

Study on Lenin’s Thought of Equality

【作者】 黄河

【导师】 周仲秋;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 列宁平等思想是对马克思主义平等思想的继承和发展,是列宁与苏维埃社会主义建设实践相结合的科学理论体系。本文回溯了列宁在俄国无产阶级革命时期和社会主义建设时期平等思想的发展历程,并对列宁平等思想进行了理论总结。本文共分三个部分:第一部分阐述了列宁平等思想的历史背景和理论渊源。列宁平等思想的诞生有其特定的历史背景:19世纪末,西方资本主义国家在科技飞跃发展的推动下,生产力得到了极大的提高,改变了西方资本主义的面貌,在科技与经济的新发展的同时,发达资本主义国家的社会政治与经济不平等问题也日益突出,这些国家的人民为了争取平等权利,掀起了以争取普选制为代表的政治运动,直接促进了西方资本主义世界工人运动的快速发展。这对当时的俄国造成了深远的影响,此时的俄国本质上还是一个半封建国家,垄断资本家们与专制政府和国外资本相勾结,对人民群众进行了残酷的剥削,这激起了人民特别是工人阶级的强烈不满。在马克思主义的指导下,俄国工人运动有了迅速地发展,为20世纪初俄国革命的爆发奠定了基础。也正是在俄国革命中,列宁平等思想开始形成与发展,它既有对西方平等思想的继承与批判,也有对马克思恩格斯平等思想的继承和发展。本文探讨了近代西方平等思想的发展历程,从近代西方平等观念的确立到巴黎公社革命的平等实践,都为列宁平等思想的形成提供了宝贵的理论财富和实践经验;马克思恩格斯平等思想不同于历史上任何一种平等理论,马克思恩格斯以唯物史观为基础,运用历史和经济分析法,通过对人类历史上一切旧的平等观的批判和扬弃,阐述了无产阶级平等观和共产主义平等理想,是第一次将平等理论置于科学基础之上的科学平等思想。马克思恩格斯将观察平等内涵的视角投射于纯粹哲学和实践哲学之上,跳出了单纯的哲学理论关怀而关注社会实践,完成了对平等内涵的三个重要提升,这是列宁平等思想的主要理论来源。第二部分是对列宁平等思想的主要内容进行阐述。在这一部分,笔者根据列宁平等思想的不同对象分别进行了研究,包括经济平等思想、政治平等思想、民族平等思想、男女平等思想、教育平等思想以及外交思想中的国际平等理念。笔者首先研究了列宁对平等问题科学内涵的具体分析,这是研究列宁平等思想的基础。十月革命是俄国历史上的一个重要转折点,同样也是列宁思想发展的一个转折。革命时期与社会主义建设时期的列宁平等思想的主要任务、推进方式等从总体上来讲是有较大区别的,因此本文在研究列宁平等思想的基本内容时考虑到了这一因素。十月革命前,列宁平等思想主要集中于对沙皇俄国政权、资本主义国家不平等问题的批判和对其不平等问题根源的科学分析,强调了平等思想的构建对于社会主义政党和无产阶级革命的重要意义;十月革命后,列宁领导俄国人民建立起人类历史上第一个社会主义国家,他所面临的是如何在社会主义国家进行平等建设的历史考验。无论是空想社会主义者还是马克思恩格斯,他们所阐述的社会主义平等思想主要是理论上的研究,客观的历史环境没给他们参与社会主义国家平等构建的实践机会,但列宁有了在一个社会主义国家构建平等的实践机会,新的历史环境是对列宁平等思想的重大挑战。列宁在苏维埃社会主义建设的实践中,既有对马克思主义平等理论的继承,又有对当时苏维埃俄国客观环境相符合的实践经验总结。在苏维埃俄国建立初期,新生的社会主义政权尚不稳固,俄国国内经济也受到战争的严重破坏,在这一时期,列宁平等思想采取的是务实的态度,并不急于在短时期内迅速地达到共产主义理论所要求达到的完全平等,而是依照客观条件选择适合的政策,为社会主义平等的构建奠定基础;在苏维埃政权相对稳定后的全面建设时期,列宁着重强调实现平等权利对于社会主义建设的重要意义,并通过有效的措施,在社会各个层面全面推进社会主义平等建设。第三部分阐述了列宁平等思想的历史地位和当代价值。在这一部分,笔者首先对列宁平等思想的历史地位进行了客观的总结,强调了列宁平等思想在列宁主义中的重要地位,肯定了列宁平等思想对马克思主义平等思想的继承和发展;其次对列宁平等思想的当代价值进行了阐述。在笔者看来,平等是社会主义最基本的价值追求,社会主义追求平等的实践在列宁之后曾遇到了重大的挫折,原苏联继承者在经济上推行平均主义,在政治上独断专制,这与其没有科学认识列宁平等思想有着直接联系。中国共产党在社会主义革命和社会主义建设中始终能够在挫折中及时地吸取经验和教训,科学地把握列宁平等思想的真髓,这是我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设取得伟大成就的根本原因之一。我国进入社会主义初级阶段以后,平等问题再次成为我们关注的重大社会问题,以列宁平等思想为指导,对于中国特色社会主义平等的构建具有非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Lenin’s thought of equality is to inherit the equality thought of Marxism, and it is also a very scientific theoretical combination of the Soviet practice in socialism building. This article traces the development process of Lenin’s equality thought in the period of Russian Assets Class Revolution and the Socialism Construction, and does a summary in theory. It contains three parts:In the first part, it illustrates the historical background and theoretical origin. Lenin’s thought of equality was born in nineteen century; in this period, the western capitalist countries’productivity has been greatly improved by the rapid development of science and technology. The main western capitalist countries has finished industrialization and entered in the stage of monopoly capitalism; this period is also the rapid period of world economic crisis, during1970s and early twentieth century, the western capitalist countries has exploded severe economic crisis for five times. The landscape of western capitalistic polity has been changed by new development of technology, science and economic. Inequalities have become increasingly prominent, in order to fight for equal rights, people in these capitalist countries have set off political movements on striving for universal suffrage, which also contributed to the rapid development of workers’movement in the western capitalist countries in the end of nineteen century; at the same time, the rough realism has also put a huge challenge to Marxism. In the late nineteen century, Russia was under the dominion of tsarist, although it has experienced the secondary industry revolution, Russia was essentially a semi-feudal country. Monopoly capitalists were in collusion with autocratic government and foreign capital; people lived in cruel exploitation, which aroused the dissatisfaction of people, especially the working-class. Under the guidance of Marxism, the worker’s movement in Russia has got great progress in the last decades in nineteen century. Lenin’s thought of equality has its own profound theoretical origin. It originates from the inheritance and criticism of western equality ideology, but also the inheritance and development of the equality ideology of Marx and Engels, this paper explores the development of modern western equality ideology, which is from the establishment of the modern western concepts of equality to the Paris Commune Revolution’s practice of equality, all these have provided a very precious theoretical wealth and practice experience to the foundation of Lenin’s equality thought. Marx and Engels’thought of equality differ from any kind of theory of equality in history, which