

The Effects of Reading Strategy Instructions on the Elementary School Childrens’ Reading Comprehension Ability and Metacognition

【作者】 陈纯纯

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 阅覆理解策略的使用与阅读理解之间具有高相关,所以针对学习中的阅读者,可以藉由阅读理解策略的教学,提升读者的阅读理解能力。本研究之重点在检测台北市五年级学生之阅读理解能力,是否因阅读理解策略的教学而有所改变;同时描述各策略之教学模式建立与教学历程、以及学生各项策略之使用与监控情形,学生对课程之主观看法。研究结果发现:有系统的阅读理解策略教学,不但能提生学生的阅读理解能力,对于学生的自我监控后设认知、对阅读产生兴趣与建立较佳的阅读方法,均有正面的影响。不同的文体呈现,则对学生的阅读能力也有不同的效果存在;要提升直接理解阅读能力,以故事体文章为首要,要增进学生的解释理解阅读能力,以说明文文体为要。交互教学法是最适于阅读理解策略学习的教学模式;基本阅读策略、整合性阅读策略,以及自我监控理解策略,三者的学习需视文章的呈现,适时地交替融入教学,不宜个别抽出独立学习。提前告知策略名称与学习目标、SQ3R、K-W-L教学法,对学生的后设认知具有正面的效益。对于文章深究、表演等的多元探索式教学,虽能提升学生对课堂学习的喜好,但要促进学生对于文篇的深层理解,只能依靠教师回归文本的语文教学,方能促进学生的阅读理解能力。

【Abstract】 The use of reading strategies is highly related with reading comprehension. Therefore, the reading comprehension abilities of those who are learning reading can be promoted by reading strategy instructions.The emphasis of this study is to evaluate the reading comprehension ability change of fifth grade students by teaching reading strategies; and, describe the teaching models and processes of different strategies. The monitoring on students’use and subjective view-points of different strategies is also included in this study.The research results indicate:The systematic reading strategy instructions not only promote students’reading comprehension ability, but also improve students’ interests, metacognition and reading method in positive ways. There are different effects of different literary styles; promote direct comprehension ability by stories, improve explanation ability by expositions. Interactive teaching is the best way to instruct reading strategies. According to different literary styles and moments, we alternate with basic, integrative and self-monitoring reading comprehension strategies which are not suitable for using each one independently. There are very positive effects on students’metacognition by informing strategy name, learning target, SQ3R and K-W-L teaching method in advance. Although the multi-explorative literature study and performance can increase students’preference of class, drawing back to the language teaching of the text is the only way to enhance deep-seated comprehension of reading.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1683

