

The Research on the Construction of Education Pubilc Service System

【作者】 何鹏程

【导师】 蒋云根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文以教育公共服务和教育公共服务体系构建为研究对象,运用教育学、公共管理学、政治学、经济学、系统学及社会学等社会科学理论,在理论研究的基础上,明晰了教育公共服务的概念,并以上海为例,研究分析了教育公共服务体系构建的理论和实践模式。教育公共服务已成为现代政府公共服务最基本内容之一。而目前公共管理和公共教育研究领域对教育公共服务尚未能形成比较准确或比较完整的定义和系统的界定。本文首先梳理了教育公共服务产生的历史脉络,深入分析了与之相关的教育公共产品、公共教育、基本教育公共服务等基本概念。以此为基础,界定教育公共服务为“由政府主导,惠及社会公众与满足社会教育共同利益需求的公益性服务,教育公共服务产品由政府部门提供,但其生产可由政府部门、公共组织、非政府组织、非营利组织乃至私营部门完成”。同时根据教育公共服务理论源自公共管理与公共教育理论这一特点,对福利国家理论、公共选择理论、治理理论、新公共服务理论在其发展过程中产生的具体影响作了分析介绍。教育公共服务体系是现代政府公共服务体系的最重要组成部分,而目前对于教育公共服务体系内涵特征及相关内容的认识界定也是一个没有公认结论的命题。本文在界定教育公共服务概念的基础上,运用系统理论和公共管理、公共服务理论及公共经济学相关理论,初步明确教育公共服务体系的内涵属性、范围及指标,并对教育公共服务体系的决策、供给、监管、绩效评价等构成要素进行了剖析。教育公共服务已成为当今世界各国政府最为重视的公共服务领域。从公共教育的实践来看,纵观世界各国特别是发达国家公共教育的发展历程,教育公共服务是教育公平的基础,也是政府的基本责任,教育公共服务水平是衡量一个国家、一个地区和一个城市社会经济发展水平重要的指标之一。本文对国外主要发达国家和国际大都市在教育公共服务领域改革发展的趋势进行了分析,总结了其改革发展的经验和启示。在理论研究的基础上,本文分析了上海教育公共服务体系构建的现状和存在的问题。总体来看,改革开放以来上海公共教育水平不断提高,目前上海教育公共服务水平处于全国前列,在许多方面已经达到或接近一些中等发达国家水平,一些指标也达到国际同类城市水平。表现在具有较强的政府服务意识,较高的财政保障水平,较为完善的教育公共设施等。在公共服务体制机制上,上海在国内也具有一定优势。2011年,上海市人均GDP约1.2万美元,达到中等富裕国家的水平,按照目前的经济增长速度,预计2020年人均GDP将达3万美元,接近目前英国等最发达国家水平。但参照目前发达国家和城市的教育公共服务标准,上海教育公共服务在许多方面存在明显差距,一些与教育公共服务相关的核心指标明显落后。高水平的教育公共服务体系是城市现代化的关键标志,未来上海教育公共服务体系中各级各类教育公共服务水平比目前应有所提高。以此为目标,本文最后结合上海实际,对上海构建公平、普惠、完备、高效的教育公共服务体系提出了相应的改革思路和政策建议。

【Abstract】 This article takes the construction of education public service system as its study object. Education, public administration, politics, economics, organizational and sociological theories are used in this article. Based on the theoretical study, it analyzes the concept of education public service. Taking Shanghai as an example, it analyzes the theoretical and practical modes of the construction of education public service system.Education public service has become one of basic public services of modern governments. However, in the fields of public management and public education research areas, there lacks a completely precise definition of public service. The article firstly studies the history of education public service, and analyzed related concepts of education public products, public education, basic education public service. And it states education public service can be explained as a beneficial service which is led by the government, satisfies the public and meets the common interests of social education. Governments supply education public service products, while governments, public organizations, non-government departments, non-profit organizations and even private sectors will accomplish the production process. Meanwhile, based on the character which education public service theory stems from public management and public education theories, the article introduces the specific influences of the welfare state theory, public choice theory, governance theory, new public service theory in the process of its development.Education public service system is the one of the most important components of modern government public service system. However, there also lacks recognized conclusion of the characteristics and related contents about education public service systems. Based on the concept of education public service system, the article tries to use system-theory, public management theory, public service theory and related public economy theory to definite the connotation, range and index and analyze elements of decision-making, supply, regulation, and performance evaluation.Public service areas Education public has attracted more attention in the field of public service. From the point of the practice and development history of public education, especially the public education of developed countries, education public service is the foundation for education equality, a basic responsibility of governments and one of the important indexes to show social and economic development level of a region. The article analyzes the trends of reform and development in education public service field of developed countries and international metropolises, and summaries the experiences of them.Based on the theoretical research, the article also analyzed the current situation of the construction of Shanghai education public service system. Since the reform and opening up, the public education level of Shanghai improves sustainably and many aspects have achieved and approached the level of moderately developed countries, with some indexes reaching the level of equivalent cities in the world. Overall, the education public service level of Shanghai is at the top in China. It has a strong sense of government service, high level of financial security and perfect education public facilities. The mechanism of Shanghai education public service system also has certain advantages in China. In2011, Shanghai’s GDP per capita is about$12,000, which achieves the level of moderately wealthy countries. According to the current rate of economic growth, it is expected that GDP per capita will be close to$30,000dollars in2020, which will reach the level of British and other developed countries. However, the education public service needs further improvement in many aspects, for some core indexes related to education public services still fall behind, according to the standards of education public service in developed areas.The high level of education and public service system is a key indicator of urban modernization. Shanghai’s education public service system of education should be improved in the future. To complete this goal, combined the current development situations of Shanghai, the article has put forward reform methods and policy suggestions to construct Shanghai education public service system which is fair, beneficial and efficient.


