

The Study of the Development of Modern Chinese University Foundation

【作者】 刘军

【导师】 杜成宪;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 中国近代大学预科制度确立于1902年,废止于1922年,大学预科实践的时间虽较制度为长,前后相加亦不过多出十余年的光景,在中国教育近代化过程中可视为昙花一现。然而作为沟通中学与大学的中介,大学预科直接关系到中学教育与大学教育的各自发展与相互沟通,实为影响中国近代学制建设的重要因素。本文主要考察了近代大学预科制度与实践的沿革,希望能对近代中学、大学教育史研究的深入有所帮助,为当今中学、大学的衔接提供一定的历史借鉴。1902年亟待复办的京师大学堂缺乏应入中学毕业生源,直接催生了中国近代大学预科制度。近代大学预科制度是以日本为师建立起来的,除京师大学堂设大学预备科外,各省于省会设立的大学预备科称为“高等学堂”,从学校名称到学科分类、课程设置,都与日本“高等学校”如出一辙。执政者如此形式主义地将日本经过几十年摸索而形成的高等学校制度全盘照搬,看似决心极大,但实际上却流于纸上谈兵,在中学教育刚刚起步,尚未成为大学生源基地的阶段,清末高等学堂仅起到了暂替中学堂的作用。民国建立之初,清末高等学堂种种名实不符的弊端已充分显现出来,但鉴于中学教育尚不能与大学教育直接沟通,故民初学制对大学预科制度的调整是,废除清末设于各省的高等学堂,大学预科须附设于大学,不得独立。大学预科附设大学的制度调整明确了大学预科的学段归属,使得大学预科逐渐摆脱了清末等同中学堂的境地,大学预科的主要任务亦由中学补习转变为高等专门教育之预备。但因中学教育的薄弱,民初大学预科的发展仍是有限的。近代大学预科是因中学毕业生源不足而直接催生的,至20世纪20年代前后,伴随着基础教育的发展,大学生源较之清末已有了一定的保障,如仍坚持设立大学预科,必在时间、经费等诸多方面造成不必要的浪费,成为拖慢高等教育发展的包袱,再加上学界在新学制的模仿对象上弃日选美,美制并无大学预科设置,故1922年的“新学制”废除大学预科,中学施行“六三三制”,规定由高级中学承担大学预科的功能。制度的确立并未在实践中即时生效,因大学的强势与中学的积弱,大学固守预科的情形屡见不鲜,直至1930年,在教育部反复重申废止大学预科令后,大学预科的废止才得到彻底执行。近代大学预科产生、演变、废止的全程在北京大学预科得到了清晰地、完整地展现,作为中国近代大学预科教育的领头羊,北京大学预科一直以附设于大学的形式,借助了北京大学优质的教育资源,切实承担了为北京大学本科输送合格、优质生源的使命。从历史渊源角度看,近代大学预科源于欧洲,确切地说,始于中世纪大学的文学院。自12世纪至18、19世纪,依据中世纪大学四学院模式建成的大学均将文学院作为医、法、神三个高级学院的预备教育机构。自18、19世纪始,伴随着大学日益专业化的发展趋势,文学院作为大学预科的效能也逐渐消减,原由文学院承担的预备教育逐渐交由独立于大学之外的中等教育机构负责。旨在为接受高等教育做准备的文法学校经由英国传至美国,先于大学产生,在大学产生后,自动成为大学的预备学校。至19世纪中叶,已历经几个世纪的发展,大学预科功能亦已由中学承担的西方三级学校系统传入中国,20世纪初,中国仿照西方三级学制骤然建立起一个从学前教育到研究院教育,从普通教育到实业技术教育的十分完整的教育体系,却难以落于实处,近代大学预科的出现即是为解决因三级学校教育处于同一起跑线,彼此间无法衔接而产生的生源不足问题,原本为无奈之下的权宜之计,但从近代大学预科的发展全程看,它确实起到了暂时连结上下学段的作用,在一定程度保证了大学的发展,但于学制中独立设置大学预科的做法,一方面有延长修业年限之弊,另一方面与中学、大学直接沟通的教育发展趋向相背,故从其产生之日起便面临着被废除的结局。今日之中国,存在从侨务政策、民族政策角度考虑而开设的,不彰于学制的大学预科,中学以升学为主要职能的倾向亦未更改,近代大学预科的历史经验值得关注。

