

Evolution of Canadian Higher Education Policy

【作者】 穆晓莉

【导师】 王保星;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 加拿大作为西方最早实现高等教育大众化的国家之一,其高等教育政策积极规范、引导并促进了加拿大高等教育结构改革与体制发展,构建起行之有效的高等教育政策体系。为了巩固和发展这一体系,加拿大在政策和立法方面相应地积累了较为丰富的经验。本文以加拿大高等教育精英化、大众化、普及化三个发展阶段为历史分期,对加拿大高等教育政策的发展进行研究。本文第一章集中探讨了在加拿大高等教育精英化时期,加拿大通过立法建立了既符合大学自身规律又符合政府利益的公立且自治的高等教育体制。第二、三章具体剖析了在加拿大高等教育大众化时期,加拿大政府通过一系列联邦拨款政策的实施,体现这一时期“扩张——紧缩——调整”的改革态势;并集中论述了加拿大运用各种杠杆对学生贷款政策进行市场化改革中出现的问题,及通过采用附条件拨款方式为提高可问责性进行高等教育财政拨款改革取得的成果。第四章围绕加拿大21世纪创新战略和终身学习社会规划纲要,对加拿大高等教育普及化阶段的科研创新政策及终身学习政策进行了分析。第五章从理论分析的角度,对人力资本、新自由主义和终身学习理论对加拿大高等教育政策发展的影响进行了剖析。在“结语”部分总结了加拿大高等教育政策制定权力的分散性、多目标性和利益主体多样性等特征,归纳了加拿大高等教育政策的成功经验及尚存在的问题等内容。在对加拿大高等教育政策研究中,不仅可以了解到他们重视教育的程度,以及为培养符合现今社会所需人才采取的政策措施,同时可以通过这一发展过程来审视与检讨加拿大高等教育制度存在的问题与弊端。总而言之,他们的成功之处值得我们借鉴,而失败的教训也可为我们所吸取;有利又有益的政策方针与制度改革经验也可以为我们提供借鉴和启示。

【Abstract】 Canada is one of the first countries in the world that experienced the transition from elite to mass higher education; meanwhile Canada has accumulated rich experience in making policy and legislation to construct and consolidate an effective higher education policy system for the higher educational structural reform and institutional development.This thesis is a research on the evolution of Canadian higher education policy in the three phases of Canadian higher education development:"elite","mass" and "universal". The first chapter provides that in the elite phase of Canadian higher education, Canadian government focused on establishing a public and autonomy university system with legislation to meet both the government’s interest and the university’s need. The second and the third chapters examine that in the mass phase of the Canadian higher education, the Canadian government implemented a series of federal funding policies to reflect the" expansion--crunch--adjustment" reform trends; and revel the problems when the government used various kinds of levers to transfer the Canadian student assistance policy to the market-oriented one,also the achievements by setting up the conditional financial transfer system to establish a higher education fiscal system in order to improve the accountability. The fourth chapter analyzes Canadian higher education innovation strategy and lifelong learning policy according to the twenty-first century innovation strategy and the lifelong learning society program in the universal phase of Canadian higher education. The fifth chapter dedicates to analyze the evolution of Canadian higher education policy from the human capital, new liberalism and lifelong learning theoretical perspectives. In the conclusion, the research summarizes the characteristics of Canadian higher education policy with policy making power dispersion, multi-objective and diverse stakeholders; sums up with the successful experience of the Canadian higher education policy and the existing problems.In the research on the evolution of Canadian higher education policy, we can not only learn how much they emphasis on education and the policy measures adopted for developing human resources, but also examine and review the existing problems of Canadian higher education policy. All in all, we can learn from their success as well the failures; the beneficial and useful policy experience can also provide us with reference and inspiration for our higher education reforms.

  • 【分类号】G649.711
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1643