is based on the historical materialism, using historical and economic analysis method; it elaborates the concept of proletarian equality and communist ideal of equality by criticizing and discarding all the old concepts of equality in human history. It is the first time to put this equality ideology on the basis of science, Marx and Engels’view the connotation of perspective above the pure philosophy and practical philosophy, jumping out of the simple care and concern of philosophy theory, focusing on the social practice, and accomplishing three important promotions of connotation of equality. Marx and Engels’ideology of equality is the main origin of Lenin’s.The second part of this paper is about the main content of Lenin’s thought of equality. In this part, the author divides Lenin’s ideology of equality into different objects, including Lenin’s economic equality ldeology, Lenin’s ideology of political equality, and ethnic equality ideology of Lenin, Lenin’s ideology of female equality, Lenin’s equality ideology of education, and the idea of equality in diplomatism. At the beginning of this article, the author analyzes on the scientific connotation of Lenin’s equality ideology, which is the basis of the study of Lenin’s thought of equality. The October revolution of Russian is a very important turning point in history, so as to the development of Lenin’s thought. The main task and advanced way of Lenin’ equality thought in the period of Revolution and Socialism Construction are totally different, when the author starts to research on it, all these factors are taken into account. Before the October Revolution, Lenin’s thought of equality focused on the regime of Tsarist Russian, and the criticism of inequalities in capitalist countries, and the scientific analysis of inequalities’origin, which emphasized the significant meaning of building a systematical ideology of equality for the socialist party and the proletarian revolution; after the October Revolution of Russian, what Lenin faced was to carry on the construction of equality in socialist countries. Soviet Russia is the first socialist state in the world, both the utopian socialists and Marx Engels, the ideology of socialist equality they have made that were mainly about theoretical research, the objective historical environment did not give them opportunities to participate in construction of equality in socialist country, which is a big challenge to Lenin, and it is also the greatest significance of Lenin’s thought of equality. Lenin’s practice of socialist building in Soviet was both on the inheritance of Marxism’s equality ideology and the consistent practical experience of objective environment in Soviet Russia. On the early days of Soviet Russia, the new-born socialist regime was built on the sand; and the economy in Russia had also been seriously damaged in the war, in this period, according to his thought of equality and realistic environment, Lenin chose to take pragmatic and proper measures for socialist construction, instead of achieving the complete equalities what the communism theory demands in a very short time; after Soviet’s socialist construction was established with stability, in the following period, Lenin emphasized the significant meaning of achieving equalities for socialist construction, and managed to take effective measures, tried to promote socialist construction in all aspects.The third part is about the historical position and contemporary value of Lenin’s equality ideology. In this part, the author summarizes the magnificent historical status of Lenin’s thought of equality, emphasizes the importance of equality ideology in Leninism, and certainly affirms the inheritance and development of equality ideology of Marxism. Then followed by the contemporary value of Lenm’s though of equality, in the view of the author, equality is the most basic value in pursuit for socialism, socialistic pursuit of equality practice after Lenin had suffered terrible setbacks, due to his successor didn’t understand the scientific connotation of Lenin’s ideology of equality, instead of taking the implementation of egalitarianism in economy, and pushing dogmatic tyranny in policy. The Communist Party of China assimilated experiences and lessons from Soviet’s setback timely, opened a new chapter in the Reform and Opening-up. So far it has more than thirty years; nowadays in China, the social issues of inequalities become a major problem that we focus on again, according to the guidance of Lenin’s thought of equality, it also has great effects on constructions of Chinese characteristic socialistic equality.

【关键词】 马克思主义列宁平等思想
【Key words】 MarxismLeninEquality
  • 【分类号】A821
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】619

