

Challenges of Cyborg Pedagogy

【作者】 钱旭鸯

【导师】 钟启泉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自二战以来,一日千里的科技发展将人不断机械化,而机器又不断被赋予生命。标识、理解这种新的社会、历史、文化特征的概念与学科应运而生,诸如:“电子人”(cyborg)、“电子人学”(Cyborgology)、“电子人教育学”(Cyborg Pedagogy)。虽然有关电子人、电子人教育研究都发轫于西方和日本,但不可否认的是,中国的儿童也已被卷入了这个巨大的、迷幻的技术世界漩涡,并以新的身份——“天生的电子人”涌向学校,给学校教育带来了新的挑战。将自己宣告为人的本体论存在,电子人最大的挑战莫过于对二元对立认识论的冲破。电子人成了批判性思考人类、技术、社会和自然关系的一条新途径,就为教育带来了诸多尖锐的挑战:对儿童主体性、课程、教育技术、技术教育、师生关系的挑战等等。今日的学校教育已经无法选择其所处的技术文化环境——电子人社会(cyborg society),也无法忽视或拒绝电子人教育了。在过去的20多年间,当国际领域已经生成了样态丰富的电子人教育话语时,中国语境至今仍然置之度外,可以说是一大研究“盲点”。鉴于此,本研究综合运用了文献研究法、深度访谈法,以及比较的研究方法,在解读电子人隐喻的基础上,梳理了电子人教育的话语,借以唤起人们对电子人教育研究的意识,以期在我国教育语境中发起一场有关电子人教育的复杂性会话。故此,本研究对电子人教育何以生成、电子人教育关于什么、电子人教育如何实践以及中国语境如何回应电子人隐喻所带来的挑战等关键问题进行了回顾、展望。主要由如下各章组成:第一章——电子人研究:是如何崛起的?以历史的视角对半个多世纪以来西方汗牛充栋的电子人研究成果进行了回顾和评介,梳理出其研究历程和当前的多学科研究现状,为本研究课程的界定提供了广阔的研究背景和明确的逻辑起点。第二章——电子人隐喻:有何重要性与教育意蕴?分析了电子人隐喻的意涵及其给本体论、认识论带来的挑战,并对其丰富的教育意蕴做出了阐释;最终聚焦于国际教育领域近20年间极具影响力的电子人教育话语之分析和特征概括。第三章——电子人教育理论:关于什么?主要从儿童自我,儿童与技术关系两方面对儿童的“电子人主体性”做出理解。首先是对电子人儿童自我的特有品质进行阐述,然后从技术作为儿童探索世界的工具、技术作为儿童存在的空间,以及技术成为儿童自身三个面向对当前技术文化中儿童与技术的关系进行检视;此后,为了消解当前后人类(posthuman)话语和电子人现实中存在的“离身”(disembodiment)幻想,批判性审思了其背后笛卡尔式“身心二元论”的思想起源,并将目光收回至中国德泽丰厚的儒学身体思想,尤其是“体知"与“体验”思想,为电子人教育的“寓身”(embodiment)根基寻绎了立论依据。第四章——电子人教育实践:如何做?依据电子人教育的“寓身”特性,阐发了学校、儿童和教师的相应实践,包括:揭露学校中的技术乌托邦愿景/技术迷思;主张以“触”、“看”、“听”、“说”为电子人教育的教学策略,为儿童从身体“缺席在场”的“隐身”状态走向生活世界中“体悟”之“显身”状态提供机会与空间;而后,针对当前技术教育和教育技术应用中重“技能学习”,轻“技术理解”的偏颇发展,强调“了解自身电子人欲望”与“关心世界”在儿童技术素养中的特有地位;此外还对教师面对电子人教育时可能产生的“未来休克”给予关注,论析了教师形象多样化的必要性。第五章——中国教育语境:如何回应?以更加综合的视角,强调了我国教育领域“课程与技术”再概念化和发起电子人教育复杂性会话的重要性与迫切性,揭示了各学科课程、综合实践课程中存在的电子人教育机会,并描绘了适应于电子人教育需要的教师教育课程特性。作为一个已经遍及人类社会方方面面的隐喻,“电子人”给教育带来挑战的同时,也为教育创造了活跃的理论空间和实践力量。这一超越了二元判断的第三眼——“电子人之眼”让我们“看见”:今天的教育是关于儿童多重的、游牧的、块茎的和生成的“电子人主体性”的探索过程;作为这种主体性的生成过程,电子人教育要体现其寓身性、体验性、关联性、生成性和包容性;而作为这种教育的探索过程,电子人教育研究则要像电子人那样,跨越(学科/领域)边界,走向多重的、生成的和融合的研究空间。

