

From Negative Peace to Positive Peace

【作者】 刘邦春

【导师】 彭运石;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 西方和平心理学以人的和平心理与和平行为为研究主题,以帮助人们获得和平为核心研究目标,通过挖掘人的和平潜能,减少、阻止暴力的发生,提升人类的尊严与幸福,探索人类通往永久和平的可能,进而实现心理学和平价值的回归。本文考察西方和平心理学的发展历程,发掘西方和平心理学发展历程中的宝贵成果,不仅是西方心理学史研究的必需,对建设中国特色的和平心理学,进而促进现实中国和谐社会的建设,亦能提供有益的启迪。西方和平心理学经历了孕育、萌生、发展三个不同的阶段。本文着重考察和评价后冷时代西方几位重要和平心理学家的思想,试图以此为窗口,管窥后冷战时代西方和平心理学发展的全貌,阐释其对于中国和平心理学研究及和谐社会建设的价值。挪威和平心理学家约翰.加尔通对暴力与和平本质进行了深入研究,他提出的暴力本质论、和平本质论、四阶段和平建设模式、和平诊断模式、对话式消除恐怖主义模式,不仅扩大了和平的内涵,也为新时期和平建设提供了新思路;道格拉斯.弗瑞从人类文学化学的角度出发,极力反对一战以来广泛流传于西方社会的人类天生好战、战争源于人类本性的错误观点,提倡人类的和平潜能研究与和平社会建构论,为展望和平社会提供了光明图景;赫伯特.凯尔曼认为,人类具有创造性地、积极地和建设性地化解与管理冲突的能力,也具有促进群体和谐的能力。在为群体双方提供良好的社会条件、满足个体的需要的前提下,通过激发群体成员寻找双赢、多赢的和平化解冲突的潜能,就有可能达成和平的目标,促进群体和谐。他提出的创造性冲突化解论与交互式冲突问题解决模式,在世界多个冲突爆发的地区具有良好的应用,促进了暴力冲突地区的和平进程;梅顿的和平人格论为在和平人格特质、和平人格测量与和平人格培养方面提出了可行探讨;美国心理学家约瑟夫.德.维里拉在动态人性论的基础上,提出了关爱社区论、和平文化论、和平教育论等观点,并通过呼吁人们增强星球公民认同感、形成平等的身份、建立积极的依赖关系,顺应时代的需要;卢森堡的和平心理治疗论以促进个体和平意识转化与和平觉知成长、建立关爱的人际关系作为和平心理治疗的重要目标,其世界观、健康观、治疗关系与治疗方法等与现代心理治疗流派有着明显的不同,扩大了心理治疗的视野,推动了心理治疗理论的发展。对后冷战时代西方和平心理学研究进行合理的历史定位,在不仅是西方和平心理学研究所需,对我国和平心理学的健康发展、对于和谐社会建设也具有深远的意义。从理论角度来看,后冷战时代西方和平心理学拓展了和平的内涵,在暴力本质探讨方面更深刻,更犀利。积极和平概念将人的幸福与和平联系在一起,实现了从消极和平研究到积极和平研究的转化;和平潜能论提倡心理学从正面角度研究人类和平潜能,重视对人类和平价值观的研究,成为新世纪研究和平社会的重要理论依据;和平冲突化解论高度认同人类和平冲突化解的潜力和创造性,将冲突视为缓和群体冲突的问题解决机会,对促进群体关系,化解群体矛盾,具有极大的推动作用;和平人格论推动人格研究向着和平、健康人格的研究方向发展,丰富了人格心理学理论;和平文化论推动了心理学向着和平文化方向的发展;方和平心理治疗理论将健康心理与和平心理联系在一起,凸显了健康人格的和平价值,突破了传统心理健康的偏狭,提倡灵活、综合运用各家各派的治疗原理和治疗方法,对于心理治疗理论来说,无疑是一种丰富和发展。从现实角度来看,和平本质论促进了人们抵制体制暴力、文化暴力的觉悟意识,推动了和平运动的发展;和平社会变革论促进了社会和平变革的发展;冲突化解论促进了世界多个地区的和平冲突化解进程;和平人格论促进了个体和平转化的发展;和平文化论推动了和平文化和平社区的建设与和平文化运动的发展;和平心理治疗论推动了心理治疗的实际发展。后冷战时代和平心理学对我国和谐社会建设具有一定的启示意义。第一,我国正处于社会转型时期,社会矛盾、经济矛盾几乎到了临界点。城乡矛盾问题日益突出、社会贫富差距愈来愈大、新疆“东突”恐怖主义分裂活动日益猖獗等等诸如此类的问题都表明我国依然存在着隐性的结构暴力。加尔通的和平本质论有利于我们有意识地审视我们的社会体制中存在那些隐性的暴力制度,并借鉴他的对话式消除恐怖主义和平实现模式,从体制上消除不利于社会和谐稳定发展的消极因素,促进社会和谐发展。第二,弗瑞提出的和平社会变革理论,在一定程度上也促使我们进一步思考怎样的社会制度个人更有利于提升人类的尊严与幸福、以及如何进行和平社会变革。第三,以凯尔曼为代表的和平心理学家倡导和平冲突化解理论有利于我们探讨如何增加城市居民与农民工之间的良性接触,促进不同民族之间的对话与理解、在第三方的调解下,使群体冲突成员为着共赢的目标,寻求更稳妥的冲突解决,促进社会良好群体关系的形成。第四,和平人格理论有利于我们思考在我国现有条件下为儿童怎样的温暖、关爱的家庭、社会环境,培养儿童良好的和平人格。第五,维里拉提出的建构和平文化的主张、关于和平文化功能与和平文化评估与测量的观点,对于我国建设和谐社会需要的和平文化,提出了可供参考的范例,也促使我们进一步加深对和谐社会文化作用的认识,评估我国现有文化中的和平程度,并激励这我们对今后和谐社会文化的发展做出深刻思考。第六,和平心理治疗理论对于指导我们反思如何建构良好的、和谐人际关系,帮助人们沿着健康、和平的人格轨道发展,具有重要意义,对于我国现阶段心理治疗工作亦具有重要启示意义。存留于后冷战时代西方和平心理学自身的诸多缺陷与疑惑也引发我们的深思。第一,人性论的局限性。由于忽视了人类社会的历史实践这一重要因素,把人对和平的追求看做机体的遗传构成所固有,人的和平主动性、自我和平选择成了主导方面,人的受动性、社会与环境对人的和平塑造作用则退居次要地位。第二,和平概念的局限性。西方资本主义国家的和平概念是在肯定西方资本主义政治、经济制度的前提下发展出来的,并未看到私有制是人类实现永久和平的真正障碍,这种积极和平论依然是一种乌托邦式的和平追求而已。第三,方法论的局限性。由于和平心理学仍然烙守着科学心理学的基本原则,仍然没有脱离科学的巢臼而存在相当的局限性。和平心理学适切性与本土化的局限性。首先,政治体制存在差异、发达国家与发展中国家贫富差异正在加大、欧美军事实力过分强大、多元文化不能得到充分尊重的今天,一味通过强调对话实现永久和平,显然含有空想的色彩;第二,西方和平心理学理论产生于资本主义国家的土壤,它在不同社会体制下的应用性和适切性有待于进一步探讨,其本土化亦需要一个长期的过程。再有,和平心理学理论在实际应用经常遭遇着种种误解,实际研究也缺乏足够的经济支持。未来的和平心理学在理论发展方面必须立足于全面发展的人性论,和平本质论亦需要突破资本主义制度内自我改良式的局限。在方法论方面,未来的和平心理学需要建立整合视野的方法论。在未来实际发展中,和平心理学应该把实现消极和平与积极和平视为同等重要的历史使命;还需要考虑西方和平心理学在不同国家尤其是我国的适切性与本土化问题,积极探索符合建设和谐社会需要的和平心理学理论与实践道路。

【Abstract】 Western peace psychology takes the human beings’peace psychology and peace behavior as the research themes, and aims at helping individuals gain inner peace. It also explores the possibility of eternal peace by studying people’s peace potentials, reducing and preventing violence and promoting human dignity and happiness in order to restore the peace value of psychology. This dissertation explores the periods of western peace psychology and the fruitful results, which is a must of western peace psychology research. It also benefits both the Chinese characterized peace psychology and Chinese harmonious society building.Western peace psychology has gone through three periods during its development, which are the period of inoculation during the pre-cold war, the period of birth during the cold war, and the period of its development from post-cold war.There are several outstanding peace psychologists who hold individual and sparkling ideas in different fields of peace psychology from post-cold war age.The Norwegian peace psychologist Johan. Gultung explores the nature of violence and peace, his violence nature theory, peace nature theory, four-stage peacemaking model and eliminating terrorism by dialogue etc enlarged the innovation of peace and