The Reform and Innovation of Local System in the Process of Modernization in China
【作者】 崔庆仙;
【导师】 汪宇明;
【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士
【摘要】 地方制度,是中国国家决策执行系统的“空间一权力”安排,也是影响国家现代化进程的关键因素。本论文围绕以下三个核心问题展开:第一,中华人民共和国建国60多年来,政府主导国家现代化进程的基本模式并未发生根本性质的改变,在这一历史进程中,地方制度发挥着怎样的作用?第二,世界各国在现代化进程中,曾应对过诸多共同的机遇和挑战,在相应的地方制度建设层面,有哪些普遍意义值得中国借鉴?第三,中国正面临着诸多经济社会问题,“路径依赖”也在一定程度上制约着中国的地方制度改革,在追赶西方国家的现代化进程中,中国地方制度建设应走向何方?本论文在研究方法上:第一,注重问题关怀的实证研究,以上海、漳州、三亚等城市-区域为案例,对地方制度建设中存在的现实问题进行分析、解释与证实;第二,遵循逻辑演绎的研究理路,在对地方制度变革与创新的研究中,既努力厘清地方制度改革的历史脉络,又充分发掘深层次的经济社会背景以及各项制度之间横向的互动机理,从而更准确把握地方制度变革的内在历史逻辑:第三,以人文地理学的相关方法为主,采用学科综合的研究视角,提高理论指导实践的效能。本论文主要有三大研究板块:一是,对西方若干国家现代化进程中地方制度变革与创新进行了积极的研究与借鉴;二是,对建立在传统农业社会基础之上的中国地方制度经验进行了系统的梳理与提炼;三是,对当代中国地方制度改革进行了实证与规范研究。本论文得出以下基本结论:第一,中国两千多年的地方制度变迁具有极强的连续性,并不断向有利于中央集权的方向演进。第二,计划经济时期,中国地方制度改革主要围绕中央集权和城乡二元制度体系建设展开;改革开放以来,中国走上了逐级下放权力的地方制度改革之路。第三,中国地方制度最为核心的问题,是国家权益地方配置的不均衡和权力下放中行政管理层级与幅度的悖论,这是城乡差距持续拉大、社会矛盾激化、地方政府信任危机、腐败现象严重等现实问题的地方制度背景。较多的行政区划层级、复杂的条块关系和庞大的公务员队伍在很大程度上是由地方制度集权的本质特征所决定的。第四,世界主要现代化大国地方制度变革表现出诸多共性,地方民主自治的精神和能力构成中国与若干现代化大国最为根本的差异。第五,立足于当前政治结构,现有体制内的地方制度改革应当主要是一个方案设计的技术问题和地方政府的作为问题;逐步推进地方民主自治,以此重塑地方制度,使地方成为维护国家稳定的基石和实现社会繁荣的强大动力,应当是未来中国现代化进程中地方制度改革的价值取向。
【Abstract】 As the division of space-power of national policy-making setup, the local system highly affects the modernization process of China. This dissertation focused on the following three questions:a) what was the role of local system in the process of modernization dominated by government since1949in which year the People’s Republic of China was founded? b) was there any universal significance in some modern countries worth learning for China because thouse countries had or have been approaching many same opportunities and challenges by reforming local government system in the process of moerdenization? c) Which direction the local system will go when China is facing many serious economic and social problems, add the influence of Path Dependence?Regarding research methodology, this dissertation adopted case study including Shanghai, Zhangzhou and Sanya city-regions. To explore the inherent logic of institutional change of local system, this dissertation argued the importance of understanding the social, ecomomic and political context within which local systems emerged in different countries, each of which reveals a distinctive approach to the problems in the process of modernization. This dissertation study local system from an integrated perspective based on the knowledge of human geography, politics and public management.This dissertation included three parts. Firstly, it researched the local systems of some modern countries, and tried to find some universal significance. Secondly, it summed up the experience of China’s ancient local system which was based on agricultural society. Thirdly, it took Shanghai, Zhangzhou and Sanya as three cases to study the local system in the process of industrialization and urbanization in modern China.This dissertation revealed that:a) Chinese local system shows great continuity for more than two thousand years since Qin Dynasty, and has been more and more beneficial to centralized state. b) The local system was reformed to realize centralization of authority and establish urban-rural dual system during the period of planned economy, and then it has been changed to cooperate with the process of delegating power and response to urbanization and marketization after the reform and opening-up. c) The core issue of local system in China is the unequal distribution of power and interests and the paradox of administrative level and range in the process of delegating power to the lower levels of government. This is the local system setting of many social and political problems such as continued expansion of income gap between the urban and rural areas, trust crisis to local government, and more and more social conflicts and corrupts. To centralize power, the central government and the higher level governments had to supervise the lower level governments by a huge complicated bureaucracy. That was why the organizational structure of local government floated, and much more civil servants and levels of local government existed in China than in the other countries. d) By comparative study, some universal laws in the process of modernization were found. The basic difference of local system between China and the other modern countries is the spirit and ability of home rule. e) Based on the current political system, the reform of local system can be largely due to technique problem about project design and local government behavior, because the central government has absolute authority. In the future, the Chinese central government needs to improve local self-autonomy system to ensure the steady development in the process of modernization.