

Study on Households,Behavior of Cultivated-land Protection

【作者】 石志恒

【导师】 李世平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 截止2008年底,我国人均耕地面积只有1.4亩,不足世界平均水平的40%,我国耕地保护的任务比世界其他任何国家都更为艰巨和紧迫。农户是我国耕地资源的直接使用者,也是耕地保护的直接受益者,其日常的耕地利用与保护行为直接影响到耕地保护的效果,农户与耕地之间的密切关系使得农户具有保护耕地的责任和便利条件。因此,对农户耕地保护行为及影响因素进行研究,对于激励农户耕地保护的积极性、规范农户耕地保护的行为,切实保护好我国珍贵的耕地资源,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在系统总结和归纳已有相关研究成果和理论的基础上,利用来自新疆地区11个县(市)、兵团(农)场的样本数据,以农户耕地保护行为为研究对象,采用规范与实证、定性与定量分析等研究方法,构建了我国农户耕地保护行为分析的理论框架;对农户耕地保护的认知情况及农户耕地保护行为的方式和特征进行了分析;通过建立多重线性回归模型、Logistic回归模型等方法和手段,对农户耕地保护行为影响因素进行了检验分析;在农户耕地保护行为理论分析和实证分析的基础上,借鉴国外耕地保护先进经验,构建和完善我国农户耕地保护激励约束机制,并最终提出规范我国农户耕地保护行为的对策。本文主要研究结论如下:(1)农户对自身耕地保护主体的地位和责任缺乏认同感;农户对耕地保护的认知不足,对不同耕地保护内容的认知存在较大的差异,特别是对与自身日常生产活动和经济利益关系不密切的耕地保护内容缺乏了解的动力和积极性;农户耕地保护投入行为存在方式单一、投入不足和主动性较差等特点,虽然农户对耕地改良带来的经济收益增加具有较高的期望(300元/亩),但是现实中农户耕地质量保护投入量的平均水平却只有65元/亩的水平。(2)经营规模、经营期限、农户人均收入、户主受教育程度、家庭成员健康情况等因素是普遍影响农户耕地保护行为的因素,但是这些因素对不同类型的农户耕地保护行为的影响程度和方向是不同的,经营规模对农户耕地质量保护投入具有积极的影响,但是对农户耕地外部性保护行为却具有负面影响;户主受教育水平对农户耕地外部性保护行为具有积极的作用,但是对农户耕地质量保护行为的影响却不具统计学意义。(3)经营规模和经营期限对农户耕地质量保护行为和外部性保护行为具有较强的交互作用,而且发现这种交互作用往往要强于单纯的经营规模和经营期限因素对农户耕地保护行为的影响。(4)农户耕地保护逆向行为的发生较为普遍。经营期限太短、约束不力以及从众心理等因素是农户耕地质量保护逆向行为发生的主要原因;与成本收益有关的经济因素、约束不力、从众心理是引发农户耕地数量保护和外部性保护逆向行为的主要原因,此外发现过量施用农药、施用违禁农药和不按时间限制施用农药等滥用农药的行为与病虫害发生的严重程度以及农户种植的作物种类有关,农药滥用行为比较严重的作物种类有蔬菜、瓜果、烟叶和棉花等。本文的主要创新点是:(1)构建了农户耕地保护行为的研究框架,从农户耕地质量保护行为、农户耕地数量保护行为和农户耕地外部性保护行为的角度对农户耕地保护行为进行了概念界定和方式的划分;(2)采用多重回归分析、Logistic回归分析等研究方法,实证检验了农户耕地保护行为的影响因素,发现经营规模和经营期限对农户耕地保护行为具有较强的交互作用。

【Abstract】 In the end of year2008, our country’s per capita arable land areais only0.09hectares(1.4Mu), less than the forty percent of the worldaverage level, as the consequence, there’s more difficult and urgent forour country to protect the cultivated land than the other countries.Households, as the main body to use the cultivated land directly and alsothe direct beneficiaries of cultivated land protection, their everydaybehavior of using and protecting the cultivated land influenced the resultof cultivated land protection very much, which made them tightly relatedto the cultivated land, so households have the priority and the duty toprotect the cultivated land. Therefore, it has much theoreticalsignificance and practical significance to analyze the behavior andbehavioral influencing factors of households in protecting the cultivatedland, which is very useful to motivate the enthusiasm and correct thebehavior of households to protect the cultivated land, in order to protectthe precious cultivated land of our country.After reviewing and summarizing the related researching and theory,made the households’ behavior to protect the cultivated land as theobject, this paper constructs the theoretical framework of analyzing thehouseholds’ behavior to protect the cultivated land, by using thestandard and the empirical, qualitative and quantitative analysis methodetc, based on the case from11counties of Xinjiang province. In this paper,households’ recognition, besides the mode, the feature and theinfluencing factors of households’ behavior to protect the cultivatedland will be studied, and the model of Logistic regression and multipleregression will be used. Base on the standard and the empirical study,the incentive and restraint mechanisms will be constructed, and thecountermeasure to correct the households’ behavior to protect the cultivated land will be found.The findings of the thesis are shown as follows:(1) Households lack of the knowledge of cultivated land protection,the level of their knowledge is different according to different aspectand content of the cultivated land protection. They lack of the motivationand motion to learn those knowledge that has less relationship to theireveryday production activities and economic benefit, they also lack ofthe identity of their status and responsibility for cultivated landprotection. There are some problems, such as lack of diversity in form,lack of investment, lack of motivation, about households’ behavior toprotect the cultivated land. There’s a big gap between the households’factual put-in level(65Yuan/Mu) and the households’ expected increasingearnings level(300Yuan/Mu) after rational land improvement activities.(2) There are many influencing factors of households’ behavior toprotect the cultivated land, such as scale of operation, the per capitaincome of farmers, operating period, education level of the head of thehousehold, the family members’ state of health etc, but their role aredifferent according to different kind of households’ behavior to protectthe cultivated land. Scale of operation has a positive impact onhouseholds’ behavior to protect the quality of the cultivated land, buta negative impact on households’ behavior to protect the externalitiesof the cultivated land. Education level of the head of the household hasa positive impact on households’ behavior to protect the externalitiesof the cultivated land, but it’s impact on households’ behavior toprotect the quality of the cultivated land has no meaning to the aspectof statistic.(3)There are strong interactions between the influencing factor ofScale of operation and the operation period, which always have strongerimpact to the households’ behavior to protect the cultivated land thanthose imposed by them alone.(4)It is the common phenomenal, that the households take reversebehavior in protecting the cultivated land. Operating period is too short,weak constraints, herd mentality are the mean influencing factors to thehouseholds’ taking reverse behavior in protecting the cultivated land. We also found that the problems such as excessive application ofpesticides and abuse of pesticides are always related to the seriousconditions of the pest disasters and the kinds of crops households planted,some of crops, such as vegetables, melons, fruit, tobacco and cotton arealways related to the phenomenal of excessive application of pesticidesand abuse of pesticides.This dissertation’s innovation mainly in the following,(1) thetheoretical framework of analyzing the households’ behavior to protectthe cultivated land has been constructed,Defined the concept and divisionof the households’ behavior of protect the cultivated land, from theaspect of of the quality protection of the cultivated land, quantityprotection of the cultivated land and the protection of the externalitiesof the cultivated land.(2)take an empirically testing and analysis ofthe influencing factors to the households’ behavior to protect thecultivated land, by using the methods of Logistic regression model,multiple regression model,etc.

【关键词】 农户耕地保护行为研究
【Key words】 Householdscultivated landbehavioral study

