

Research on Exam Culture

【作者】 王中男

【导师】 崔允漷;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 课程评价改革,需要首先查明改革之桎梏所在。课程评价改革的深层桎梏是考试文化,这一认识构成了本研究的研究起源,亦形成了本研究的研究主题。围绕考试文化这一核心词汇,本研究旨在回答以下问题:为什么要研究考试文化、考试文化是什么、考试文化历经了怎样的变迁、考试文化存在和引发了什么危机、考试文化如何转型。对这些问题的回答依次对应了本研究的六章内容。第一章指出考试文化是课程评价改革的深层桎梏。从理论视角来看,改革的实质是文化变革,作为一项文化变革,改革的深层栓梏是文化;从实践视角来看,考试文化是我国历史上诸多教育改革的深层桎梏,亦是本次课程评价改革的深层桎梏,这表现为,考试文化制约了课程评价功能的应然转向,导致了课程评价指向与初衷背离。第二章界定了考试文化的概念,并基于此提炼出了考试文化的分析框架。考试文化是围绕考试而历史地凝结成的生存方式,它一方面体现为人的生活方式,一方面体现为社会的运行机制。因而,可以从人的生活方式和社会的运行机制的双重维度分析考试文化。从人的生活方式的维度来看,考试文化表现为内隐的考试观念与外显的考试行为;从社会的运作机制的维度来看,考试文化表现为考试制度。由此,考试制度、考试观念与考试行为,构成了考试文化的分析框架。第三章基于考试文化分析框架,围绕考试制度这一分析维度,遵循由古至今的历史逻辑,梳理了考试文化在考试制度上的历史变迁,划分了考试制度的三种形态:世袭制度、举荐制度、选拔制度。世袭制度主要指先秦时期的世卿世禄制;举荐制度包括秦汉时期的察举制以及魏晋南北朝时期的九品中正制;选拔制度包括隋唐宋元明清时期的科举制以及当代以来的高考制度。在梳理的过程中,着重分析了科举制度和高考制度。第四章基于考试文化分析框架,围绕考试观念与行为这一分析维度,遵循由古至今的历史逻辑,梳理了科举时期旨在“选仕”与“入仕”的考试观念与行为,以及现今时期旨在“选拔教育资格”与“获取教育资本”的考试观念与行为。第五章探讨考试文化危机,指出考试文化存在的危机和引发的危机,并遵循历史的逻辑梳理了科举时期和现今时期的这些危机。考试文化存在的危机主要是等级危机、专制危机、控制危机;考试文化引发的危机主要是个体的危机和社会的危机。个体的危机表现为身体危机、心理危机、自由危机,社会的危机表现为学习风气危机、评价标准危机、社会等级危机、单向度化危机。第六章探讨考试文化转型,基于对考试文化转型的必要性论证,首先指出考试文化转型的方向是以人为本的评价文化,并对其概念、特性、表征进行了简要描述;其次指出考试文化转型的路径是依靠评价文化的引领,对评价文化的引领进行了必要性和可能性论证,并对应文化分析框架的要素,指出评价文化引领的路径是依靠评价制度、评价观念与行为。

【Abstract】 To reform curriculum evaluation, fetters of the reform should be found out firstly. This research suggests that the reform of curriculum evaluation is greatly shackled by exam culture, which is also the origin and topic of this research. With "exam culture" as the core concept, this research aims to answer following questions, they are:Why should we study exam culture? What is the culture of the exam? How has exam culture been changing gradually? What crises does it exist and lead to? And how would exam culture make the transition? Answers to these five questions correspond to the six chapters of this research.The first chapter points out that the reform of curriculum evaluation is shackled deeply by exam culture. From the theoretical perspective, the essence of the reform is the revolution of culture, and as a cultural revolution, the deep fetter of this reform is culture. From the practical perspective, the exam culture has shackled a lot of education reform in the history, it also shackles the latest curriculum evaluation reform which can be demonstrated from the fact that the exam culture not only restricts the intended shift of the curriculum evaluation function but also results in the deviation between curriculum evaluation orientation and its original purposes.The second chapter defines the concept of exam culture, based on which the analytical framework of exam culture is extracted. This study suggests that exam culture is the way of existence, which is historically generated and centered on exams. On the one hand, it manifests the way of human’s life; on the other hand, it manifests the operation mechanism of the society. Hence, exam culture can be analyzed from two dimensions which are the way of human’s life and the operation mechanism of the society. With regard to human dimension, it refers to people’s concept and behavior about exam; In terms of social dimension, it refers to exam system. Therefore, exam system, exam concept and exam behavior constitute the analytical framework of exam culture.According to the above analytical framework of exam culture, chapter three shows the historical changes of exam culture logically from ancient times to present around the exam system, and divides exam system into three forms:hereditary system, recommendatory system and selecting system. Hereditary system is mainly refers to the Rank and Salary Inheriting System in pre-Qin period. Recommendatory system includes Recommendatory System in Qin and Han dynasties and the System of Recommending Legates in Wei Jin Southern and Northern dynasties. And selecting system includes the Imperial Civil Service Exam System in Sui, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties and the College Entrance Exam System since the founding of People’s Republic of China.The forth chapter, which is also according to the above analytical framework of exam culture, around the exam concept and exam behavior, presents the exam concept and behavior of "to take up an official or not" during the imperial civil service period, and the exam concept and behavior of "selecting the qualified one to be educated" and "gaining the educational capital" during current period.The fifth chapter discusses the crisis of exam culture, which points out that exam culture had grade crisis, absolute crisis and crisis control, and triggered human crisis and social crisis. By historical logic, human crisis and social crisis during imperial civil service period and current period are analyzed. Human crisis is reflected in body and mind and freedom, while social crisis is reflected in study ethos, evaluation standards, social rank and one dimensional.The sixth chapter discusses the transformation of exam culture. It first points out that exam culture should be transformed to people-oriented evaluation culture, whose concept, features, characterization are briefly described. Secondly, it indicates that the path of cultural transformation depends on the leading of evaluation culture, the necessity and possibility of which is argued. Corresponding with the analytical framework of culture in this research, it further points out that the leading path of evaluation culture is depend on evaluation system, evaluation concept and evaluation behavior.

【关键词】 文化考试文化评价文化
【Key words】 cultureexam cultureevaluation culture
  • 【分类号】G424.74
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1599

