

A Study on the Return of Oversea Talents and Their Social Adaptation After Flowing Back to China

【作者】 王蓉蓉

【导师】 吴瑞君;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人口学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 自容闳、黄胜、黄宽三人赴美留学至今,中国留学生史已有164年之久。百年间中国经历了翻天覆地的变化,人才国际流动也随之跌宕起伏。改革开放打开国门,中国在经历了人才大量外流的惨痛经历之后,于新世纪的今天迎来了海外人才回流潮。面对世界范围内人才国际竞争的不断炙热,我们在为海外人才回流数量不断增长感到欣喜的同时,也应清楚认识到我国仍有大量人才滞留海外未归,部分已经回国的海外人才会再次外流的严峻形势。细究这些人才回流问题会发现,其实都指向同一个问题:海外人才回流行为的整个过程,包括海外人才回流意愿、回流动因以及回流后的社会适应。因此,深入研究海外人才回流意愿、动因和回流后的社会适应过程,对我国海外人才引进政策的进一步完善具有重要现实意义,对加深理解国际人口迁移理论和社会适应理论的内涵及其在我国的本土化问题也具有重要的理论意义。本文基于翔实的侨情普查数据和丰富的访谈资料,采用定量分析与定性分析相结合、纵向和横向对比分析的研究方法,着重分析探讨了三个方面的内容:首先,系统梳理了中国近代以来人才国际流动的历史演变和人才外流、回流的现状。其次,在深入分析回流海外人才群体特征的基础上,从海外人才具有的不同身份入手,系统研究不同身份海外人才的回流愿意、回流动因以及回流海外人才分别在职业和经济成就、家庭和社会关系、文化认同三个方面的社会适应状况。最后,根据本文的研究结果讨论国际人口迁移理论和社会适应理论在解释我国海外人才回流行为时的适用性问题。通过对以上内容的分析,本文研究发现如下:(1)海外人才的回流行为受经济等宏观因素影响较大,本文基于微观数据的分析与前人对宏观数据的分析结果相互验证。在相同的宏观经济背景下,相比微观因素中的个人、迁移特征,家庭因素对海外人才回流行为的影响更为显著,其中配偶是否在国外,配偶的回流意愿以及子女的受教育状况对其回流行为影响较大。(2)身份不同对海外人才回流意愿有影响,但对回流动因影响不大,体现了身份背后的政治和社会福利内涵对海外人才形成了回流与否的“推力”和“拉力”。不同的个人、迁移和家庭因素对不同身份海外人才的回流意愿影响不一,但海外人才所从事的职业、配偶居住状况、配偶回流意愿、父母居住状况对三个群体均有显著影响,(3)出于个人事业发展考虑的投资型和工作型回流是海外人才选择回国的主要动因,不同的回流动因缘于海外人才的社会人口学特征、社会经济地位和家庭特征的差异。尽管投资型、工作型和家庭型回流是留学生回流的主要动因,但在其实际动因背后,制度因素和在国外的社会适应状况极大地影响着留学生的回流意愿和动因。(4)在国内相对强势的文化、制度和社会环境下,海外人才回流后社会适应过程中的能动性非常有限。海外人才回流后的社会适应过程具有有别于国内跨区域移民和普通跨境移民的特点,呈现出高期待值下的被动适应以及文化归属、经济适应、社会适应和心理适应交互作用的社会适应过程。(5)由于个体差异的存在,海外人才回国后主要有三种社会适应模式:在经历了长时间的调试之后最终仍无法适应国内环境,重新返回国外或意愿再次迁移;积极主动地适应并逐渐被国内环境所同化;被动地采用出国前的“老”方式重新融入国内环境,主动且有选择地重构国外的生活方式和人际交往模式。(6)从理论层面上来说,对现有相关理论在我国的适用性问题分析表明,国际人口迁移理论对我国海外人才回流行为的解释力有限;经典社会适应理论对我国海外人才回流后社会适应问题依然适用,但对社会适应过程和社会适应结果的解释力存在一定的局限。本文在以下三个方面进行了一些创新尝试:其一,从海外人才具有的不同身份入手,将研究对象具体操作化为外籍华人、华侨和留学生,从微观视角出发分析海外人才回流意愿的差异,以及影响不同身份海外人才回流意愿的因素差异。其二,在分析方法上,引入交通运输地理学的研究方法,与Arcgis地理信息系统软件的可视化地图相结合,分析回流海外人才在国内的地理空间分布与变动特征;基于海外人才数据的结构性特征,利用分层结构模型在控制国家不同对海外人才回流意愿的影响下,分析各微观因素对海外人才回流意愿的影响;借用经济社会学的弱嵌入性理论总结归纳海外人才回流后的社会适应过程及三种社会适应模式。其三,根据研究结果,探讨西方国际人口迁移和社会适应理论对海外人才回流这一本土问题的解释力度。依据海外人才回流的特点,构建海外人才回流后从文化归属、经济层面、社会层面至心理层面的返迁社会适应分析框架。

