

Research on Adult Learning and Adult Personality Development in Constructing Learning Organizations

【作者】 帅良余

【导师】 高志敏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以“创建学习型组织背景下的成人学习和成人个性发展”为主题,重点研究学习型组织实践中的成人学习,分析成人通过学习所发生的个性变化和发展,以期反映当今成人学习的过程、方式和成效,努力揭示其中的相关特点、规律,从而更好地服务和指导成人学习的实践。一、论文研究的目的与意义从学习型组织的视角看,自1990年彼得·圣吉出版第一部有关学习型组织的理论专著以来,西方国家经历了近二十多年的相关研究和实践。与此同时,其在我国也有十多年相关研究和实践的经验积累。但总体而言,学习型组织是一项新生事物,因此,其理论本身需要丰富和完善。从成人学习的视角看,在成人教育学领域,有关成人学习的研究得到充分的重视,研究成果也较丰硕。但是,成人学习在传统成人教育体系之外的探索和发展往往被忽视。所以,论文注重在学习型组织条件下,研究成人学习、成人个性发展。从成人个性发展的视角看,通过哲学、心理学、教育学、社会学等多学科的个性理论分析,使得个性以及成人个性发展与成人学习、学习型组织之间建立联系,为分析成人学习提供理论依据。二、论文研究的探索与创新本论文的探索与创新主要反映在三个方面。第一,研究主题体现创新理念。本研究着眼于创建学习型组织背景下的成人学习,而学术界对于学习型组织理论能否与学习理论、学习型社会学说相融合,能否将这些理论结合在一起进行综合思考,还存在不同的观点。所以,论文研究以创建学习型组织为前提,立足成人教育学理论,思考成人学习与成人个性发展,这在国内博士学位论文的选题中,似乎不多,因此,研究主题具有创新意义。第二,本研究的多学科、多理论组合具有新颖性。在论文研究中运用了成人教育学、哲学、心理学、社会学等多种学科理论,对成人学习进行交叉性的探索。在成人教育学领域,这样的理论组合与应用具有一定的独特性。第三,本论文的实际案例分析具有原创性、实用性。在研究中建立“三维度、六元素”的成人学习和成人个性分析框架,并且将这个分析框架作为探索问题的方法。通过分析实际案例,表明这样的研究方法是可行的,体现本研究的独创性。在论文的撰写过程中,笔者将其中的相关内容重新整理,在2012年《开放教育研究》杂志(CSSCI)第1期,发表了以“多视阈中的成人学习研究”为题的文章;在2012年《职教论坛》杂志(中文核心期刊)第10期,发表了以“组织学习文化研究,,为题的文章;在2011年《终身教育》杂志第9卷第4期,发表了以“创建学习型机关,促进机关文化建设的创新与发展”为题的文章。三、论文研究的思路与框架本论文以问题为导向设计研究主题,注重理论与实践的结合,注重多学科理论的综合应用。研究包括四个方面,共计十一章。一是研究的缘起、假设和方法。这部分共有两章,主要是发现问题,明确研究重点、方法和特点,提出论文研究的假设和构想。二是概念分析与文献综述。这部分共有两章,主要为前面的理论假设寻找理论根据,同时,研究各学科的内涵、特征,明确各学科的范畴与作用,为个案研究提供方法和工具。三是访谈与个案研究。这部分共有四章,分别对两家机关、两家企业,共8位成人学习者的案例进行综合分析。笔者实际走访了7个正在开展学习型组织创建的机关和企业,访谈了19位参与创建活动的成人学习者,根据研究需要,从其中遴选了8位成人学习者作为个案研究的对象。通过个案分析,探索成人在组织学习中的某些特点和规律。四是对成人学习与成人个性发展的关系进行分析,提出相关建议。这部分共有三章,前两章是以前面的个案实例为基础,分析成人学习与成人个性的相互作用。最后一章,以访谈获得的信息为基础,针对创建中的不足,提出加强学习团队和组织学习文化建设的建议。

【Abstract】 The paper, which is Research on Adult Learning and Adult Personality Development in Constructing Learning Organizations, has focused on practical adult learning, has analyzed the changing and developing about adult personality, when adults have learned a lot in learning organizations, in order to display the process, the method, and the effect, to find the characteristics, the regulation, to direct the practice in adult learning.1. The intention and the purportProfessors in the west have had the research and the practice on learning organizations in20years, and more than10years in China also, since Peter M.Senge has published his "The Fifth Discipline" work in1990. But they still have been newborn things in their theory and application, and need to be cultured. We are also able to know that many researchers have attached importance to adult learning, have got much achievement in the theory, but only in adult education, adult learning has been ignored when it extends in other fields, therefore my paper thinks much of adult learning in learning organizations. The paper has made a link between adult personality development and adult learning after researching in philosophy, psychology, sociology, and education on the theory research.2. The probe and the innovationThe paper have been groping and innovative, Firstly it is innovative that the paper studies adult learning with learning organizations, because there still is disputing, whether adult learning and learning society have combination with learning organizations or do not, the topic of the paper among the papers of PHD has not many. Secondly the merging and applying of multi-theories, which relate to psychology, sociology, adult education and so on, in adult education appear original. Thirdly the paper has established the analysis frame, which contains three dimensions and six factors as the tool for the study, this frame is creative originally.I published three articles in the journals during the research, the article, which was Research on Adult Learning from Multiple Perspectives, was printed on Open Education Research, the1issue in2012, the article on Research on Organizational Learning Culture was printed on Vocational and Technical Education Forum, the10issue in2012, the article on Creating Learning Organizational, Promoting Innovation and Development to Cultivate Organizational Culture was printed on Lifelong Learning, the4issue in2011. 3. The idea and the structureAccording to the question I found when researching, the theme of the paper had been determined by it. The paper emphasizes conjunction between theory and practice, and multi-subjects application. There are four sections, eleven chapters in the paper. The first section includes the origin, the assumption, and the method in study, and has two chapters. The second section has two chapters also, that are the conception analysis, and the literature summary, it has researched bases for the assumption, has got the meaning, the characteristic, the area, the function in the research. The third section has four chapters, that has researched to two offices and two enterprises. I have conversation with eight persons, that they have taken part in learning organizational practice, actually I have talked with nineteen persons that are learning adults, have visited the seven of the offices and the enterprises which all practice in learning organizations, for finding some characteristics, regulations of adult learning in the case study. The fourth section has three chapters, the two chapters at the former research the actions between adult learning and adult personality development, based on the case study. The final chapter brings forward suggestions about the learning teams, and organizational learning culture, according to demerits in the learning organizations, the recommendations may have benefits for the practice.

  • 【分类号】G720
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1800

