

Impact and Institutional Sustainability of Ngo-Type MSP in Shaanxi China with Special Reference to Bangladesh

【作者】 M. Wakilur Rahman

【导师】 罗剑朝;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究基于中国和孟加拉国非政府组织小额信贷机构的覆盖面和可持续性,评价小额信贷项目对穷人可持续性的影响,评估中孟两国的小额信贷管理存在的问题,提出小额信贷管理的模式。基于此研究目的,从中孟两国各选取3个非政府小额信贷机构样本,在中国选取的分别是陕西西乡发展协会、蒲城妇女可持续发展协会和淳化妇女发展协会,孟加拉国选择的是格莱珉银行(GB),孟加拉国农村发展委员会(BRAC)和社会发展协会(ASA).通过对陕西三个国家级贫困县非政府小额信贷机构的深入调查,选定参与小额信贷项目和未参与小额信贷项目两组样本。研究采用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法。调查结果显示,小额信贷机构能够为贫困的借贷需求者服务,特别是能够服务到生活在偏远山区的妇女。抵押小额贷款项目进一步扩大了小额信贷的基础,采取小额贷款的方式非常适合农业和小企业。分散和高效的管理水平、贷款申请和审批制度的手续复杂性较低(只有几天)、不断努力开发新产品和新服务等都为农村正规金融机构提供经验。与此同时,小额信贷客户尤其是妇女通过借贷充分展示了她们的能力,能够正常和按时还贷,信用好,为小额信贷可持续发展提供了良好的客户基础。因此,非政府小额信贷机构的年收入和其他财富指标,如资本收益率(ROE),业务自给率(OSS)和财务自给率(FSS)为正值,较好的财务指标,如较高的资本收益率、业务自给率和财务自给率表明了其财务状况较好,能够实现可持续发展。运用倍差法对小额信贷机构的绩效进行分析,结果显示小额信贷项目能够对客户产生积极的影响,每增加一个百分点的借贷,可以增加收入4.07%,增加总支出6.45%,存款3.13%.这些实证结果也进一步证实了小额信贷参与者能够显著提高其家庭资产。根据调查农户的收入结构来看,收入分布最高的四分之一的农户相对来说通过借贷能够获得更多收益,且妇女有更多的机会参与决策过程。这些研究结果表明,成功和可持续的小额信贷项目不仅能够提高农户收入水平,而且在推动农村经济发展、减少城乡差距方面发挥着重要作用。小额信贷的管理和监管方面,两个国家都是由银监会和中央银行共同管理。考虑到中国农业和中小企业的发展,中国银监会特别重视成立新的农村金融机构,如小额信贷公司(MCCs)村镇银行(VTBs)和资金互助社(LCs).同样,在孟加拉国的格莱珉银行也认为农村金融服务的监管应该相对宽松,其主要目的应该是扩大对失地农民和无法解决温饱群体的小额贷款服务。孟加拉国的非政府组织小额信贷机构是由2006年小额信贷管理法成立的小额信贷管理局监管,而中国的非政府组织小额信贷机构的合法性还有待明确。因此,本研究基于其他国家的实践经验,提出独立的非政府小额信贷机构的监管体系,为中国非政府小额信贷机构的可持续发展提供决策依据。对非政府小额信贷机构成功经验的研究,能够更全面的理解小额信贷。此外,该研究提出了一个跨国家的学习框架,包含两国间相互推广、适用、访问、培训和复制等。因此,本研究有助于丰富的小额信贷研究的内容和方法,实现机构的可持续发展,提高小额信贷项目的有效性,并形成有效的小额信贷管理方式。这种跨国的调查方法可以为小额信贷从业者和决策者进一步改进小额信贷服务提供一定的指导,为小额贷款项目的可持续发展提供理论依据。然而,研究结果的推广仍然需要进一步严谨的研究论证。最后,对两国小额信贷进一步发展所面临的一些挑战进行了分析,认为小额信贷服务依赖于具有可操作性的政府政策和宽松的发展环境。因此,建议中国和孟加拉国政府当局有必要采取一定的手段来解除发展较好的小额信贷机构发展中的现有障碍。采用其他领域相似的研究,为更好地了解和发展中国和孟加拉国的小额信贷提供一定的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The present study was conducted to examine the outreach and sustainability of Non-governmental Organization (NGO)-type Microfinance Service Providers (MSPs), evaluatewelfare impacts of microcredit program on sustainable livelihood of the poor and assessthe microfinance regulation in China with special reference to Bangladesh. With theseenthusiastic views, six MSPs were chosen for critical evaluation consisting three fromeach country. Xixiang Women Development Association (XWDA), Pucheng WomenSustainable Development Association (PWSDA) and Chunhua Women DevelopmentAssociation (CWDA) were selected from Shaanxi province of China while Grameen Bank(GB), Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC) and Association for SocialAdvancement (ASA) were selected from Bangladesh as peer of them. An in-depthinstitutional investigation was carried out among selected MSPs. Meanwhile, primary datawere collected from microcredit participants and non-participants among three state-designated poor counties of Shaanxi. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitativeapproaches based on research objectives.Findings revealed that the selected MSPs reached poor clients, particularly women livingin isolated and mountainous villages. The collateral free microcredit program that has beenadopted has further broadened the microcredit base and their adoption of small amount ofloans is highly suitable for farming and small business. The decentralized and efficientmanagement skills, lower complexity in loan application and approval system (takes onlya few days), continuous efforts to develop new products and services can serve as a lessonfor formal financial institutions. Meanwhile, microfinance clients particularly womenproven their talents for utilizing loans, maintaining regular repayment, credit disciplineand the sincerity which