offer new ideas of peace building in the new age. Douglas P. Fry holds a clear idea that human being can achieve a peaceful world by cultivating human peace potential. He also criticizes the wrong idea that war comes from human nature. Herbet, C. Kelman holds the point that human beings are capable to resolve conflicts in a positive and constructive way; and human beings also have the potential to promote harmonious relations among groups. As for group conflicts, two parties are born to have the tendency of resolving conflicts in a constructive and creative way in an ideal social condition where individual need is well satisfied. Therefore, meeting individual need, encouraging group members to find win-win peaceful conflict-resolving ways will be of great importance to achieve peace aims. For many years he has been practicing his creative conflict resolution theory and integrative problem-solving theory into practice in many conflict areas and gained a high reputation. Based on Gandhi’s peace theory, Mayton formed his peace psychological ideas on peace personality trait and peace personality measurement.Joseph deRivera insists transforming the whole planet into a loving community and calling for building peace cultures based on human nature analyses. His ideas on the peace cultures of enhancing human beings’planet identification, equal status, and positive dependable relations are badly needed in the new century. His measurement model on peace culture makes it possible to evalue and compares peace cultures among different nations. It proves that it is a good and practical tool to revalue the development of peace culture in a civic country. Mashall Rosenburg takes the peace transformation, peace perception promotion, caring interpersonal relationship building as the important goals of the peace therapy. His worldview, healthy ideas, viewpoints on patient-canceller relationship, therapy methods etc. are very different from those of modern therapy classes and therefore he contributes a lot to therapy theory development.To offer a proper history position of western peace psychology from post-cold war age is not only a must to western peace psychology development but also of great importance to Chinese peace psychology healthy development and harmonious society building. From the theoretical perspective, it firstly enlarged the innovation of peace by supplying deeper and sharper ideas on peace. The positive peace concept combines human being’s happiness with peace.Therefore, it has completed the transformation from negative peace to positive peace. Secondly, peace potential theory emphasizes the direct research on human being’s peace potential, it also stresses the value of human being’s peace, and those two points are regarded as the important theories of peace building in this new century. Thirdly, peaceful conflict theory highlights the potentials and creativity of conflict resolution of human beings, it also regards conflicts as opportunities for problem solving, which will promote the friendly relationship between two parties. Fourth, peace personality theory offers opportunities to advance personality research to a peaceful, healthy personality trend, which enriches the theory development of personality research. Fifth, peace culture theory provides an opportunity to lead psychology to a peaceful way. Sixth, peace therapy theory combines healthy psychology with peace psychology and therefore it highlights the peace value of healthy personality, which breaks the narrow limitation of traditional healthy psychology. Its advocates a flexible, integrative way to use almost any kind of proper therapy method proves an enrichment and development of therapy research.Western peace psychology from post-cold war age contributes a lot to psychology practice. First, peace nature theory empowers individual to resist institutional and cultural violence, which advances the development of peace movement.Secondly, peaceful reform theory offers opportunities for peace reform development. Thirdly, conflict resolution theory provides practical ideas to peacemaking development in many conflict areas among the world. Fourth, peace personality theory is of great help to individual peace transformation. Fifth, peace culture theory