

The Effect of Labor Relations Adjustment on Employment: Focusing on Wages and Working Hours

【作者】 李红涛

【导师】 党国英;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 就业乃民生之本。作为世界上人口最多的国家,中国的就业问题非常突出。相关研究表明,我国就业弹性自20世纪90年代以来持续下降,就业增长速度严重滞后于经济增长。而对于这一现象的解释,以往的研究多从技术进步、经济结构调整等方面来说明。本文认为,城镇部门的劳资关系不合理是导致就业机会不足、就业增长缓慢的重要原因。基于以上认识,本文致力于研究我国的劳资关系及其对就业增长的影响。在劳资关系的诸多内容中,工资和工时是其中最为重要的两个方面,且对就业的影响最为直接、显著,因此,本文以工资和工时为重点分别展开研究。为实现研究目标,本文主要研究了以下内容。首先,对我国劳资关系的发展历程与现状进行了回顾和总结。这一部分首先对建国以来我国劳资关系的发展历程进行了阶段划分,然后从劳动立法、工时制度与实际工时、工资增长及其影响因素等三个方面进行了详细分析。第二,本文以工资和工时为例,从理论和实证两方面探讨了劳资关系调整对就业增长的影响。具体来说,在工资对就业量的影响方面,本文讨论了经典理论对劳动力需求的分析;借助劳动需求弹性概念对该问题做了进一步研究;另外,还结合经济现实对传统理论进行了修正和完善。在理论分析的基础上,本文使用向量自回归模型对我国工资与就业量的关系进行了实证研究。在工时对就业量的影响方面,本文从理论上说明工时缩减对就业量的影响,并引入准固定成本这一关键概念对问题进行了进一步分析。除此之外,本文使用动态面板模型对我国工时变动对就业量的影响进行了实证研究。第三,本文从工时制度与实际工时、工资增长、劳动立法以及集体谈判制度等方面对西方发达国家现代化进程中劳资关系演变历程进行了分析,并与我国的劳资关系相对比得到若干启示。最后,提出了调整劳资关系,促进就业增长的对策与建议。论文的主要研究结论如下:(1)两百多年来,西方发达国家的劳资关系经历了由对抗——妥协——合作、由失衡到相对平衡的演变过程;工时方面,各国的制度工时逐渐缩短,并引起劳动者实际工作时间的大幅缩减;工资方面,工资增长与工业化进程的推进具有较强的一致性,工业化是推动工资增长的重要原因;劳动立法方面,西方发达国家经过两百多年的努力,已经建立起完备的劳资关系立法体系;集体谈判制度也从20世纪20、30年代以来逐渐形成,并成为协调劳资关系的主要途径。(2)改革开放以来,我国劳资关系在市场经济转型过程中迅速走向失衡,形成了资强劳弱关系格局,成为引发社会矛盾的重要根源;在劳动立法方面,我国已经初步建立起了较为完善的劳动立法体系;工时方面,我国的超时工作现象非常普遍,但是不同个体的实际工时有显著差异;工资方面,我国劳动者的平均工资大幅增长,但是工资形成机制的市场化水平有待进一步提高。(3)传统观点认为,替代效应和规模效应的存在使工资与就业量之间呈反向变动关系。但是本文认为,经济现实中工资与就业量的关系显然将更为复杂,当劳动力需求增长超过供给增长增速时,就业量与工资都有自发提高的冲动。另外,工资提高也会因为收入效应而导致产品需求的增长,从而增加劳动力需求并引起就业量的提高。向量自回归模型的研究结果表明,我国的平均工资与就业量之间存在长期稳定的均衡关系;虽然工资提高在短期内对就业增长产生一定的负效应,但是从长期来看,工资对就业量具有正效应且随着时间的推移效应在不断增强。(4)工作时间与就业数量是两个可以相互替代的要素,因而缩短工时将有利于释放更多的就业机会。但是由于准固定成本的存在,会在一定程度上削弱工时缩减的就业增长效应。基于动态面板模型的GMM估计结果表明,我国工作时间对就业量的影响程度很小,这一结果可能与延长劳动者工作时间的成本较低而新增雇佣人员的成本相对较高有关。(5)调整劳资关系可以对就业增长产生积极影响,但是这一思路要达到预期效果需要同时具备其他一些条件。因此,政府应当以增加企业的违法成本、降低新增就业产生的准固定成本为着力点制定一揽子措施并严格落实,才有可能实现其政策目标。