【Abstract】 The rapidly expanding of techno-science after World War II has been mechanizing the human being, and meanwhile vitalizing the machinery dramatically. New concepts and subjects, such as cyborg, Cyborgology and Cyborg Pedagogy, were created to recognize and understand these new social, historical and cultural characteristics. Although inquiries on both cyborg and Cyborg Pedagogy were first carried out in the Western countries and Japan, it is undeniable that children in China have been involved in this hallucinatory vortex of techno-world too. They rush into schools with new identities of "natural-born cyborgs" and bring about challenges. Manifesting itself as ontology of human being, cyborg has challenged the dualistic epistemology radically. As a new way to understand the entangled relationships among human, technology, society and nature, cyborg has triggered more drastic challenges within the realm of education, including but not limited to subjectivities, technology, curriculum, teachers’image. Thus, neither could the schools refuse the cyborg society, nor could they ignore Cyborg Pedagogy anymore.Over the past two decades or so, numerous cyborg educating discourses have emerged worldwide, while surprisingly Chinese education field still keeps silent, which makes it reasonable to assert that Cyborg Pedagogy is still a "blind spot" for Chinese academic area. In this light of view, this exploration journey, by synthetically adopting the research methods of literature analysis, interview as well as comparing study, tries to interpret the figuration of cyborg and the discourses of Cyborg Pedagogy, with the hope of reducing the ignorance of Chinese education field about Cyborg pedagogy and initiating a complicated conversation on that. Hence, the focal concerns of this study relate to the following issues:How has Cyborg Pedagogy come into being? What is it about? How to carry it out? What are the possible ways for the Chinese education field to respond to the challenges of Cyborg Pedagogy? The framework and main points of view are as follow:Chapter One:Cyborg studies:How has it been rising? I start with an overview of the extensive cyborg studies in the West with a historical perspective; and then describe their progressive courses, as well as the present developing state. This provides a broad background and clear departure point of my current research.Chapter Two:The figuration of cyborg:What are the meanings and educational implications? I analysis the metaphorical meanings as well as the challenges to ontology and epistemology that "cyborg" carries; and illustrate its rich educational implications; then go on to review the most influential Cyborg Pedagogy discourses over the past two decades and summarize their approaches they show.Chapter Three:Cyborg educating theories:What is it about? First, I try to understand the cyborg subjectivities and particularly emphasize its property of embodiment; then in order to negate the rhetoric of disembodiment, I examine the dualism regarding "body" and "mind", precisely that of the Cartesian split; instead of involving myself into the endless struggling between the disembodiment and embodiment of cyborg subjectivity, I turn to rich Confucius body philosophy to seek advices, especially its thoughts on bodily thinking and bodily experiences.Chapter Four:Cyborg educating practices:How to carry it out? According to the embodiment feature of cyborg educating, I elucidate the possible actions of schools, children and teachers by criticizing the utopia vision of technology application in schools, and arguing the necessity and possible ways to transform the "hiding of body" in the virtual experiences into the "showing of body" in the real life experiences. Besides, I articulate the significance of "understanding technology", in so doing to update the technological literacy that just focuses on "learning skills"; and that of the multiplicity of teachers’image too.Chapter Five:Chinese education field:What are the possible responding ways? I particularly emphasis on the urgency to reconceptualize "curriculum and technology" and initiate the complicated conversation on Cyborg Pedagogy; moreover, I seek the cyborg educating chances in different subject curricula and "Integrated practice activity curriculum", in addition, I describe the properties of teacher educating curriculum from a cyborgian point of view.As a popular figuration influencing almost every aspect of our society,"cyborg" does bring forth new challenges, but meanwhile, it creats living theoretical space and practical possibilities for education. To some extent, as a critical figuration itself, cyborg severs as "a third eye"-a cyborgian eye to examine today’s education. What it "sees" are:education is an exploring process of multiple, nomadic, rhizomatic and becoming cyborg subjectivities; as an exploring process of such subjectivities, cyborg pedagogy is embodied, experiential, interrelated, becoming and tolerant; furthermore, cyborg pedagogy inquiries also tend to cross the border (of subjects and fields), and going towards a multiple and (e)merging space.

【关键词】 电子人电子人教育儿童技术主体性身体课程
【Key words】 cyborgcyborg pedagogychildrentechnologysubjectivitybodycurriculum
  • 【分类号】G40-05
  • 【下载频次】485