【Abstract】 The Chinese modern University Foundation was established in]902,repealed in1922. University Foundation exists in practice more than ten years longer than the system time, in the Chinese modern education process can be regarded as short-lived. As the intermediary of communication between secondary schools and university, the University Foundation is directly related to secondary education and university education of their own development and communicate with each other, is an important factor to affect the construction of modern Chinese educational system. This paper mainly studies the evolution of the modern University Foundation system and practice, and hope to help on the deepening of the convergence of secondary schools and university provide some historical reference.In1902, Imperial University urgent need to re-commissioning, but lack of secondary school graduates can ascend to the source, which directly gave birth to the modern Chinese University Foundation. The modern University Foundation system is based on Japan as a template, Imperial University set up University Foundation, University Foundation established by the provincial capitals, called "High School" from the name of the school to discipline classification, curriculum, are exactly the same with Japan’s "High School". System of "High School" in Japan after decades of exploration, to completely copy can only be limited empty talk. In the fledgling stage of secondary education, has not become the source base stage of university students, the "High School" only played the role temporarily for school.The early years of the Republic, the drawbacks of the "High School" has been fully revealed, but in view of the secondary education still can’t communicate directly with university education, the early Republican educational system provides for the repeal of the "High School" in the provinces, the University Foundation to be attached to the university, not be independent. Adjust the University Foundation system has clear the stage of education, making the University Foundation turning away from the position equivalent to the middle school in the late Qing Dynasty, the main task of the University Foundation also increased from middle school tutorial into higher specialized education to prepare. Secondary education is weak, the development of the University Foundation is limited.Modern University Foundation is due to the lack of sources of secondary school graduates. Before or after the1920s, along with the development of basic education, students source compared to the late Qing Dynasty has a certain degree of protection. Still insisted on the establishment of University Foundation, will cause unnecessary waste of time, funding and other aspects, become a burden to slow down the development of higher education, In1922, the new academic structure for the abolition of the University Foundation, secondary school to implement "6:3:3" system, the provisions of matriculation functions borne by the senior high school. Establishment of the system is not in practice with immediate effect, due to the strong and weak secondary of the university, the university stick to the matriculation situation not uncommon until1930, reiterated the Ministry of Education abolished the matriculation order, the abolition of University Foundation to be completely implementation.Peking University Foundation is complete to show the generation of the modern university Foundation. As the leader of modern University Foundation education in China, Peking University Foundation matriculation in the form attached to the university, with Peking University’s high quality educational resources to effectively fulfill the mission of Peking University undergraduate qualified, high-quality students.A historical perspective, the modern University Foundation from Europe, rather, College of Liberal Arts began in the medieval universities. Since the12th century to the18th and19th centuries, College Of Liberal Arts as medicine, law, God, three senior college preparatory educational institutions. Since the beginning of the18th and19th centuries, along with the increasing specialization of the development trend in the university, College of Liberal Arts has worn off as the effectiveness of pre-university, originally assumed by the College of Liberal Arts preparatory education gradually handed over to independent secondary education agencies.Grammar schools spread to the United States via Britain, the first university in the university is to produce automatically become a university preparatory school. To the mid-19th century, after centuries of Western three school system was introduced to China, pre-university functions bome by the secondary school. Early20th century, a very complete education system from pre-school to postgraduate education from general education to the Industrial Technical education,it is hard to fall in the real office. The emergence of the University Foundation due to grade school education at the same starting line, unable to converge with each other arising from the lack of students originally desperation expedient. It does play a temporary link to and from school the role to ensure that the development of the university, but set University Foundation, on the one hand, to extend the length of schooling, on the other hand, contrary to the development trend of direct communication between the secondary and university education, it is faced with the ending was abolished from the date from. Now, there is University Foundation due to the policy on affairs concerning national, the tendency of secondary school studies for the main functions had not been changed, the historical experience of the University Foundation is worth learning.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】625

