

Research on Far-Eastern Policy of Vichy France

【作者】 陈剑

【导师】 郑寅达;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1940年6月法国的溃败,促成了法国近现代史上第一个傀儡政权——维希法国的诞生。这一政权因其对德合作及极端保守的施政纲领而成为了法国历史中不可抹去的污点。而在远东地区,法属印度支那在二战期间也几乎沿袭了其在欧洲的道路,只不过日本取代了德国的角色,成为了后者在远东地区合作的对象。当然,我们也应看到维希法国政府内部的冲突和矛盾,导致其在面对中日之时所出现的政策分歧。这些构成了维希法国远东政策的主要内容,也是本文所要阐述的主要问题。本文主要分六章。第一章探讨的重点是战前法国的远东政策。维希法国的远东政策基本延续了第三共和国时期的方针政策,因此了解战前的法属印度支那社会和中、法、日三国之间的关系,对于更好地理解维希法国在此问题上的决策缘由有着至关重要的作用。第二章主要论述日本南进策略的形成及其对维希法国远东政策的影响。在德国战胜法国之后,日本希望抓住这一有利机会,趁机南进,扩大战果,而印度支那无疑成了日本南进路上首先必须要解决的问题。然而由于日本此时对英美尚存顾虑,因此试图以和平谈判的方式达到其目的。在中日法三方的互相角逐中,日本最终占据了主动,与维希法国签订了《西原—马尔丁协定》,迈出了南进的第一步。这一时期维希法国的远东政策从与中国的合作走向猜疑,而迫于日本的压力,其对日合作之心也渐趋显露。第三章的主轴为维希法国远东政策对太平洋战争爆发之影响。在这一时期,中日法三国的关系逐渐复杂化,中国与维希法国之间的关系由猜疑进一步向对抗转变。而维希法国之对日政策则自妥协走向全面合作,并最终与日本签订了《达尔朗—加藤协定》,使得日本驻军印度支那合法化。这一举动极大地刺激了美国,促使其对日本全面禁运,而双方谈判的决裂也最终引发了太平洋战争。第四章主要探讨太平洋战争时期维希法国对华政策。这一时期维希法国面临着新的困境。日本再次对维希法国提出新的要求,维希法国面临压力最终又一次屈服。由于废约运动而引起的法国在华利益之得失问题,使得维希法国的对华政策出现了错位。维希政府在此一时期游走于重庆与南京两政府之间,然而国民政府最终还是在维希法国正式承认汪伪政权后与之彻底决裂。第五章是对日法战时合作的一个总结,日法合作是太平洋战争时期维希法国远东政策的一个核心所在。日法在战时的合作与法德合作在各方面都极为相似。维希法国同样是在受到武力压迫之下被迫与日德合作,日德同样要求维希法国在经济方面全力支持其战争经济。尽管战后维希派极力否认法国在印度支那与日本之间的合作关系,但印度支那在太平洋战争时期对日本作战之积极影响显然已是事实。最终,维希法国也不得不为其妥协政策付出惨痛的代价。第六章为文章的结尾,主要探讨维希法国远东政策对印度支那社会的影响。口本的占领对印度支那人民造成了巨大的损害。然而也正是二战为印度支那提供了一个走向独立的机会,使印支各地区能够借助中美的支持在战时稳固发展,并在战后最终走上抗法独立的道路,从而导致了第一次印度支那战争的爆发。

【Abstract】 June1940the defeat of France led to the birth of a puppet regime in the history of France-Vichy France. For its cooperation with Germany and the extreme conservative policy agenda It could never erase these stains from French history. In the Far East, French Indochina during World War Ⅱ almost followed the same road in Europe, only that Japan had replaced the role of Germany as the object of regional cooperation of Vichy France in the Far East. Of course, we should also see the conflicts and contradictions within the government, which engendered the diffrentiations in the making of the far-eastern policy of Vichy.The main contents of this paper is to elaborate this main problem.This article is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is full of "prelude" to discuss the focus of pre-war French Far Eastern policy, the basic policy of Vichy France continues that of the Third Republic, thus knowing the pre-war society in French Indochina, and the the relationship between France, Japan and China has a crucial effect on understanding of the decision making of Vichy France in this respect.The second chapter discusses the formation of the Japanese southward advance policy and its impact on Far-eastern policy of Vichy France. After the German victory over France, Japan hoped to seize this favorable opportunity to move southward, and Indo-China has undoubtedly become the first obstacle in the southward movement of Japan. However, due to the surviving British and American concerns about Japan at this time, so try to peaceful negotiations to achieve its purpose, in the three Sino-Japanese method of mutual competition, the Japanese finally take the initiative, and signed a "Nishihara-Martin Agreement " with Vichy France Thus japan paced the first step toward the south.During this period, the Far East policy of Vichy France with China went from cooperation to suspicion, and out of Japanese pressure, the heart of its cooperation with Japan has become increasingly exposed.The spindle of chapter III is about the role of Indochina in the outbreak of Pacific War. During this period, the relationship between Japan and France became more complex, the relationship between Vichy France and China changed from suspicion to a further confrontation, meanwhile the the policy of Vichy toward japan derive from compromise to cooperate. Finally with the "Darlan-Kato Agreement", make the Japanese occupation in Indochina legalized, a move that has greatly stimulated the United States, to promote its comprehensive embargo on Japan, but also eventually break the negotiations which led to the breakout of Pacific War.The fourth chapter is about the policy of Vichy during the Pacific War toward China. During this period, Vichy faced new difficulties. Japan once again submitted the new demands to Vichy France.tha latter again yield under pressure. Movement caused by the denunciation of the French interests in China is the issue of gains and losses, making the Vichy French policy toward China appears misplaced. Vichy gouverment shaked between Chongqing and Nanjing governments, but the recognition of Wang regime by Vichy of the fact resulted a clean break with Chongqing Gouverment.The fifth chapter is a summary of wartime franco-nippon cooperation during the Pacific War, the core of the Far East policy of Vichy, franco-nippon cooperation is similar with the Franco-German cooperation in all respects, Both coorparation under military oppression with Japan and Germany. Vichy France also requires the full support of the war economy, despite Vichistes evade the French’s responsability in Indochina for his cooperative attitude toward Japan, but it’s the reality that Vichy helped a lot in the process of Pacific war for Japan, But Vichy France had to pay a painful price for his compromising policyChapter VI is the end of the article, which focused on the effect of Far East policy of Vichy toward Indo-China Society. Japan’s occupation of Indochina caused enormous damage to indochinese,but her failure also provided an independent opportunity for Indochinese.It was under the support of U.S. and China that the development of the nationalist movement growed up in time of war, and finally after the war they went onto the road of independence against France, which led to the outbreak of the First Indochina War. Vichy France’s Far East policy had undoubtedly numerous consequences in this period.

【关键词】 维希法国远东政策印度支那德古
【Key words】 Vichy FranceFar-Eastern PolicyIndochinaDecoux
  • 【分类号】K565
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】411

