

Characteristics of Nitrogen Supply from Manure under Solar Greenhouse

【作者】 周博

【导师】 周建斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物营养学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,日光温室蔬菜栽培已成为北方地区重要的蔬菜种植方式,但日光温室栽培下过量施肥问题突出,不但影响温室蔬菜的产量和品质,而且导致设施栽培土壤退化,引发一系列生态环境问题。盲目的大量施用有机肥,使氮素养分投入过量,是造成施肥过量的重要原因。虽然关于有机肥供肥,特别是氮素供应特性已有大量研究,但由于日光温室栽培下环境条件与大田存在差异,再加上施用有机肥的种类多,性质差异大,如何确定有机肥的氮素投入量仍是一个尚未解决的问题。客观准确地评价日光温室栽培下有机肥氮素供应特性,是解决日光温室土壤养分过剩和生态环境危害的重要内容。因此,本文以陕西关中地区日光温室栽培基地施用的主要畜禽有机肥(鸡粪、猪粪及牛粪)为研究对象,在测定不同有机肥养分含量基础上,重点采用室内培养试验、盆栽生物耗竭试验与田间小区试验相结合的方法,研究了不同种类有机肥的氮素释放及利用特性,旨在为有效评价有机肥氮素供应特性提供依据。获得主要结论包括:(1)测定了陕西杨凌地区日光温室施用的40余个畜禽有机肥不同养分的含量。结果表明:测定的鸡粪、猪粪和牛粪平均有机碳含量分别为22.80%、14.96%和21.59%,鸡粪和牛粪的有机碳含量显著高于猪粪,鸡粪与牛粪间无显著性差异。鸡粪、猪粪和牛粪的平均全氮及全磷含量分别为2.47%及1.34%,1.65%及0.85%,1.78%及0.92%;鸡粪的全氮、全磷均显著高于猪粪和牛粪,猪粪和牛粪间无显著性差异。不同畜禽有机肥可溶性有机氮(SON)、NH+4-N及NO-3-N的平均含量分别为1.07g·kg-1、0.49g·kg-1及0.83g·kg-1,占有机肥全氮的平均比例分别为5.03%、2.31%及4.05%,说明可溶性有机氮是有机肥可溶性氮的主要组分。(2)采用室内培养法研究了9个不同有机肥的碳、氮矿化特性。结果表明:不同有机肥碳、氮的矿化量和矿化率(矿化量占总有机碳或氮的比例)存在明显差异,其中碳矿化率在22.24%~87.16%之间,变异系数达90.30%;氮矿化率在29.07%~84.87%之间,变异系数达67.37%。不同种类有机肥相比,鸡粪平均的碳、氮矿化累积量及矿化率显著高于猪粪和牛粪;猪粪与牛粪平均的碳、氮矿化累积量及矿化率无显著差异。同一种类有机肥,培养期间的碳、氮矿化累积量及矿化率也存在明显差异。供试有机肥碳、氮的矿化量与其全氮含量均呈线性关系,表明有机肥氮含量是影响矿化量的主导因子。(3)采用田间原位培养试验,研究了日光温室栽培季节不同种类有机肥(鸡粪、猪粪及牛粪各2个)在土壤中的氮素矿化特性。结果表明:培养期间(180d)供试的6个不同有机肥氮矿化率差异较大,在1.06%~19.09%之间,平均7.50%;不同种类有机肥相比,鸡粪的平均氮矿化量及矿化率最高,其次为牛粪及猪粪。各培养阶段有机肥的氮矿化量与相应阶段的土壤积温间的相关性未达显著水平,但随着春季土壤温度增加,同等时间段的有机肥氮素矿化量呈增加的趋势;培养期间有机肥的氮素累积矿化量与日光温室土壤的积温呈显著的线性关系,说明土壤温度是影响有机肥氮矿化的重要因素。(4)以多年日光温室栽培土壤为供试对象,采用盆栽试验连续栽培番茄的生物耗竭法,研究了不同有机肥(4个鸡粪、2个猪粪及3个牛粪)氮素的有效性。结果表明:施用鸡粪、猪粪和牛粪分别使番茄的地上部分生物量平均提高了28.63%、7.75%和12.28%,氮素吸收量分别提高了14.06%,6.61%和7.48%。不同有机肥的氮素利用率相比,鸡粪的平均氮素利用率(41.23%)显著高于猪粪和牛粪(9.17%和10.81%)。采用有机肥处理番茄吸氮量与化学氮肥处理吸氮量的比例(定义为有机肥的氮当量,MFE-N%)比较了不同有机肥氮素的有效性,发现供试鸡粪的氮当量平均为45.62%,也显著高于猪粪和牛粪(13.29%和15.66%)。同一种类有机肥的氮素利用率及氮当量也差异较大,以供试的3个牛粪为例,其氮素利用率及氮当量的变异系数达74.59%。(5)以新建日光温室耕层土壤为研究对象,采用盆栽试验连续栽培番茄的生物耗竭法,研究了不同种类有机肥(7个鸡粪和3个牛粪)氮素的有效性。结果表明:施用鸡粪和牛粪使番茄的地上部分生物量分别平均提高了104.01%和92.15%,番茄氮素吸收量分别平均提高了76.92%和51.88%。供试鸡粪的氮素利用率平均为32.79%,显著高于牛粪(22.92%);供试鸡粪氮当量的平均值为39.75%,显著高于牛粪(27.80%)。同一种类有机肥的氮素利用率及氮当量也差异较大,供试7个鸡粪的氮素利用率的变异系数达23.59%,3种猪粪氮素利用率的变异系数达24.95%。(6)在新建日光温室采用田间小区试验,研究了施用有机肥对番茄产量和土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明:与仅施化肥处理相比,增施有机肥显著提高了番茄产量。增施有机肥,也显著增加了番茄生长期间(施入一个月后)耕层土壤硝态氮含量;增施有机肥也显著提高了耕层土壤的电导率、有机质含量和硝态氮、有效磷的累积量。一季番茄对有机肥氮素的利用率为11.94%。有机肥用量相同,氮、磷及钾化肥用量分别降低16.03%、23.10%及5.28%,对番茄产量无显著影响,土壤养分及盐分累积有所缓解。说明施用有机肥的基础上,可以适当降低化肥用量。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the greenhouse vegetable cultivation has become important vegetablecropping patterns in the northern region, but the problem of excessive fertilization in thegreenhouse cultivation, not only affect the yield and quality of greenhouse vegetables, butalso the Greenhouse soil degradation, triggering a series of ecological and environmentalproblems. Large amount of organic fertilizer caused the soil nitrogen nutrient inputs in excessand excessive fertilization problems. Although extensive researches have been done on thenitrogen supply characteristics of organic fertilizer, but there were differences in thegreenhouse cultivation and fields on environmental conditions. In addition, many kinds oforganic fertilizers have great differences. It is still an unresolved issue that how to determinethe amount of nitrogen input in organic fertilizer. Objective and accurate assessment of thecharacteristics of nitrogen supply from organic fertilizer in the greenhouse cultivation is animportant matter as to solving the sunlight greenhouse soil nutrient surplus andeco-environmental hazards.Therefore, the