

Research on Vocational Education Social Partnership

【作者】 杨丽波

【导师】 马庆发;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国职业教育有了长足的发展,但是目前职业教育发展也面对很多问题和挑战。在这些问题中,职业教育及培训机构与政府、企业、社会的关系问题是一个比较值得关注的问题。职业教育及培训机构与政府、企业、社会的关系,直接对职业教育的发展产生影响。本研究试图从职业教育社会伙伴关系的角度,对职业教育及培训机构与政府、企业、社会的关系进行梳理研究,同时结合国外职业教育社会伙伴关系成功经验与机制进行研究,为我国职业教育的发展提供理论依据和借鉴经验。本研究首先从职业教育社会伙伴关系的基本原理研究入手,随着对职业教育社会伙伴关系的内涵、特征、角色、影响因素等问题的深入研究、对职业教育社会伙伴关系机制的深入探索、对国外职业教育社会伙伴关系经验的比较研究,不断地对我国职业教育的发展和存在的问题进行反思与思考。本研究提出以下学术观点和结论:第一,本研究首先从分析职业教育社会伙伴关系的内涵入手,进而分析其特征、价值与角色,对职业教育社会伙伴关系的类型和影响因素、建立过程进行分析,这为后续研究奠定基础。“合作共赢”是职业教育社会伙伴关系前提,政府、职业教育及培训机构、行业/企业、社会中介组织形成合力提高职业教育质量、促进企业和区域经济发展是共同发展目标。第二,本研究围绕利益机制、交往机制、政策机制等三个方面对职业教育社会伙伴关系机制进行剖析,从而归纳出以下结论:即利益是职业教育社会伙伴关系的内驱力,利益问题是一个关系到维系职业教育社会伙伴关系的生存和发展的根本性问题,利益分配与分享是影响职业教育社会伙伴关系运行和发展的关键。交往机制是职业教育社会伙伴关系共生的途径,职业教育社会伙伴关系各成员之间的交往是建立在相互需要基础上的,是一种资源互动式的交往,是一种互惠他利、相互服务的交往。政策机制是职业教育社会伙伴关系发展的推动力,它体现了职业教育社会伙伴关系利益分配和协调。第三,本研究在对国外职业教育社会伙伴关系进行研究时,选择了澳大利亚和立陶宛两国作为案例,并分别对职业教育社会伙伴关系的产生背景、类型、发展原则、角色、职业教育体系嬗变、成员等几个方面内容进行探讨。研究发现两国职业教育社会伙伴关系既有相似之处又有所区别。相似之处:两国职业教育体系都有模仿其他国家的经历;政府积极发挥自己的作用,制定相关政策、加大资金投入;行业/企业、社会中介组织都积极参与职业教育。不同之处:由于两国职业教育体系演变存在差异,职业教育社会伙伴关系的类型也存在差异;政府对职业教育拨款的方式不同,职业教育社会伙伴关系成员之间的竞争激烈程度不同;社会中介组织的职能存在细微差别。第四,本研究分析了各历史阶段“合作发展”理念在职业教育发展中的应用,剖析了我国职业教育所面临的挑战和存在的问题,剖析了我国发展职业教育社会伙伴关系所面临的困境。论文提出我国职业教育发展策略:和谐共生,互惠利他;统筹协调,共求发展;加大投入,政策扶持;服务社会,增进对话。

【Abstract】 Although the vocational education in China has made considerable development since the reform and opening policy, a number of problems and challenges still exist in the field of vocational education, among which the relationship between vocational education and training organizations, governments, corporations and the society attracts more concerns because it directly influences the development of vocational education. The dissertation attempts to analyze such a relationship from the perspective of vocational education social partnership and to offer theory evidence and practical experiences for the development of vocational education in China through a study on the mechanism of successful social partnerships of vocational education in China and abroad.The dissertation starts from the basic theories of vocational education social partnership. It reflects on and reexamines the development of Chinese vocational education and existing problems through an in-depth discussion on the connotation, features, roles and affecting factors of the vocational education social partnership, a penetrating exploration of the mechanism of vocational education social partnership, and a comparative study on foreign experiences of vocational education social partnership.In brief, the dissertation proposes the following views and conclusions:Firstly, starting from a description of the connotations of the vocational education social partnership, the dissertation identifies its features, values and roles and analyses its types, affecting factors and establishing process. This lays the foundation for follow-up studies. With "cooperation and reciprocity" as the premise for vocational education social partnership, governments, vocational education and training organizations, industries/corporations, and intermediary organizations share a common goal of promoting the corporate and regional economic development through joint efforts in improving the quality of vocational educationSecondly, based on an analysis of the interest mechanism, communication mechanism and policy mechanism of vocational education social partnership, the dissertation draws the conclusion that interest is the internal drive for the vocational education social partnership as it is essential to the operation and development of the partnership. Communication mechanism provides the platform where members in the vocational education social partnership communicate on the basis of mutual reliance. It is a communication for resources interaction, mutual benefits and mutual services. Policy mechanism is the driving force for the development of vocational education social partnership as it reflects the distribution and coordination of interests.Thirdly, the dissertation has selected Australia and The Republic of Lithuania to study foreign experiences and explored the background, types, development principles, roles, members of their vocational education social partnerships and changes in their vocational education systems. There are similarities and differences between the two countries. Both vocational education systems in two countries have experiences in imitating models of other countries. Both national governments have played an active role in framing relevant policies and increasing capital investments. Industries/corporations and social intermediary organization in both countries participate actively in vocational education. However, due to distinctive evolutions of vocational education systems in the two countries, differences can be observed in the types of vocational education social partnerships, governmental funding methods, intensity levels of competition between members and functions of social intermediary organizations.Fourthly, the dissertation analyzes the application of "cooperative development" in different historical stages throughout the development of vocational education. Through a description of challenges and problems faced by Chinese vocational education, the dissertation presents the predicament for the social partnership of vocational education in China. A development strategy for vocational education is proposed, which encourages a harmonious co-existence with mutual benefits for all parties. The development should be planned and coordinated as a whole with increased investments and governmental supports. Communications should be improved and the role of serving the society should be strengthened.

  • 【分类号】G719.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1079