extended microfinance business scope in a sustainable manner.Accordingly, selected MSPs have accomplished positive trend of annual earnings andother financial performance indicators such as Return on Equity (ROE), Operational Self-sufficiency (OSS) and Financial Self-sufficiency (FSS). The greater value of ROE, OSSand FSS of the selected MSPs definitely indicate their better financial performance, whicheventually lead to achieve sustainability.Using a Difference in Difference (DID) method, results depicted positive impacts onmicrocredit program participants with respect to increased income at4.07per cent, generalexpenditures increased by6.45per cent and savings increased by3.13per cent. Findingsalso confirmed that microcredit participant household asset position increased significantly.Top income quartile participants accumulated more benefits and women received moreaccess to decision-making process. These findings suggest successful and sustainablemicrocredit intervention improves lives and plays an important role in improving ruraleconomy, possibly reducing inequality between rural and urban areas.On the issue of regulation and supervision, formal MSPs were regulated under the bankinglegislation and supervised by central banks in both countries. The regulators paid specialattention to newly established financial entities-Microcredit Companies (MCCs)Village/Township Banks (VTBs), and Lending Companies (LCs) in China consideringtheir business nature. Similarly, in Bangladesh, Grameen Bank perceived comparativelyrelaxed regulation based on its objective to extend microfinance services to the landlessand underserved population. NGO-MSPs were regulated by Microcredit RegulatoryAuthority (MRA) under microcredit regulatory act2006in Bangladesh while China’sNGO-MSPs are still pursuing their legal identity. Thus, present study proposed a separate regulatory framework for NGO-MSPs (reviewing other countries experience) which maylead to sustainable development of NGO-MSPs in China.Study portrayed some successful lessons of the studied MSPs for better understanding ofmicrofinance. Furthermore, the study presented a cross country learning framework wheresixteen points were identified that can be learned by applying various learning modulessuch as diffusion, adaptation, exposure visit, training workshop and replication. Thus,present study contributes to the literature on diverse microfinance approaches, attaininginstitutional sustainability, effectiveness of microfinance program on sustainablelivelihood and forming a distinct microfinance regulation. This kind of cross-countrystudy can help microfinance practitioners and policy makers to gain a better understandingon existing MSPs and leads to further methodological improvement and adoption ofmicrofinance program for sustainable livelihood of the poor particularly women in thestudied countries or elsewhere. However, it is suggested to avoid generalization of presentfindings, there is still require further rigorous research for generalization of such findings.At the end, the study indentified some specific challenges in both countries which shacklemicrofinance sector from further expansion. The benefit of microfinance services lies onfavorable government policy formulation and allowing MSPs reasonable freedom towardsmooth development. Therefore, it is suggested government authorities should takenecessary steps for resolving the existing barriers of the promising microfinance sector inChina and Bangladesh. Furthermore, undertaking of similar research in other areas issuggested for a better understanding of the microfinance sector in China and Bangladesh.


