

A Study on the Augmented Reality Based Industrial Training System

【作者】 冯晓伟

【导师】 张际平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 工业培训作为一种积极推动个人和企业不断向前发展的重要手段,能够帮助培训人员掌握相关技能,提高工作效率。然而传统的培训模式存在培训费用过高以及培训时间、地点不灵活等问题。近些年来,基于虚拟现实技术的培训方式逐渐走入了人们的视野,并有了一定范围的应用。虚拟培训弥补了传统培训模式的不足,但同时也存在一定的问题,例如对现实世界的渲染工作量太大、沉浸感不强、不能很好的提供在线支持等。增强现实技术通过将计算机合成的信息与真实世界融为一体,比起传统的虚拟现实技术,可以减少无谓的虚拟世界渲染,更有利于提升培训人员的参与感和真实感;移动计算技术和计算机支持的协同工作技术的出现,可以让培训人员不受时间和空间的限制,随时随地获取信息,实现泛在学习,并使在线协同支持的培训模式成为可能。综合以上三种技术,本论文提出了移动协同增强现实技术,并将其应用于工业培训领域。此外,随着便携式智能终端的发展和普及,基于这类设备的教育应用也越来越广泛,本论文结合便携式智能终端的特点,进行工业培训自助学习方式的探索。本论文从工业培训的现状出发,指出目前的培训方式在运用信息技术支持手段方面存在的不足,在情境认知等学习理论指导下,运用移动协同增强现实技术,设计了一个面向培训人员的增强现实工业培训系统(Augmented Reality Industrial Training System,简称ARITS)。重点探讨了该系统的设计、开发、实现、案例应用与评价等问题,目的是为工业培训人员创设虚实结合的培训平台,作为传统培训模式的有效补充,以利于其综合知识的学习和实践操作能力的培养。归结起来,重点有以下几方面的工作:1.在探究相关理论的基础上,进行学习环境模型和系统架构的设计2.在学习环境模型和系统架构基础上,进行系统总体设计,阐述系统体系结构和关键技术。3.基于总体设计,进行系统开发和实现。4.将系统应用于实际案例,并对案例进行分析和评价。本论文共分六章,在逻辑上分成两个部分:第一部分主要是理论、概念与技术方法的剖析:首先提出本论文研究的问题,接着对本研究涉及的相关概念、国内外研究现状、相关技术进行分析。重点探析了增强现实技术支持工业培训的相关概念,其中包括学习支持系统、增强现实技术、移动协同增强现实技术及其在工业培训领域的应用。然后在借鉴相关学习理论的基础上,结合本研究特点,进行ARITS学习环境的设计。第二部分主要是ARITS系统的总体设计、系统开发与案例应用:进行了ARITS的总体设计,具体包括ARITS的体系结构、系统组成。重点论述了系统实现的几个关键技术、开发工具的选择,并给出ARITS系统原型。结合开发的系统,设计了三个具体案例进行实现,其中涉及增强现实培训环境的搭建、协同式培训和自助式培训两种方式的实现,以及基于可穿戴计算机和便携式智能终端的实现等。接着,对应用案例的参与人员进行调查和测评,对培训过程进行记录,实现有效的反馈和评价。论文最后简要的回顾和总结了本研究的目标、意义、阐明研究的成果、创新性与不足,以及下一步的研究内容和方向。增强现实作为一种新兴技术,其在教育培训领域中的应用具有前沿性。实践表明,增强现实工业培训系统能够提升培训学员实际操作能力和知识学习能力、有效提高培训质量,系统的研究和实现为该领域未来的研究奠定了一定的理论与实践基础。

【Abstract】 Industry training, which plays an important role in the development of enterprise and talent development in the modern society, can well improve training efficiency and help the trainee to have a good command of skills. When it comes to the training for companies in the industry field, it always troubles the enterprise a lot in respect of its cost, time flexibility and training venue. As the new tech for training, virtual reality has brought the new vision for training compared to the traditional way. However, there are also several disadvantages, for instance, heavy workload for the reality realization, low immersion of the participants and unavailable on-line support.By contrast, augmented reality technology can greatly improve trainees’ participation perception by combing the computer synthetic information with the real world. What’s more, the application of augmented reality would release people from the heavy workload. Mobile computing technology, especially which is realized by the portable computer, can make the training participants share or get information whenever and wherever without the limitation of time and venue. Thus this paper carries out the application of the mobile collaborative augmented reality technology to industrial training. Besides, this paper tries to explore the way of self-assisting training via portable computer and smart phones.This research puts forward based on the status quo, aiming to point out the imperfection of the information technology application in the training of repairing and other aspects. Under the guidance of theory of situated cognition, this research develops an Augmented Reality Industrial Training System (ARITS) for the training, attaching the great importance on ARITS design, development, realization, case study with the target to provide a good training platform via modern tech, and to be a kind of complement for onsite training. The main points can be concluded as follows:1. ARITS environment design and model design, under the analysis of learning theories;2. Integrated ARITS design, presenting the framework and its core technology based on environment design;3. Realization of the system development and prototype; 4. Case Study with analysis and evaluation.This paper consists of six chapters and it can divide into two parts from the aspect of logical:The Ist Part starts a discussion from its theory. with detailed research in definition, core technology, status quo in domestic and abroad. The paper puts a lot of efforts on the technologies for realization of the training based on the Augmented Reality, including the supporting system for study, augmented reality and the application of computer supported cooperative work technology. Then, the paper goes a deeply research on the design of the ARITS learning environment.The2nd part attaches importance in ARITS design and prototype realization with description of its structure and composition. The core technologies, development and operating procedure also can be found in this part. Based on the prototype, three cases are illustrated. Besides, evaluation of the prototype, case application has been done. Tracking with the training records, we can easily observe the feedback and consequently carry out the evaluation. Last but not least, the paper makes a summary, with the discussion of the meaning of the research, its application of innovation, disadvantages, and action items in the future study.Augmented Reality, as the new tech for educational technology, is also the cutting edge in training area. The application shows that ARITS will definitely bring big change in the training, no matter in the training effects, ability improvement or skills enhancement.

【关键词】 工业培训增强现实设计应用评价
【Key words】 Industry TrainingAugmented RealityDesignApplicationEvaluation

