

A Study on the Role of Law and Politics Personnel in the Transformation of Legal System of Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 翟海涛

【导师】 熊月之;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 “日本法政大学清国留学生法政速成科”是日本近代专为中国而设立的第一所速成类法政学校,在国人留日史中占有重要地位。在1904年5月-1908年4月短短不到4年的时间中,先后约有1800余名中国留学生于此就读,而有名可考的毕业生则有1142人,使其成为了在清末为中国培养法政人才最多的日本学校。本文以法政速成科中国留学生群体为研究对象,通过对他们在日期间学习、生活等相关资料的梳理,分析了近代速成式法政教育的培养目标、教学方式、教学特点及其存在的优点和不足,并论述了这种教育模式对中国早期法政人群体所产生的深刻影响。作为中国较早接触西方法政学说的知识人,法政速成科毕业生肩负着传播新知以启民智的重要使命。在1904-1911年间,他们编译了包括四套大型法政丛书在内的多达200余部日本近代法政书籍,参与创办和编辑了众多法政类报刊,首次系统、全面地将西方法政学说引入中国,在中国近代的西法东渐史中具有无可替代的重要地位。法政速成科毕业生还广泛参与到了清末的大变革中,是中国近代化转型的重要推手。本文详细考察了法政速成科学生在清末教育界、传媒界、司法界以及政界的各种活动,对他们在清末报馆、法政学堂以及诸如于宪政编查馆、修订法律馆、司法机关、地方自治机构、地方谘议局、资政院、各党派中的职业分布进行了系统地统计和总结,并以此为基,分析了他们在中国近代法制变革乃至社会转型中的重要作用。为进行全面细致地考察,本文对这一群体中具有重要影响的代表人物如杨度、宋教仁、汪精卫、胡汉民、朱执信、居正、沈钧儒、汤化龙等人亦不乏个案剖析。通过对他们在清末变局中的各种活动的论述,探讨了清末民初传统士绅向近代知识人转型的方式与路径,并分析了现代化变迁过程中法政人与社会的互动关系。

【Abstract】 The Law and Political Crash Course provided by Hosei University for the Chinese students from Qing Dynasty was the first of its kind, specially established for china in late Japanese History, which witnessed about1800Chinese students to attend from the4years between May,1904and April,1908, the names of1142of whom were recorded and could be traced, making it the biggest educators of Chinese law and politics personnel in Late Qing Dynasty.This thesis, focused on the study of Chinese students majored in law and political crash course, intends to make an analysis of the its education objective, teaching methodology, its advantages and disadvantages, and expound on the far-reaching influence of this teaching mode on the law and politics personnel in the modern period of china, through combing the material recording their study and life in Japan.As the early Chinese intellectual, who have access to the western law and politics theories, the graduates from Hosei University was entrusted with a mission spread the new knowledge to enlighten the people. Between1904and1911, they compiled and translated over200Japanese law and politics books including the four law and politics series, joined in the creation and compilation of many law and politics newspapers and for the first time systematically introduced the western law and politics theories into China, winning an irreplaceable position in the process of introduction of western laws from the western countries into china.Besides, the graduates of law and political crash course from Hosei University also played an active and extensive role in the transformations of late Qing Dynasty, making itself one of main forces pushing forward advance of china in the beginning of20th century.In order to make and comprehensive and detailed study, this thesis also adopted the method of case study, selecting some influential representatives of them, such as Yang Du, Song JiaoRen, Wang JingWei, Hu HanMing, Zhu ZhiXing, Ju Zheng, Shen JunRu, Tang HuaLong. A study of their activities in the historical transitions in Late Qing Dynasty reveals the transformation modes from the traditional gentlemen in Late Qing Dynasty to the enlightened intellectuals in early Chinese history and comes up with the interaction relationship between the law and politics personnel during the modernization process.

  • 【分类号】D929;K252
  • 【下载频次】734

