

Research on Higher Vocational School-running Model Reform:from the Perspectives of Stakeholder Theory

【作者】 刘晓

【导师】 石伟平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 高等职业教育是一个国家和地区经济社会发展的基石,是其核心竞争力提升的源泉。回溯历史,高等职业教育的发展从未像今天这样受到如此广泛的关注和责难,高等职业教育的改革也从未如今天这样波澜迭起。进入新世纪以来,随着国家和社会对高等职业教育发展的不断重视,我国高等职业教育已经实现了办学规模上的跨越式发展,为全社会培养了大批急需的高技能型人才,为地方经济社会发展提供了有力的人力资源支撑。但由于近年来办学规模急剧扩张,制约高等职业教育发展的办学条件、育人模式、就业水平三大瓶颈的矛盾日益突出,高等职业教育办学中仍存在教育与产业、学校与企业、专业设置与职业岗位对接不够紧密,办学目的定位不清,学校运行机制不顺,尤其是还没有真正建立与践行工学结合的人才培养模式,这些已经成为高等职业教育办学和发展中的瓶颈问题。与此同时,目前对高等职业教育办学模式的研究缺乏清晰的概念界定与科学的分析框架,由此导致了高等职业教育办学实践的混乱。在大力发展职业教育、建立现代职业教育体系、调动行业企业积极性的新的历史起点上,针对我国高等职业教育办学的现实困境,提出高等职业教育办学模式改革的方向,促进高等职业教育办学模式的创新与变革,具有十分重要的意义。本文从利益相关者理论的视角出发,综合运用规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法开展研究,以我国高等职业教育近30年来办学模式改革的实践为分析样本,尝试在影响其办学改革的利益相关者的利益需求、交互、冲突与协调中,理解高等职业教育办学改革的本质和作用机制,并就如何在制度层面延展和深化我国高等职业教育办学改革做了进一步的思考。本文聚焦我国高等职业教育办学改革实践,关注前沿问题,尝试通过系统且独特的视角来尝试回答以下问题:首先,分析我国高等职业教育办学模式为何迫切需要改革?即为什么要改革高等职业教育办学模式?是什么力量在推动高等职业教育办学模式改革的发生、发展和蔓延?不同的利益相关者如何规划和实施改革?他们期望通过改革实现怎样的愿景?与以往改革相比,现阶段高职办学模式改革在哪些方面有所突破?又遭遇了哪些新的矛盾?其次,我国高等职业教育办学模式的改革触及谁的利益?即高等职业教育在办学模式改革过程中都存在哪些利益主体?哪些利益主体直接影响着高等职业教育的办学模式改革?第三,高等职业教育办学模式改革过程中各利益主体之间的利益需求是什么?存在的利益冲突是什么?各利益的均衡与冲突如何促进或羁绊改革的进程?第四,国际范围的高等职业教育办学模式改革给我国的高等职业教育办学改革带来了怎样的影响?在利益多元化趋势显现的中国社会,高等职业教育办学改革面临怎样的挑战?第五,行进中的中国高等职业教育办学改革何以通过制度创新实现发展和超越?基于上述分析逻辑,本研究的主要内容包括如下几个部分:绪论部分就本问的选题的背景、研究意义、研究内容与方法、研究思路以及核心概念进行了提纲挈领式的说明第一部分,即我国高等职业教育办学模式改革的历史分析与现实思考。通过客观描述和系统梳理我国高等职业教育办学的历程,总结经验与教训,探寻历史规律;从历史研究中获得历史规律,并回答我国高等职业教育办学改革都经历了哪些过程?为什么会有今天的办学模式的问题?都存在什么样的问题?应该向着哪些方向去改革等,从而分析利益相关者理论和利益相关者参与下高等职业教育办学模式改革的理论和现实空间。第二部分,即我国高职办学利益相关者的分类与利益需求分析。要研究利益相关者如何影响和制约高等职业教育办学模式改革,就必须首先明白高等职业教育办学的利益相关者到底有哪些?其影响程度的排序等?采用米切尔的分类法,从合法性、合理性、紧迫性三个方面,通过实证调查厘清影响高职院校办学模式的利益相关者都有哪些?影响的程度如何?包括高等职业教育办学利益相关者的内涵、构成及其需求分析:包括高职利益相关者的内涵界定、范围识别、成员构成等。然后分析高职办学过程中各个利益相关者之间的利益需求是什么?第三部分,即高等职业教育与利益相关者的利益冲突。在上一章实证研究的基础上,分析在高等职业教育办学模式改革过程中,各利益相关者的利益需求之间的冲突是什么?从而了解各利益相关者是如何影响和制约办学模式改革的,从而进一步明确高等职业教育办学模式改革的障碍何在。第四部分,即高等职业教育与利益相关者的利益协调。在分析各利益相关者的利益冲突,运用利益协调理论,分析各利益相关者在高职办学模式改革过程中应当担任什么样的角色,如何参与高等职业教育办学模式改革,寻求高职办学改革过程中各利益相关者的利益均衡点。第五部分,即利益相关者视角下发达国家高等职业教育办学模式改革的经验举要。他山之石,可以攻玉。本章通过选取高等职业教育比较发达的德国和英国,分析其高等职业教育办学模式的典型模式,从利益相关者的角度分析其利益相关者的构成和运行机制,并了解其改革动向,为我国高等职业教育办学模式改革寻求经验借鉴。第六部分,利益相关者参与逻辑下的我国高等职业教育办学模式的对策研究。以多元化的高等职业教育办学模式为基础,借鉴历史经验、国际经验和国内成功经验,结合存在问题,提出我国高等职业教育办学模式改革的方向,并在此基础上具体化为中长期改革的目标、步骤、主要任务、重要措施,以及促进我国高等职业教育办学模式改革的制度环境创新。第七部分,案例研究。选取某市基于利益相关者理论的“政校企”一体化高等职业教育办学模式进行剖析,以验证本文提出的思路的可行性与实际效果。最后,在全部研究的基础上得出本研究的一些初步结论、政策建议和进一步研究的建议。本研究既注重理论性和学术性,更追求理论与实践的结合。在力求对国内外市场经济条件下高等职业教育办学模式进行系统的比较研究的同时,结合我国具体情况,尝试提出适合中国社会主义市场经济发展的高等职业教育办学模式改革的建议。

