

Ways and Influence Mechanism of Agglomeration of Producer Services on Reconstruction of Regional Space

【作者】 刘曙华

【导师】 沈玉芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 上世纪80年代以来,全球产业形态开始从以制造业为主向服务业为主转型,由此导致经济结构处于不断地更新和升级之中,全球经济形态也逐步由商品生产向服务生产转变,人类逐渐步入“服务社会”时代。在“服务社会”时代,生产性服务业在产业转型过程中对经济增长的作用十分显著,而生产性服务业集聚对区域经济的发展及其空间结构的演变产生巨大的促进作用。目前,生产性服务业的发展及其集聚已成为区域经济空间重构的重要驱动力。但在学术界,对生产性服务业本身的系统理解及其与新经济空间动力学关系的研究仍比较薄弱,两者之间的联系有待进一步探索并需要更多的补充与完善,对其作用的方式、机制和机理还有待深入探讨。特别是,在探究生产性服务业集聚与区域经济结构的关系这个领域,还缺乏一种将理论分析与实证研究紧密结合的研究方法和范式。据此,探讨生产性服务业集聚并分析其与区域经济结构的关系,不但在学术上可推动新经济地理学科的进一步发展,而且在实践中对促进区域经济发展水平的提高和区域产业竞争力的提升具有重要指导意义。根据以上思路,本论文的研究内容主要由五大部分组成。其中,第一部分(第一、二章)为绪论、概念界定、相关理论和研究进展及其述评。首先基于研究的背景和意义,提出了本论文的研究内容、研究目标、研究方法和研究的技术路线,同时构建了研究的总体框架,并对全文的创新之处及其存在不足进行了说明;然后在明确生产性服务业集聚与区域空间重构相关概念的基础上,从古典区位理论、产业区理论、竞争经济理论、空间经济理论、集聚经济理论等视角,对生产性服务业的空间集聚的相关理论进行了分析,从增长极理论、点——轴理论、核心——边缘理论、梯度推移理论和圈层结构理论等视角,对区域空间结构的相关理论进行了探讨;最后对生产性服务业集聚研究、区域空间结构研究以及两者之间的相互关系研究进行了文献综述,并分别加以述评。第二部分(第三、四章)在探讨生产性服务业集聚的基本规律、驱动因素与基本模式的基础上,重点分析了其重构区域空间的作用途径与机理。首先通过在全球、区域、城市三个层面对生产性服务业集聚的基本规律的分析,总结得出了生产性服务业集聚的七个驱动因素和五个集聚模式;然后具体分析了生产性服务业集聚对区域空间重构的四大作用途径,并从三个方面分析了其作用机理;最后从城市和区域两个层面分析了生产性服务业集聚对区域空间重构作用的表现形态。第三部分(第五章)从行业角度出发,着重就三个重要的生产性服务行业(金融业、物流业和研发业),探讨其集聚与区域空间重构的关系。首先分别分析了金融业、物流业和研发业集聚的空间表现及其动力因素;其次分析了这三大行业集聚对区域空间重构的作用机制;最后对三大行业集聚对区域空间重构作用的异同进行了对比分析。第四部分(第六、七章)主要以长三角地区为例,进行了实证研究。首先分析了长三角生产性服务业空间集聚的态势及其演化模式;其次探讨了长三角生产性服务业集聚对区域空间重构的作用途径、传导路径及其效应;最后分析和提出了推进长三角生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局的现实依据、结构形态、实现途径和战略选择。第五部分(第八章)为结论与展望。本论文的主要结论如下:1)生产性服务业的空间集聚特别是在城市的集聚对区域空间发展格局的形成具有重要影响,生产性服务业集聚通过传导路径对区域空间结构产生重构作用,由此成为区域经济发展和跃升的推动力,在此过程中遵循生产性服务业集聚——区域空间结构重构——区域经济发展的作用机理。2)不同类型生产性服务行业集聚对区域空间结构的作用存在异同,但总体上遵循服务行业集聚——服务行业集聚区——空间结构重构的作用路径。在此过程中,不同类型生产性服务行业空间集聚的差异,促使行业集聚区的表现形态和空间分布有所区别,从而形成具有不同功能和性质的产业空间结构。3)生产性服务业集聚的基本规律可从不同地域层面进行考察。具体表现为,在全球层面是有选择性的跨国迁移与集聚发展;区域层面是向中心城市的集中不断增强;城市层面则向城市核心区集聚不断强化。4)生产性服务业集聚是各类驱动因素综合作用的结果,既包括了服务生产和消费的同时性、服务生产与交易面对面的接触和交流、服务生产的非标准化、生产性服务企业组织结构的变动、制造企业的服务外置等因素,也包括了地区人力资本、政府产业发展规划与政策等驱动因子。5)生产性服务业集聚发展可形成核心区、集聚区、功能区和发展轴带等多种布局形态;而在微观层面,生产性服务业集聚有轴轮式、多核式、网状式、混合式和政府驱动式等五大模式,不同集聚模式形成的原因及其采取的集聚方式有所不同。6)生产性服务业集聚对区域空间的重构作用有直接和间接两种作用途径。具体为:重构产业空间布局、变换就业和居住空间分布、改变交通设施空间走向和变更土地空间利用类型等。其作用的机理表现为:生产性服务企业的空间博弈、集聚区的空间演进和集聚发展的区域空间响应等,由此导致两个地域层面表现形态的差异。也即,城市层面服务业集聚布局的差异化与空间经济非均衡的产生、区域层面服务城市的区域化与城市等级新体系的形成。7)不同类型生产性服务行业的空间集聚及其效应存在着一定的差异。尤其是,金融业、物流业和研发业集聚的空间表现、动力因素及其对区域空间重构的作用机制等方面存在许多相同点和不同点。所以,对生产性服务业集聚的空间效应分析不能仅仅局限于对整个产业的分析,基于整体的个案(行业)分析也十分重要。8)长三角地区生产性服务业的空间集聚十分明显,并形成了不同类型的生产性服务业集聚区或功能区。该地区生产性服务业的集聚在演化上出现了生产性服务业与制造业空间分布的交叠、生产性服务业集聚区空间功能分化和集聚城市的功能扩展等模式。而且,长三角生产性服务业集聚对区域空间重构的作用遵循了企业之间、集聚区之间和城市之间的传导路径,由此带来生产性服务业集聚的城市效应、区域效应和全球效应等三大效应。9)长三角现代制造业基地的建设需要生产性服务业集聚的有效支撑,城市群的构筑需要城市生产性服务业的合理分工相配合,区域一体化的推进需要生产性服务业的合理分布相协调。长三角生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局在空间形态发展上体现为产业业态和空间结构与布局的层级性、企业之间和集聚区之间以及集聚城市之间的网络性以及产业空间发展的一体化。长三角生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局是市场和政府共同驱动的结果,区域产业结构的调整与互动、服务业的发展及其空间优化以及城市之间的产业分工与集聚发展,只有通过市场配置资源和政府引导扶持手段才能充分实现,并以此促进产业集聚的进一步深化与细化。10)生产性服务业集聚与空间合理布局的发展战略应与其他产业有所不同。也即,既要结合自身产业特性,又要区分行业各自特性。据此,长三角生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局的具体战略选择必须加以统筹考虑,有调控引导战略、分工发展战略、融合互动发展战略、功能提升发展战略、特色专业化发展战略、集群发展战略、嵌入全球价值链发展战略和重点扶持发展战略以及相关制度安排等。在推进生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局的过程中,应根据长三角地区发展的实际情况并采用合适的发展战略与实施路径。本论文的创新之处主要在于:1)空间研究视角的确立。关于生产性服务业与区域发展的传统研究主要把着眼点放在生产性服务业与经济增长的关系上,对空间分析重视明显不够。本论文把着眼点重点放在由生产性服务业集聚所导致的区域空间结构变化上,以此确立了空间研究的新视角。2)研究尺度的动态变化和范式转换。为了能体现生产性服务业集聚对区域空间结构作用的动态变化,本论文采用了不同发展阶段生产性服务市场和生产性服务业集聚区发展的对比分析等动态研究方法,分别对不同阶段生产性服务企业的发展类型、竞争方式、市场范围及其空间效应的差异以及生产性服务业集聚区的空间演进、驱动机制及其空间功能等作了详细探讨,以此区别于以往对生产性服务业与区域经济进行研究的静态方法。而在空间维度上,从微观到宏观采用整体分析与局部分析、理论研究与案例分析紧密结合的研究范式,对全球、区域和城市三个层面以及生产性服务企业、生产性服务行业和生产性服务业三个层次,进行了分层论证和综合分析,做到统分结合,由此实现了研究范式的转换。3)在文献调查、案例剖析、理论归纳和提炼的基础上,论证和阐明了生产性服务业集聚的基本规律、驱动因素与基本模式;通过对生产性服务业集聚基本规律的详细分析,论证和阐明了生产性服务业集聚对区域空间重构的作用途径与机理;通过对长三角地区生产性服务业集聚态势、演化模式及其对区域空间重构的作用方式和传导路径的实证研究,论证和提出了推进长三角生产性服务业集聚发展与空间合理布局的实现途径和战略选择。