main kinds of manures (chicken manure, swine manure and cattle manure)are used in solar greenhouse production in Guanzhong, Shaanxi province were investigated inthis study. In order to effectively evaluate the N supplying properties of manure, based ondetermining the manure nutrient concentrations, indoor incubation experiment, integratedwith pot bio-depletion experiment and field experiment was conducted to investigate the Nmineralization and utilization properties of various kinds of manure. The main conclusionsinclude:1. Nutrient concentrations in more than forty different kinds of livestock and poultrymanures that utilized in solar greenhouses in Yangling, Shaanxi province were analysed. Theresults showed that the mean concentrations of organic carbon in chicken manure, swinemanure and cattle manure were22.80%,14.96%and21.59%, respectively the organic carboncontent of chicken manure and cattle manure were significantly higher than swine manure,and there were no significant difference between chicken manure and cattle manure. Theaverage total N and total P of chicken manure, swine manure and cattle manure were2.47%and1.34%,1.65%and0.85%,1.78%and0.92%, respectively. Total N and P of chickenmanure were significantly higher than those of swine manure and cattle manure; and there were no significant difference between swine manure and cattle manure. There were nosignificant differences in the total potassium among the three kinds of manure. The meanconcentrations of soluble organic nitrogen (SON), NH4+-N, and NO3--N in different kinds ofmanures were1.07g·kg-1,0.49g·kg-1and0.83g·kg-1respectively, accounted for5.03%,2.31%and4.05%of the total N (TN) in those manure. This indicated that SON was the largepart of the manure soluble N.2. Indoor incubation experiment was conducted to study the carbon (C) and Nmineralization characteristics of nine manure samples. The results showed that there weresignificant differences in the C and N mineralization and the mineralization rates (the ratio ofC or N mineralization to total organic C or total organic N) among the different manures. TheC mineralization rates of different manures ranged from22.24%to87.16%, with CV(coefficient of variation) of90.30%, the N mineralization rates of different manures werebetween29.07%and84.87%, with CV of67.36%. The mean amount of C and Nmineralization and mineralization rates of chicken manure were significantly higher thanthose of swine and cattle manures. there was no difference between swine and cattle manures.For the same type of manure, there were also significant differences in the C and Nmineralization and mineralization rates among the manures collected from different places.The amounts of C and N mineralization of manure were linearly related with their total Nconcentrations, indicating that the manure N concentration was a key factor in affecting the Cand N mineralization of manure.3. In-situ incubation experiment was carried out to study the N mineralizationcharacteristics of different kinds of manures (chicken, swine, and cattle manure) in the growthseason of vegetable crops in solar greenhouse. The results showed that there were significantdifferences in the N mineralization rates among the six manures during the incubation period(180days), which ranged from1.06to19.09%with average7.50%. The mineralized N andN mineralization rate of chicken manures were the highest, followed by cow manures, whileswine manures were the lowest. This might results from the higher C/N ratio of the chickenmanure. Although no significant relationship