【Abstract】 Since Rong Hong, Huang Sheng and Huang Kuan firstly went to study in the U.S,164years has passed. During hundreds of years, China has undergone great changes. At the same time, the tide of international migration of talents was up and down. It opened the door to the world with Reform and Opening Up policy. Many talents went abroad to pursue more opportunities to develop themselves, which was a painful experience for China. However, in the new century, more and more talents flowed back to China. While the international competition of talents growing more intensive in the world at present, we are glad to see that more and more overseas Chinese talents flow back to China. But we must recognize clearly that quite a number of Chinese talents have been delaying in foreign as well. China may also encounter a severe situation that some talents who came back would go abroad again. After a careful research on these talents reflowing questions, we can find that the key point is the process of the talents reflowing, which focuses on the will and the intention of the reflowing and how did they to adapt to the society after returning. Therefore, It has a necessarily practical significance on the further perfection of the introduction policy of Chinese overseas talents, and an important theoretical impact on the deeply understanding of the international population migration and social adaption and localization theory that making an intensive study on the above aspects.Based on full and accurate data by general investigation and a fund of interview with Chinese overseas talents, the author adopted the research methods of analysis on quantity and quality and analysis contrasted by longitudinally and laterally, and analyzed three contents in this thesis. Firstly, the thesis sorts out of the history of international talents flow since modern times and status quo of Chinese talents drain and gain. Secondly, on the basis of thorough research on characteristics of overseas Chinese talents those who come back, the author made a comprehensive research on different identified overseas Chinese talents’reflowing will, intention and the social adaptation situation in their careers and economical achievements, families and human relations, and cultural identification. And finally, according to the conclusion of the research, the author discussed applicability of international population migration and social adaptation theory with the explanation of the reflowing of overseas Chinese talents.After the analysis above, the thesis reaches the following points:1、The economy and some other macrocosm ic factors have great impacts on the behaviors of talents flow. Thus, the author studied on the test and verification of the microcosmic statistics and the previous researchers’macrocosmic analysis results. Under the same macroeconomic circumstances, the significance of the personnel, migration features and family factors become greater than that affected by the microeconomic circumstances. Their spouse living condition, the reflowing will of their spouse and their children’educational situation will affect their behaviors greatly.2、The different identity does have some influences on the reflowing will. It has little effect on the reflowing intention. These facts reflect that whether the different political status and social welfare condition will give an impetus to the reflowing or not. Different personnel, migration and family factors have different influences on various identified overseas talents’reflowing will. However, it should be affected greatly by their career situation, living conditions and the reflowing will of their spouses, and their parents’living conditions.3、The main motivation of reflowing is the decision between the investment will and job will of personal development. Various socio-demographic features, socio-economic status and family members’characters lead to various intentions. While investment, jobs and family wills are the major ones, the will and motivation of reflowing of the overseas students are affected greatly by the social developing system and adaptation conditions abroad. 4、With the mighty influences of the domestic culture, social system and circumstances, overseas students have limited capability of initiative in the process of adaptation after reflowing. The procedure has the features different from that of internal trans-regional and cross-bordering migration. It is the process of adaptation which affected by the passive acceptance with high expectations, cultural attribution, economical, social and psychological adaptations.5、According to the individual differences, the thesis shows three adaptation modes of talents returning. At First, many overseas talents cannot adapt to the internal circumstances after long-time adjustment and they decide to return to foreign countries or do another migration. Secondly, the domestic situations assimilated many overseas talents after their active adaptation. Thirdly, some others may passively integrate into the internal conditions with their previous manners before they went abroad, and try to re-build the overseas living and communication modes actively and selectively.6、The analysis in this thesis of some relative theories shows that the theory of international population migration explained the talents reflowing limitedly. While classic social adaptation theories are applicable to the adaptation questions of overseas talents reflowing to some extent but have limited explanation of the process and results of social adaptation.The author made some new attempts in the following in three aspects in the thesis:Firstly, according to the different identities of overseas talents, the author fixed that the Chinese with foreign countries nationality, overseas Chinese and overseas students are the objects of the study. The author viewed the differences of the will and intention of the reflowing between different kinds of overseas talents in micro-perspective.Secondly, the author quoted the research method of Transport Geography with visualized maps of Arcgis, the Geographic Information System Software, to analyze the features of geographical spatial distribution and its variation of the overseas talents. On the basis of the structural characters of the statistics, the Layered Structure Model has been introduced to control and analyze the different effects of the different returning intentions and wills in micro-perspective. The author also introduced the Economic Sociology Embedding theory to summarize the social adaptation process and their three modes of the reflowing talents.Thirdly, based on the research conclusion, the author discussed the localization of the western countries population migration and the social adaptation theory application. In accordance with features of the reflowing talents, the author tried to build an analytical framework of the culture attribution, economical, social and psychological adaptation of the returning overseas talents in this thesis.

  • 【分类号】C964.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2009