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of the eighties of the20th century, the global industrial pattern has begun transforming from previously a manufacturing dominated structure to services dominated structure. Consequently, the global economic structure has been in a rapid and constant updating process. In coherence with this, the overall global economy has also been undertaking progressive shift from manufacturing dominated production to services dominated production. And, because of this, the human society has been gradually getting into an era of the so-called "service society". In this process, it has been believed that producer services are important to regional economic growth, especially under the stage of industrial transformation and agglomeration of producer services has exerted and will exert incremental impact on regional economy in general and its spatial structure in particular.However, in literature, although many researches indicate that rise and agglomeration of producer services has become an incentive in upgrading and reconstructing regional economy, there is still lack of enough study with theoretical and empirical analyses of their relationship between agglomeration and dynamics of the new economic geography in academic circle, particularly the ways and influence mechanism of agglomeration of producer services on reconstruction of the regional space. Thus, to probe into agglomeration process of the producer services with a space perspective and thereby its relevance to the regional spatial structure is undoubtedly useful in terms of either promoting further development of the new geographic economy literarily, or lifting up the overall level of the regional economy with industrial competitiveness practically.In order to meet with the main aim of this research and following the above discussions, this thesis concerns with five main parts:Part I, including Chapter One and Chapter Two, discusses introduction, concepts, relevant theories and literature reviews related. Firstly, based on the background and importance of this research, it puts forward the contents, aim, and methodology with technical route of the research. Secondly, on the base of related concepts, it discusses related theories of spatial agglomeration of the producer services and regional spatial reconstruction respectively, with the former including classical location theories, industrial district theory, economic competitiveness theory, spatial economic theory and agglomeration economy theory, and the latter growth pole theory, point axis theory, core-periphery theory, gradient theory and circle structure theory. Finally, it deals with literature review of agglomeration of the producer services, regional spatial reconstruction and their relationships respectively. Part II, including Chapter Three and Chapter Four, analyses mainly the basic rule, driving factors, models of agglomeration of the producer services, and the ways and influence mechanism of agglomeration of producer services on reconstruction of the regional space. Firstly, it analyses the basic rule of agglomeration of the producer services at global, regional and city levels respectively, and then sums up seven driving factors and five basic models in terms of agglomeration of the producer services. Secondly, it discusses the four ways and three aspects of the influence mechanism in this regard. Finally, it discusses their expression patterns at both the city and regional levels. Part III, comprising Chapter Five only, taking the three important producer services industries (financial, logistics and R&D industry) as samples, discusses mainly their relationships between spatial concentration and regional spatial structure respectively. Firstly, it analyses the spatial form and driving factors of agglomeration of the three industries. Secondly, it discusses the driving mechanisms respectively. Finally, it analyses their similarities and differences concerning with the impacts of agglomeration of the three industries on reconstruction of the regional space. Part IV, consisting of Chapter Six and Chapter Seven, is the empirical study. Firstly, it