was found between the mineralized N and theaccumulated temperature of soil in each incubation period, the N mineralization tended toincrease with the rising of soil temperature in spring. The accumulated N mineralizationsignificantly linearly correlated to the soil accumulated temperature during the wholeincubation period, indicating soil temperature is a key factor in affecting manure Nmineralization.4. Old solar greenhouse topsoil was conducted for incubation and pot experiment withsuccessive cropping of tomato, which was conducted to investigate the N availability of fourchicken manure samples, two swine manure samples and three cattle manure samples through bio-depletion method. The results demonstrated that all the chicken, swine and cattle manureincreased the aboveground biomass and N uptake of tomato, with the aboveground biomassincreased by28.63%,7.75%and12.28%on average and the mean values of N uptakeincreased by14.06%,6.61%and7.48%, respectively. The average N use efficiency ofchicken manure (41.23%) was significantly higher than those of swine manure (9.17%) andcattle manure (10.81%). The ratio of N uptake in the manure treatment to that in the inorganicfertilizer treatment (being defined as N equivalent weight, MFE-N%) was used to comparethe N availability of various kinds of manure. It was observed that the average MFE-N%ofchicken manure was also significantly higher than those of swine manure (12.39%) and cattlemanure (15.66%). The same kind of manure has a big difference in N availability andMFE-N%among different samples, for example, both the coefficient of variation (CV) of theN availability and MFE-N%for the three cattle manure samples were74.59%.5. Newly-built solar greenhouse topsoil was used for incubation and pot experiment withsuccessive cropping of tomato, which was conducted to investigate the nitrogen availability ofseven chicken manure samples and three cattle manure samples through bio-depletion method.The results demonstrated that the chicken and cattle manures significantly increased thebiomass and N uptake of tomato, with the aboveground biomass increasing by104.01%and92.15%on average and the mean values of N uptake increasing by76.92%and51.88%. Theaverage N use efficiency of chicken manure was32.79%, significantly higher than that ofcattle manure (22.92%).The mean MFE-N%of chicken manure was39.75%, significantlyhigher than that of cattle manure (27.80%). The same kind of manure has a big difference inN availability and MFE-N%among different samples, for example, the CV of N useefficiency for the seven chicken manure samples was23.59%and the corresponding value forthe three swine samples was24.95%.6. Field experiment was conducted to research the effects of manure on tomato yield andsoil nutrient concentration. The results showed that manure significantly increased the tomatoyield. Manure also significantly increased the nitrate-N concentration of the topsoil during thegrowth period of tomato (one month after the application of manure). Topsoil electricalconductivity, organic matter concentration, nitrate-N content and available P contentsignificantly increased with the application of manure as well. N use efficiency of manurewas11.94%for one season of tomato. When the application rates of N, P and K chemicalfertilizer reduced16.03%,23.10%and5.28%, combining with equivalent amount of manure,the tomato yield has no significant change, but soil nutrient and salt accumulation wasmitigated. This indicated that the application of manure could reduce the input rates ofchemical fertilizer.