helps to advance the development of peace community conflict building and peace culture movement. Sixth, peace therapy theory promotes the practice of therapy development.Western peace psychology from post-cold war age provides several enlightenments for Chinese harmonious society building. First, our country is encountering the social transformation while the social conflicts and economy conflicts puts the society into a breakthrough point. The conflicts between people in rural areas and cities, the conflicts between the rich and the poor, the terrorism in Xinjiang prove that implicit structural violence exists in our country. Gultung’s peace nature theory provides useful ideas to think over the hidden violent institutions and his model of delimiting terrorism by dialogue provides us with possible idea to prevent terrorism in our country and try to turn our country into a harmonious one. Secondly, Fry’s peaceful society reform theory benefits us to think how to better our social system by promoting people’s dignity and happiness, which is also an important part of our social reform. Thirdly, Kelman’s conflict resolution theory provides us possible ideas how to promote the positive contact between people in cities and rural areas, how to provide more opportunities for equal dialogues and gain a win-win outcome for two parties. Fourth, peace personality theory is of help for us on how to provide kids with warm, caring family and social background, which is positively correlates with peaceful personality cultivation.Fifth,Joseph deRivera’s ideas on peace culture and its functions, its measurement and evaluation provides us a possible example how to build our peace culture to meet our harmonious society building, it pushes us to think how to understand the function of harmonious culture and its evaluation as well. Sixth, peace therapy theory is useful for us to reflect how to build a more harmonious interpersonal relationship, and help people to form peaceful personalities, which also benefit the current therapy practice in our country.However, there are some theoretical limitations among western peace psychology from post-cold war age. First, its viewpoints on human nature are narrow because of lack of human being’s historical practice, which leads to a viewpoint that human being’s peace potential is a heritage from nature, and human’s subjectivity, inner peace choice play a cardinal role while the passivity, the influence from the social environment only work as a accessory. Secondly, the peace concept of peace psychology comes from western capitalism countries with a positive of capitalism political and economic system, it is a pity that the western peace psychologists don’t have a clear mind that private ownership is the real obstacle to eternal peace. Therefore, this positive peace pursuit is somewhat Utopian. Third, there are some limitations among its research methods. Western peace psychology still is based on the empirical research principles.There are some practical limitations among western peace psychology from post-cold war age as well. First, because of difference political system, difference from developed and developing countries, it seems to be a fancy that peace dialogue is overstressed if the American and European countries still keep over strong armies and multicultural ideas are not fully respected. The appropriateness, localization of western peace psychology in other countries need further research in the future as well. Secondly, peace psychology theory is still encountering misunderstandings in practice. And it is also a fact that peace psychology research lacks of enough economic support.For further development of western peace psychology, it is a must to be based on a wholly developed human nature theory, and the peace concept needs to break the limitation of a formative attitude to capitalism. As for the research methods of peace psychology, integrative and open methods are very much needed. We need to keep a clear mind that both negative peace and positive peace are historical missions of psychology. We have to put the localization of western peace psychology into consideration with the aim at exploring a proper Chinese peace psychology for our harmonious society building.


