

Discussion on the Three Theoretical Forms of Ethics

【作者】 高辉

【导师】 唐凯麟;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 伦理学历经两千多年的发展,至今已经成为一个内容庞杂、流派纷呈的理论体系。如何对伦理学体系进行内部划分,成为现代伦理学进行理论反思与学科发展的基本理论任务之一。对伦理学理论体系的内部划分,首要的层次就是对其进行形态学(类型学)的划分自20世纪下半叶以来,国内外伦理学界就伦理学的理论形态(类型)划分问题进行了持续地探讨,发表了诸多观点。这些观点之间,分歧甚多,难有定论。究其原因,主要是各种观点对理论形态概念的理解与所持划分依据存在不同程度的差异甚至矛盾。基于此,本文从理论形态概念的界定入手,对伦理学理论形态的相关理论问题进行了比较清晰的界定;并对学界关于伦理学理论形态划分的代表性观点进行了必要的述评;以此为基础提出了以理论主题的变换、理论方法的更新与理论特性的呈现这三种理论要素的有机结合为核心内涵的划分依据,将伦理学理论体系划分为规范伦理学、元伦理学以及应用伦理学三种基本理论形态。然而,此种划分依据与结论是否合理,必须通过对以上三种理论形态的深入考察才能得到证明,因此,对三种理论形态的内部考察成为本文立论的必要环节。规范伦理学,是以论证道德规范为主要内容的理论形态,其核心主题在于对道德基础的探究——即对道德规范的价值基础进行形上学的论证,其理论目的在于为道德实践提供普遍性的价值指导与行为规约。根据对“善”与“正当”这两个基本道德价值范畴在价值位阶上的区分,规范伦理学可以区分为目的论与义务论这两种价值论证方式。本文分别以亚里士多德的德性论思想和约翰·穆勒的功利主义思想作为目的论的理论代表,以康德的义务论思想作为义务论的典型,探讨了规范伦理学的论证思路与方法特质。元伦理学是以道德语言分析与逻辑论证为主要内容的理论形态,其理论主题在于对道德表达的澄清——即对规范伦理学所使用的道德概念、道德判断等进行语言分析与逻辑论证,其理论目的仅在于对道德知识(逻辑真理)的追求。道德语词分析是元伦理学的主要内容之一,本文选取“善与恶”这一对伦理学核心范畴以及“义务与权利”这一对现代道德话语中的基本范畴进行了语言分析,以展示元伦理学语言分析的理论特性。应用伦理学是以当代社会领域中的道德难题为主要研究对象的理论范式,其核心主题在于为现实难题的解决寻求道德共识,这里的道德共识特指具体领域的道德共识(有限共识),而非传统规范伦理学中的普遍道德共识。应用伦理学的理论目的在于为道德选择提供价值论证与伦理辩护。基于理论对象的综合性与复杂性,应用伦理学广泛地借鉴了现代社会科学与自然科学的研究方法,形成了以“双向反思”为主体的综合方法论体系。应用伦理学作为最新的理论形态,与传统规范伦理学和现代元伦理学之间存在着明晰的理论界限。通过对以上三种伦理学理论形态的考察,可以得出一个基本的结论:这三种理论形态在理论主题、理论方法以及理论特性等方面都存在着实质性的差异,且从规范伦理学到元伦理学再到应用伦理学的理论形态发展,基本构成了伦理学理论的历史全貌,比较完整地反映了伦理学理论的演进逻辑——伦理学理论发展与人类道德发展的历史统一。伦理学理论的演进逻辑蕴涵着深刻的理论启示,这些理论启示对于当代中国伦理学的发展亦有着重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 After more than two thousand years development, Ethics has become a complex theoretical system of offering various schools until now. How to take on internal division on ethical system, has become the basic theoretical task for the theoretical reflection and discipline development for the modern theory of ethics. The first level of internal on ethical system is the division based on the theory of morphology (typology).Since the second half of the20th century, ethics circles from the domestic to the foreign has continued to explore, and published a number of views on the division based on the theory of morphology (typology) of theories of ethics. As there are many differences between these views, it is difficult to draw a conclusion. The reason is mainly that different views have different degrees of differences or even contradictions on the understanding of the concept of theoretical formation and the basis for division. Based on starting with the definition of the concept of theory forms, this article provides a relatively clear definition on the theoretical problems of theory forms of ethics; And taking on necessary review of the representative views on the division of theoretical formation of ethics in academia. Based on it, this article put forward that on the basis of the core connotation of the organic combination of the three theoretical elements such as the transform of the theoretical topics, updating of the theoretical methods and the present of characteristics of theories, the ethical theoretical system can be divided into three basic theoretical forms like Normative ethics, Meta-ethics, as well as Applied ethics. However, to make sure that whether such a classification basis and the conclusions are reasonable, an in-depth review of three theoretical forms can be proved, therefore, the internal research of the three theoretical forms has been the necessary links for the arguments of this article.Normative ethics, is a theoretical form to justify moral norms as the main content, its central theme is researching of moral basis--that is, to take on metaphysics arguments on the value bases of moral norms and its theoretical aim is to provide universal values guide and behavior codes for moral practices. According to the distinction on the value order between these two basic moral value categories of "good" and "right", Normative ethics can be distinguished into two value argument methods as Teleology and Deontology. This article holds the discussion on the argument traits and thinking features of Normative ethics separately, setting Aristotle’s theory of Virtue thought and John mill’s thought of Utilitarianism as a representative of teleology, and Kant’s theory of duties as typical example of Deontology.Meta-ethics is a theoretical form using moral language analysis and logical argument as the main content, its theoretical topic is the clarification on the expression of moral concept--that is, to conduct the language analysis on the moral concept and logical argument on the moral judgment used by Normative ethics, with the only purpose of the pursuit of moral knowledge (logical truth). Moral language analysis is one of the key elements of Meta-ethics. This article selects the ethical core category of "good and evil", as well as the basic category in the modern moral discourse analysis of "duties and rights" to take on language analysis, therefore, to demonstrate the theoretical characteristics of the language analysis of Meta-ethics.Applied ethics is a new theory paradigm taking on moral dilemmas in the contemporary social fields as the main research object, with the core theme as to seek moral consensus for the solving of practical problems. The moral consensus here refers to ethical consensus (limited consensus) for specific areas, rather than the common moral consensus of traditional Normative ethics. The theoretical objective of Applied ethics is to provide value arguments and ethical justification for moral act choices. Based on the complexity and comprehensiveness of theory objects, Applied ethics widely drawing on modern research methods in social science and natural science, formed a "reflective equilibrium" as the main body of the comprehensive methodology system. Applied ethics, as the latest theoretical form, has a clear theoretical limit between traditional Normative ethics and modern Meta-ethics.Through investigation of the three theoretical forms of ethics above, a basic conclusion can be drawn:there exist substantive of differences between the three theoretical forms of ethics on the aspects of theme, method and characteristic, and the development on the theoretical forms from Normative ethics to Meta-ethics and then to Applied ethics, constitute basically the historical panorama of ethics theory, reflect comparatively full to the evolution logic of ethics theory-historical unity of the development of ethics theory and the development of morality. The evolution logic of ethical theory implies some profound theoretical implications, which have an important theoretical value for the development of contemporary Chinese ethics.