discusses development status and evolutionary models of spatial agglomeration of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area. Secondly, it analyses reconstructing ways, conduct path and actual effects of agglomeration of the producer services on regional space. Finally, it analyses the practice basis, spatial form, realizing routs and strategic choices of agglomeration and rational distribution of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area. The last part (Part V), containing Chapter Eight, is the overall conclusion of this thesis with summaries and discussions of its prospect.The main arguments of this thesis are:i) Agglomeration of producer services in city areas exerts huge impact on development pattern of the regional space in spatial-reconstruction and has become a driving force in growth of the regional economy following a driving path as a sequent process from agglomeration of the producer services to reconstruction of the regional space to development of the regional economy, ii) Different producer services industries lead to different spatial patterns of the regional spatial structure, which has a conduct path in terms of reconstruction of the regional space, following a driving mechanism as in sequence from services industrial concentration to services industrial congregated zone to regional spatial reconstruction. Moreover, spatial agglomeration of different producer services industries leads to difference of the spatial manifestation mode, distributional pattern and regional spatial structure. iii) The basic law of agglomeration of the producer services can be reviewed at different levels, such as selective movement internationally and convergence development at the global level, concentration in the core area of cities at the regional level and congregation in core districts of the city at the city level. iv) Agglomeration of the producer services has been attributed to several driving factors, including simultaneity of service production and consumption, face-to-face contact demands and exchange, non-standard production of service products, structural change of producer service corporations, service outsourcing of the manufacture industry, local human resources and industrial development planning of the state with relevant policies et al. ⅴ) And also, agglomeration of the producer services has different distributional forms, such as core district, congregated and function zone and development belt et al. Spatially, they have been demonstrated and concluded as axis-ring, multi-core, net, mixed and governmental driving models at the micro-level with different causes and pathways. The impact of agglomeration of the producer services on reconstruction of the regional space has direct and indirect paths, including reconstructing spatial distribution of industries, remodeling employments and habitation space, change of the trend of transportation and modifying spatial bind of utilized land et al. The influence and function mechanism is concerned with spatial conducts of producer service corporations, spatial evolution of congregated zones and regionally spatial responses of concentration, which leads to differences at two levels:discrepancy of distribution of the service congregated zone and non-equilibrium of the space economy at the city level, and regionalism of the "service city" and formation of the "ranking city system" at regional level. ⅵ) Different producer service industries have different spatial concentration patterns and consequent effects, agglomeration of the financial, logistics and R&D industries has many similarities and differences concerning with their spatial behavior, driving factors and influence and function mechanism of reconstruction of the regional space. Moreover, the analysis of spatial effects of agglomeration of producer services should not be limited to the industry as a whole, case study is necessary and important. ⅶ) Agglomeration of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area is obvious, with different