and outstanding innovativeness are the characteristics of Lenin’s political ethics ideas. Nowadays, Lenin’s thoughts about political ethics are still our valuable cultural and ethical wealth. Lenin’s political ethic ideas about the care for the subject of politics, the pursuing of justice to the political system, and the harmonious treatment are very important to Chinese Communist Party in terms of their theoretical and practical meaning.Lenin’s political ethics ideas are great cultural heritage. Nowadays, the world situation has been changing, and after Lenin’s times, Soviet socialist country is suffering many mishaps in its life. However, Lenin’s ideas which were formed during the process of socialist revolution and socialist construction are everlasting, and so is his socialist practice. Lenin’s ideas and socialist practice should not be denied because of some historical events. We should realize that Lenin’s political ethics ideas inspire and instruct China’s socialist construction, and this significance cannot be ignored.