【Abstract】 Employment is the root of people’s livelihood. With the largest population in the world,the employment issue is a very important problem in China’s social economicdevelopment.Most of the relative research showed that employment flexibility is continuingdecline since1990’s. Some scholars have looked to technological advance and economicrestructuring explanations for the problem. Nevertheless, we believe the unjustifiable laborrelation in non-agricultural industry is a big cause of lack employability in China. So we aredevoted to investigating the effect of adjusting labor relation on job growth.To achieve this one goal, this dissertation mainly discusses the content of these aspects.First, we summary the development course of labor relation in China. In this part, weintroduce the different stages of China’s labor relation, and then expound the labor legislation,working-hour system and actual working hours, wage increasing and causation, and so on.Second, taking wages and working hours as the example, we discuss the effects of laborrelation adjusting on employment. Specifically, we explore labor demand in classic theory therelation about wages and employment. Then, the article analyzes the problem by introducingthe “flexibility of labor demand”. In addition, it renews and improves the traditional theorycombined with real life. On that basis, this paper applies VAR model and variancedecomposition to study the relationship between wages and employment. As for the relationbetween working hours and employment, we introduce the concept of “Quasi-fixed Cost” asthe tool to make further analysis. On the side, based on a set of panel data from2003to2009,we explore the impacts of working hours on employment. Third, we review the evolvement ofWest’s labor relation, and then analyze the working-hour system and actual working hours,wage increasing, labor legislation and mechanisms of collective consultation. Finally, we putforward some suggestions on adjustment of labor relation and promoting the process ofurbanization.The main results of this paper are included below:(1) The labor relation of the West went through a process from confrontation- compromise-confrontation and compromise, from unbalance to relative balance in the last200years. The actual working hours have gradually declined with the standard working hoursin different countries. Industrialization is one of main factors of wages increasing, and theyhave good consistency. The West has established the set of perfect legal system of labor fortwo hundred years. The mechanism of collective consultation, which began to take shapeform1920s, has already become the main pattern of labor relation adjustment.(2)The labor relation has rapidly unbalanced, which becomes the cause of socialconflicts since reform and opening on China’s transition from plan to market. China hasestablished the primary legal adjustment system of labor relationship. Work overtime is acommon phenomenon in the China. Nonetheless, there are notable differences across groupsin working hours. The wages of workers has improvement by a large margin since1978.However the wage forming mechanism needs further improvement.(3) The traditional ideas consider that employment move inversely to wages bysubstitution effect and scale effect. But, we think that relationship between wages andemployment is more complex in the real economy. Both have the impulse of initiative growthwhen the growth rate of labor demand is greater than labor supply. In addition, wageincreasing will boost the demand for products by income effect, thereby creating more labordemand. By the VAR Model, the results show that there is a steady equilibrium relationshipbetween wages and employment in the long run. In the short term, wage increasing hasnegative effect on job growth. Nevertheless, wage increasing has positive effect on job growthand the influence has continually increased as time went by.(4) As working hours and employment are production factors that can replace each other,reduce working hours is beneficial to job growth. Whereas because of the Quasi-fixed Cost,can to some extent weakened the effect of shortening hours on job growth. The result showsthat the change of working hours has less influencing degrees to employment in China byGMM of dynamic panel model. The cost of lengthening the working time is lower than maybe the cause of the increase in the number of employment.(5)The adjustment of labor relation has positive effect on employment under certaincondition. Therefore the main idea is: guarantee the workers’ rights and interests effectively,raise the cost of breaking the law; reduce the Quasi-fixed Cost of job creation. To reach thisgoal, the Chinese government should enact a series of relevant policy measure and stick withit.

【关键词】 劳资关系工资工时就业增长
【Key words】 labor relationswagesworking hoursjob growth