【Abstract】 Higher vocational education has been regarded as the foundation to enhance social and economic development in a country or area, and the source to promote its core competition as well. Back in the history, higher vocational education has never received such wide concern and blame as today, and the reform in the field also caused wide attention. Along with the society’s increasing emphasis in the new century, our country’s higher vocational education has achieved great-leap-forward development in school size. In addition, it has trained a great number of high skilled talents in urgent needs, and provided strong human resource support for local social and economic development. But due to dramatic expansion in school size in recent years, school conditions, educational mode and employment rate have become the bottlenecks which greatly restricted the development of higher vocational education. Additionally, other restraining factors included the loose connection between education and industry, schools and enterprises, major setting and working position, unclear school orientation, unsmooth school operation system, and especially the failure to establish practice-oriented talent training mode. And meanwhile, the existing studies on school-running mode were lack of clear concept definition and scientific analysis framework, which led to chaos in the practice of higher vocational education. At the new historical starting point characterized by developing vocational education, constructing modern vocational education system, and mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises, it was of great significance to put forward the direction of higher vocational school-running mode reform, and enhance its innovation and revolution based on its current difficult situation.From the perspectives of stakeholder theory, the current study analyzed the reform practice of higher vocational school-running mode in the past30years by adopting normative analysis and empirical analysis method, and attempted to comprehend the reform’s essence and functioning mechanism via investigating the interests needs, interaction, conflict, and coordination among the stakeholders involved. By focusing on our country’s higher vocational education school reform practice, the study tried to anwer the following questions through a systematic and distinct perspective:first of all, why does school-running mode in China’s higher vocational education need urgent reform? In other words, why do we need to change the school-running mode? What motivate the occurance, development and expansion of the reform? How the different stakeholders plan and implement the reform? What do they expect through the reform? Compared to former reforms, what breakthrough will the current reform bring? Secondly, whost interests will the reform involve? In other words, what stakeholders will be involved in the reform process? What stakeholders will directly influence the reform? Thirdly, what are the interests needs of the stakeholders in the reform process? What are the conflicts among them? How their balance and conflict promote or hinder the reform? Fourthly, what effects will the worldwide school-running reform bring on China’s reform? What challenges will be confronted with? Lastly, how to achieve innovation in the reform? Based on the above logical analysis, the contents of the current study were as follows:The introduction part would make a brief statement in terms of research background, research significance, research contents and method, research design as well as main definitions.The1st part, historical analysis and present situation of China’s school-running mode reform in higher vocational education. Objectively describe the process of China’s higher vocational education, sum up experiences and lessons and explore its historical rules; Based on the historical rules obtained from historical research, try to answer the questions such as what stages China’s school-running mode reform in higher vocational education has experienced? What lead to the present problems in school-running mode? What are the problems? How can we reform?The2nd part, the classification of stakeholders and analysis of interests needs. To understand how stakeholders influence and restrict the higher vocational school-running mode reform, we have to know first what stakeholders are involved? How about their degree of influence? By adopting Mitchell’s classification method, the current will identify out the stakeholders involved in higher vocational school-running mode based on legitimacy, rationality and urgency, such as the connotation, constitution and needs analysis of stakeholders.The3rd part, the interests conflicts between higher vocational education and stakeholders. Based on the former empirical study, this part aimed to analyze the interests conflicts existing among stakeholders in the process of higher vocational school-running mode reform. Thereby, to understand how stakeholders influence and restrict the reform, and identify out where the barriers in the reform lie in.The4th part, the coordination between higher vocational education and stakeholders involved. When analyzing the interests conflicts among stakeholders, the current study analyzed what role the various stakeholders should play in the reform, how to participate in the reform, how to achieve their interests balance by fully utilizing interest coordination theory.The5th part, the experiences from advanced countries when executing higher vocational school-running mode reforms. By other’s faults,wise men correct their own. By analyzing the typical higher vocational school-running mode in Germany and Britain, this chapter would investigate the composition of their stakeholders and funtioning mechanism, and provide enlightenments for China’s practice.The6th part,countermeasure research on China’s higher vocational school-running mode from the perspectives of stakeholders. Based on a diversified vocational school-running mode and a reference to historical, international and domestic successful experiences, the current study put forward the direction for future reform, together with the specific aims, steps, main tasks and key measures on a middle-long-term reform basis.The7th part, case study. To prove its feasibility and real effects, the study would further analyze a city’s "government-school-enterprise integration" school-running mode from the perspectives of stakeholder theory.Finally, to reach elementary conclusion, policy suggestions, and recommendations for further research. This study not only paid attention to theoretical and academic aspects, but also pursued the combination of theory with practice. By taking into consideration China’s real situation, through systematic comparative study, the study attempted to put forward workable suggestions for higher vocational school-running mode reform which was suitable for China’s socialist market economy development.