types of congregated and function zones. Spatial layout of the producer services and manufactures in this area is overlapped, spatial function of congregated zones is differentiated and function of the centralized-city is expanded. The pathway of agglomeration of the producer services on reconstruction of the regional space follows conduct paths definitely, involving reaction of the producer service corporations, producer service congregated zones and cities, which leads to different effects at the city, regional and global levels. ⅴⅲ) Modern industrial base needs upholding of agglomeration of the producer services, whilst construction of city group needs rational division of labor and advancement of regional integration needs rational distribution in the area. Agglomeration and rational distribution of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area embodies a rating development mode of industries and their spatial distribution, netting character between corporations, congregated zones and cities, and spatial integration of the industries themselves.ⅰⅹ) Agglomeration development and rational distribution of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area are driven by both the market and local governments, adjusting and reciprocity of regional industrial structure, development and spatial optimization of services, industrial division of labor and concentrating development among cities are achieved by resource allocation of the market and, conduction and support of the governments. x) Strategic choices of agglomeration and rational distribution of the producer services in the area should be different from other industries, which links with industrial traits and distinguishes from each other, e.g. regulation and guidance strategy, division of labor strategy, cooperation and mutualism strategy, characteristic and specialized strategy, cluster strategy, global chain embedment strategy, key-point support strategy and relevant institutionally designed strategies et al. In this, it is necessary to choose the best suitable strategies and pathways by the actual situation of the area.The innovation of this thesis involves:i) Change and establishment of research perspective from the relationship between development of producer services and growth of the economy to a spatial angle. Whilst most of the previous researches on this without considering the spatial dimension, this thesis lays stress on agglomeration of the producer services and its influence on changes of the regional space. ii) Dynamics and change of the research methodology. Using relevant dynamic analysis methods (comparative analysis of the development of producer service market and congregated zone on different stages) in discussing dynamic changes of the regional spatial structure promoted by agglomeration of the producer services, which is entirely different from most of the previous relative studies with static approach prevailing in the past, this thesis combines micro with macro view, holistic-partial with theoretical-empirical approach at global, regional and city levels respectively and, meanwhile, deals with producer services enterprises, producer services industries and producer services themselves in a contrast mode. iii) Based on literature survey, case study, theoretical induction and abstraction, this thesis probes into the basic law, driving factors and essential models of agglomeration of the producer services. iv) Through detailed analysis of the basic law of agglomeration of the producer services, it illustrates the way and influence mechanism of agglomeration of the producer services on reconstruction of the regional space. And v) By case study of the overall trend, evolutionary model of agglomeration of the producer services and its influence way and conduct path on reconstruction of the regional space, it puts forward implementation routs and related strategic choices in order to promoting further agglomeration and rational distribution of the producer services in the Yangtze Delta Area.


