

Everyday-life and the Formation of the Class

【作者】 胡悦晗

【导师】 许纪霖;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 1927至1937年间的中国知识分子是否已经构成了一个阶层?尽管己有研究多持肯定观点,但因缺乏微观层面的实证分析佐证而稍显笼统。本文以1927至1937年间的上海知识分子为研究对象,以日常生活为研究内容,在民国时期上海城市社会分层的背景下,采用历史社会学等侧重实证层面的视角与方法,考察这一时期的上海知识分子是否已经开始以一个特定阶层的整体面貌呈现。研究发现,上海知识分子主要供职于出版业与教育业,形成了三种主要职业类型;他们的职业收入在近代上海城市居民收入中位居中等水平,但个人收入则存在巨大差异。上海知识分子分别居住在亭子间、里弄住宅与花园洋房三种不同层次的住宅之中,形成了隔离与分化。他们在居住、饮食、服饰与出行等日常消费层面也呈现出巨大差异。他们的日常交往主要在作为私人空间的家庭以及作为城市公共空间的茶社、酒楼与咖啡馆等场所展开,交往方式主要有书信往来、沙龙聚餐、礼物馈赠等多种类型。知名作家及地方上流知识精英阶层拥有复杂的关系网络,其交往对象往往涉及不同阶层、不同职业的人,他们建构的社会关系网络呈现松散与不稳定的开放状。旧派文人群体及新派作家群体的交往对象多固定在同一阶层、相近职业之人,由此形成较为同质化与单一化的亚群体。但由于他们的日常交往多以生活情趣及文学艺术审美取向的相近为原则,故其群体内部结构较为松散。左翼知识分子面临的现实环境促使他们必须通过各种方式相互联结,以群体的方式“抱团取暖”,获得谋生手段与情感依赖,形成较为紧密的群体组织结构。以买书、读书、写作为主要内容的精神生活是知识分子群体有别于其他社会阶层最主要的生活方式之一。当凭借对书籍的垄断性占有而形成的文化资本受到出版市场的冲击时,阅读不再成为知识分子的专利行为。通过将阅读描述成为一项不易掌握,需要后天不断努力才能习得的能力,知识分子得以保持对阅读的阐释权。在看病就医、衣着服饰、闲暇游乐等其他生活方式上,既有蕴含知识分子整体共性的风格标榜,又有体现知识分子内部差异性的品味塑造。因此,1927至1937年间的上海知识分子一方面其整体特征日益凸显,与其它不同社会群体或阶层的区别逐渐拉大;另一方面,这个群体内部的差异与分化也日益明显。必须看到,这种差异与分化的过程伴随着一定程度的社会流动。许多知识分子依靠各种方式改善自身的经济与生活状况,实现了从平民阶层向中等阶层的过渡,弱化了自身群体与其它社会阶层之间的边界。这使得上海知识分子尽管较易萌生阶级/阶层意识,但却不易就知识阶层的属性、特征等关键问题达成共识。

【Abstract】 Had Chinese intellectuals formed a special class during1927to1937period? Although many researches have held a positive view, but due to lack of empirical analysis of the microscopic view, these points made from these researches seems a bit of general. This paper focused on Shanghai intellectual during1927to1937period, take the everyday-life as the main research content, under the background of social stratification, by historical sociology empirical level on the point of view and method, inspection of this period in the Shanghai intellectual is start with a particular class of overall appearance appear. Research found that Shanghai intellectual main worked for publishing industry and education, formed the three main professional type; Their career’s income compared with modern Shanghai urban residents’in the medium level, but personal incomes had very large differences. Shanghai intellectual living in TingZiJian(亭子间), lane hall house and garden house, the three different levels of the residence, and had formed the isolation and differentiation. Their living conditions, food, dress and travel consumption level are also showing great differences. Their daily interactions had taken place in in families as the private space and restaurant and coffee shop cafe as the urban public space. The communication ways mainly have the correspondence, absalom dinners, gifts and so on many kinds of types. Famous writer and local upper-class knowledge elite have complicated relationship network and its interaction often involve different classes. Loyal group of writers and scholars who contacts of object is limited in the same class, close the career, and form relatively homogeneous subgroups and simplification. But because of their daily interactions with more life interest and literature and art aesthetic orientation close for the principle, so their internal structures are loose group. Left-wing intellectuals had faced the reality that it makes them through various ways to connected to group, get a way of making a living and emotional dependency. For this reason, ZuoLian(左联)recruit and their own potential demand are same. To buy a book, read, and write as the main contents of the spiritual life of the group of intellectuals is different from other social class one of the main way of life. When reading is no longer a intellectual patent behavior,-intellectuals take reading as a way to distinguish their own intellectual groups and other classes. In the hospital, dress, leisure amusement and other life styles, both contain intellectuals’ special style and embodies the intellectual internal differences shaping the taste. Therefore, on one hand, the1927-1937Shanghai intellectual whole increasingly prominent characteristics, and the differences with other social groups or classes gradually widened; On the other hand, this group of internal differences and differentiation is increasingly obvious. We must see, this difference and differentiation process with a certain degree of the social mobility. Many intellectuals rely on various ways to improve their economic and life situation, weakening their own group and other social stratum of the boundaries. This makes the Shanghai intellectual formed initiation class/class consciousness easier, but could not had the same point with the intellectual class characteristics, and other key issues.

【关键词】 识分子上海日常生活身份认同阶层
【Key words】 intellectualShanghaieveryday-lifeidentityclass
  • 【分类号】K263;C913
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2970
  • 攻读期成果

