

An Investigation of the History of the Golden Key Integrated Education Practice for the Visually Impaired Children(1987-2010)

【作者】 吕雯慧

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以1987年到2010年间金钥匙视障教育研究中心与地方教育行政部门合作开展的金钥匙视障儿童随班就读实践为研究对象,综合运用文献研究法、访谈法和参与式观察等多种研究方法,探讨了中国金钥匙视障儿童随班就读实践的发展历程,剖析了其所面临的时代问题及其对策,揭示了非政府组织与政府组织合作推进视障儿童随班就读的内在发展逻辑与影响因素,反映了当代中国特殊教育发展中的一个生动侧面。论文的主体分为四章。第一章以金钥匙视障教育研究中心的交接仪式为切入口,采用白描的手法介绍了金钥匙视障教育研究中心的工作环境和日常的工作情况,展现了金钥匙视障教育研究中心交接仪式的现场,凸显了社会各界对金钥匙视障教育研究中心和徐白仑先生的评价,为下文的写作奠定了基础。第二章从纵向的角度,介绍了金钥匙视障儿童随班就读的试点阶段和大面积实验阶段的历史背景、发展过程和实践特色。第三章以中国随班就读发展面临的时代核心问题为重点,详细论证了金钥匙视障儿童随班就读实践中的独特解决办法,为当代随班就读的发展提供可资借鉴的经验。第一节以20世纪80年代末到90年代中期,随班就读作为中国一种新的特殊儿童教育安置形式所面临的必要性、可行性、试点经验推广等三个时代问题为核心展开了论述,总结了金钥匙视障儿童随班就读试点实验阶段的历史经验。第二节以20世纪90年代中期以来中国随班就读可持续发展中面临的质量保障、特殊教育体系完善、观念认识提升等三个时代问题为核心展开论述,总结了金钥匙视障儿童随班就读大面积实验阶段的实践经验。第四章分析了金钥匙视障儿童随班就读运作的外部组织群落和内部组织系统;提炼了影响金钥匙视障儿童随班就读区域推进的五个主要因素——认识、资金、政策制订及行政执行力、专业程序及工具、舆论;彰显了金钥匙视障教育研究中心在金钥匙视障儿童随班就读中的作用和推进视障儿童随班就读发展所具有的历史意义。

【Abstract】 The objective of this study is the practice for children with visual impairment who learn in the regular classrooms from a joint project started from1987to2010between Golden Key Research Centre for Visually Impaired Children and local education department. Multiple research methods, such as, literature review, interview, and participated observation are involved in this study to explore the developmental history of the Golden Key integrated education practice for visually impaired children, to deeply analyze the contemporary problems the Golden Key Education Centre faces and the strategies they take to solve the problems, to reveal the inherent logical relationship and affecting factors of regional integrated education for visually impaired children which are promoted by both government and non-government organizations. Therefore, this study reflects a vivid aspect of the development of special education in the modern China.There are four chapters in this thesis.In Chapter1, the handover ceremony of Golden Key Education Research Centre for Visually Impaired Children is introduced as an entry point, and then the working environment and daily work of the centre are described by using a straightforward writing way. The describing of the handover ceremony emphasizes the evaluation from the social communities of the Golden Key Research Center and of Mr. Xu bailun who creates the centre, meanwhile it makes a background introduction for the following parts in the thesis.In Chapter2, historical background, developmental progress and practical features of the pilot stage and the large experimental stage of the Golden Key integrated education for visually impaired children are introduced by using longitudinal method.In Chapter3, taking as the focus the core problems faced at the time by Chinese integrated education provides both a detailed demonstration of the unique solution approaches of Golden Key integrated education and a reference of experience for current integrated education development. The first section focuses on three problems and discusses the necessity, feasibility, and promotion of pilot experience of integrated education faced by Chinese integration development from the late1980s to the mid1990s, and sums up the experience in practice of the pilot experimental stage of Golden Key. The second section discusses three core issues currently faced, ie quality guarantee, development of special education systems, awareness promotion by the development of integrated education in China from the mid1990’s to the current day, and sums up the practice experience of the large experimental stage of the Golden Key integrated education for visually impaired children.In Chapter4,this thesis analyzes both the external and internal organization systems of Golden Key, refines five main factors effecting the regional promotion of the Golden Key integrated education for visually impaired children which are awareness, funds, policy making and administrative implementation, professional program and tools, and public opinion, shows the role of Golden Key Research Center of Education for visually impaired children and the historical effect of promoting the development of integrated education for these children.

  • 【分类号】G761
  • 【下载频次】812

