

A Study of American Professional Standards, Evaluation,and Certification for Accomplished Science Teachers

【作者】 何美

【导师】 周南照;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 无数研究和国内外教育实践表明:教师质量是影响学生成绩和教育质量的关键因素。美国自2002年以来实施《不让一个孩子掉队》中小学教育法案,要求“核心学科”的所有教师在专业素质上必须“高度合格”,要求“每个班级必须有一名优秀教师”。美国政府决策者和社会大众比任何时候都深信:“美国公立教育的命运系于教师”。近年,美国联邦政府又把“投资优秀教师”、“投资卓越教学”作为一项政策重点。在这样的背景下,本研究以美国优秀科学教师专业标准及基于标准的评价、认证作为重点,旨在从理论与实际的结合上描述与剖析优秀科学教师专业标准的内涵,阐释基于标准的科学教师评估与资格认证的过程,考察优秀科学教师专业标准及认证在学校、学区和州层面已经产生的积极影响,研究美国在优秀教师专业标准基础上建立教师评价与支持体系并由此普遍提高教师质量的路径,为我国制定和试行教师专业标准、促进教师专业发展提供有益的借鉴。导论部分从世界范围关注教育质量与教师质量的趋势和美国高度重视科学教育及科学教学标准的视角说明了本论文研究问题提出的背景,阐述核心概念,说明研究的目的与方法,说明论文内容架构。第一章“美国科学教育与科学教学标准”。从美国政府、学界、企业界赋予科学教育的战略地位分析了作为美国科学教育发展蓝图的《国家科学教育标准》,该标准强调“科学面向全体学生”、“建设全民富有科学素养的社会”、“科学学习是一个能动过程”、“学校科学要反映理性传统与文化传统”、“改进科学教育是改革教育体系的一部分”等指导原则。该章描述了基于《国家科学教育标准》的科学教学标准,这些“标准”是其后“国家教学专业标准委员会(NBPTS)"开发“优秀科学教师专业标准”的重要基础。第二章“美国优秀科学教师专业标准的框架与内容”阐释了由美国“国家教学专业标准委员会”开发的“优秀教师专业标准”框架,重点分析了适用于所有优秀教师的五大核心要求和优秀科学教师专业标准的十二项要求:1)了解学生;2)科学知识;3)科学教学知识;4)教学设计;5)学习环境;6)多样性、公正、公平与伦理;7)科学探究;;8)跨学科联系;9)教学评价;10)反思(教学实践);11)提升专业品质(领导作用、专业合作、专业学习);12)(与家庭和社区)互动与合作。根据实地调研结果,分析和总结了即将发布的新版优秀科学教师专业标准所反映的科学教学和科学教师专业发展的思想与内容方面的重要趋势。第三章“美国优秀科学教师专业标准的制定”,根据实地观察记录,阐述了国家教学专业标准委员会制定优秀科学教师专业标准的指导思想、制定小组的人员构成与以及标准制定的过程。第四章“基于标准的优秀科学教师评价与认证”,阐述了美国国家教学专业标准委员会基于标准的优秀教师评价的设计思想和评价方法、优秀科学教师的评价内容,以及教师申请“优秀”水平认证的原则和办法;根据有关数据,统计和分析了美国优秀科学教师的认证情况;介绍了标准、评估与认证促进教师专业发展进而影响课堂教学实践的具体方式。第五章“优秀教师专业标准及认证实践的影响”,分析了专业标准在学校、学区和州的层面对学生学习、教师实践和专业发展的影响,并总结了委员会为进一步扩大影响所采取的措施。第六章“建立基于标准的教师评价与支持系统”,着重介绍和论述了如何运用“优秀(科学)教师专业标准”并根据标准评价与认证优秀教师的成功经验,建立面向教师评价与支持系统以科学评价教师工作表现、促进全体教师专业成长的教师政策顶层设计。“结语与建议”部分总结了美国“国家教学专业标准委员会”二十五年来开发包括科学学科领域在内的优秀教师专业标准并认证优秀教师的基本经验,同时,从深入开展教师政策研究、应用优秀教师专业标准促进政府科学决策、改进基于专业标准的教师评价等方面提出了实际的建议,目的在于为我国试行中小学教师专业标准提供有益的经验借鉴。

【Abstract】 Numerous research studies and educational practices prove that teacher quality is a key factor influencing student achievement and educational quality. The No Child Left Behind (NCLB)Act signed into law in USA in2002requires that all teachers of core subjects be highly qualified, that every student has a highly acoomplishing teacher. American policy-makers and the public believe more than before that "the fate of American public education rests with teachers". In recent years US federal government has placed a highest policy priority on "investing in accomplished teachers and exellence in teaching". This dissertation study is intended to examine the professional teaching standards for accomplished science teachers, as developed by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards(NBPTS), the standards-based assessment and certification process and their impacts on teaching practice, student learning at schools, district and state levels, and thereby to draw useful lessons for the development and implementation of professional standards for school teachers in China.The dissertation is structured in six chapters, with the first as introducation to the background, objectives, methodologies of the study and definitions of key terms. Chapter One provides the context of science education and science teaching standards in USA, which emphasizes "Science for All Americans","Building a scientifically Literate Society" and "science education improvement as an integral part of education system reform"; it discribes major dimensions of science teaching standards, which lays an important foundation for NBPTS’professional standards for accomplished science teachers.Chapter Two provides a content analysis of the NBPTS’s standards for accomplished science teachers, with interpretation of the five propositions and main standards applied to science teaching. Chapter Three on "Development of NBPTS’s standards for science teachers", with description and analysisi on the committee members and process of development.Chapter Four on "Standards-based Assessment and Certification", elaborates on requirements, proceedures and processes of certification of accomplished (science) teachers.Chapter Five on "Impacts of NBPTS’Standards and Certification" provides an evidence-based analysis of the National Board Certification(NBC) impacts on teachers practices, student learning at school, district and state levels.Chapter Six on "Development of Teachers Evaluation and Support System" explores the NBC’s successful experiences in linking teacher assessment to student learning to certify accomplished science teaching and provides an overview of NBPTS’s efforts in developing teacher assessement and support system, which better reflect student learning and improve teaching practice for professional development of all teachers in improving teacher quality."Conclusions and Recommendations"summarizes NBPTS’basic experiences in developing professional standards for certifying accomplished teachers over the past25years and proposes recommendations to research, teacher standards developers as well as teacher education policy-makers, with useful lessons drawn from American NBPTS’s experiences for education community in China at a time when tentative professional standards for kindergarden, primary and secondary school teachers have been issued.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2408

