

Reasearch on Current Citizenship Awareness Education in Chinese Schools

【作者】 程德慧

【导师】 余玉花;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 公民意识教育是党和国家提出的一项重要的教育课题。党的十七大报告中要求:“加强公民意识教育,树立民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念”。①这是明确开展我国公民意识教育的党的文件。2010年7月教育部制订了《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》远景规划再次强调要加强公民意识教育,树立民主法治、自由平等、公平正义理念,培养社会主义合格公民。这是对党的十七大报告的承接和高度重视。公民意识教育属于公民教育的范畴,但是,公民教育一直存在着理论上争议,难以形成共识。理论分歧影响公民意识教育的实践推进。事实上,公民意识教育尚未能真正进入我国的国民教育体系,学校公民意识教育的开展还存在重重困难。面对理论难题与实践困难,学校公民意识教育课题研究的必要性也提出来了。课题需要回答:学校公民教育是否必要?学校公民教育是否可能?以及学校公民教育如何进行的问题。本文以当代中国学校公民意识教育为研究主题,从理论上讨论了学校公民意识教育与思想政治教育的关系,从理论与实践的结合上探讨了学校公民意识教育的意义、可能性,以及我国学校公民意识教育的实施路径。通过研究,推动了思想政治教育的创新发展,推动了我国学校公民意识教育从理论走向实践,为党和国家进一步落实公民意识教育的政策提供了思考。第一部分主要从理论上对公民、公民意识、公民意识教育的概念、内涵及特征进行了分析与界定,探讨了公民意识教育与思想政治教育和学校德育的关系,梳理了国内外公民意识教育思想的发展脉络。在对我国公民意识教育思想发展的历史演进过程进行分析的基础上,重点对改革开放以后学界关于公民意识教育的思想进行深入的研究与总结,认为:我国还没有形成属于自己的学校公民意识教育。通过理论上的研究和思想发展的探源,提出了公民意识教育是思想政治教育和学校德育的有机组成部分,公民意识教育能够创新思想政治教育的内容,拓展思想政治教育的视域,是思想政治教育的不断丰富与发展。第二部分论证了学校公民意识教育的必要性、可能性和制约性因素。对于学校公民意识教育的必要性,本文认为公民意识教育是我国的现代化建设的现实需求,是学校德育发展的现实需要,是建构现代公民人格的现实需要,是实现公民个体政治社会化的现实需要,论文从上述四个方面论述了公民意识教育是当代中国必要而又紧迫的时代课题。通过研究,提出了公民意识教育是建构现代公民人格的教化力量。通过公民意识教育与公民个体政治化的关系研究,提出了公民意识教育为公民个体的政治社会化提供了民主政治实践的路径。在对公民意识教育的必要性分析的基础上,论文讨论了学校公民意识教育的现实可能性。本文针对学界关于公民意识教育的种种质疑,本文以党和国家政策文件上对公民意识教育的要求为根据,以马克思主义关于促进人的全面发展的教育观为理论指导,以及对社会主义核心价值体系的实践、学校公民意识教育的实践探索等方面的问题进行研究,从理论和实践两方面论证了学校公民意识教育的现实可能性。尤其是对学校公民意识教育实践的重点个案的实证研究,总结了学校公民意识教育实践探索取得的成效,对学界的质疑做出回应。论文还客观探讨了学校公民意识教育存在的诸多困难和不利因素,指出我国学校公民意识教育存在许多不利因素是制约学校公民意识教育的现实障碍。教育理念的偏差、制度供给保障的不足、传统伦理文化等消极因素不利于我国的学校公民意识教育培养学生建立与现代社会发展相适应的主体意识、权利义务意识、民主法治意识,因此,实施学校公民意识教育任重而道远。破解学校公民意识教育中的制约因素,将有力推动我国学校公民意识教育从理论走向实践。论文的第三部分对我国学校公民意识教育的理论体系进行了建构性的研究。本文从学校公民意识教育建构的原则、目标及内容、学校公民意识教育的实施三个方面对学校公民意识教育的理论体系进行了建构。通过本部分的研究,加强了我国大、中、小学公民意识教育的整体规划,从国家到地方各个层面加强学校公民意识教育的制度建设,系统推进学校公民意识教育。在对学校公民意识教育多种实施途径的研究中,提出了日常生活教育对培养学生公民意识的重要作用及价值,提出了日常生活的多样化和互动性的教学法,提出了通过创新学校公民意识教育教学方法,来提高学校公民意识教育的实施效果。回顾中国学校公民意识教育思想的历史沿革,梳理学校公民教育理论和实践研究成果,着重学校公民意识教育的系统建构研究,本文对中国学校公民教育的未来发展趋势进行了展望:即实现学校公民意识教育中学科化、本土化、人本化、生活化、国际化。

【Abstract】 Citizenship education is a fundamental educational issue assigned by the Chinese Communist Party as well as the whole nation. Report to the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China,which was a party document related to citizenship education, demanded that "we need to step up education about citizenship and establish socialist concepts of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality, equity and justice" In July,2010, National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Programs drawn up by the Ministry of Education also stressed that "we need to step up education about citizenship and establish socialist concepts of democracy, the rule of law, freedom, equality, equity and justice, cultivate qualified citizens for socialism",which could be seen as a natural hereditament of the document mentioned previously. Citizenship education belongs to the cetegory of Civic Education, which has disputes theoretically and is difficult to reach an agreement. Threoretical disputes are obstacles to the practice of citizenship education. As a matter of fact, citizenship education is not prominent in national educational system currently, and it is still difficult to carry out citizenship education in schools. Faced with the difficulties in terms of theory and practice, the issue of citizenship education is of great emergency. Questios such as whether civic education is necessary, possible in schools, and how it should be carried out must be answered.The dissertation mainly researches on current citizenship education in Chinese schools, explores the relationship between citizenship education and ideological and political education, the significance, possibility and methods of citizenship education in schools.Results based on the research could improve ideological and political education, making the citizenship education evolve from theory to practice and providing fresh ideas for carring out the Party’s policies.The first part of the dissertation tries to anlyze and define the concepts, connotations and features of techinical terms such as citizen, civic awareness, citizenship education, discuss the relationship among citizenship education and ideological and political education as well as moral education, review the development of thought of citizenship education both in home and abroad. Based on the analysis of Chinese thoughts of citizenship education, especially the thoughts of the years following China has taken the reform and opening up policy, the dissertation holds that citizenship education in schools is not mature in China, that citizenship education is an indispensable part of ideological and political education as well as moral education, that citizenship education could improve and broaden ideological and political education.The second part of the dissertation attempts to anlyze the necessity, possibility and restraining fators of citizenship education in schools. On the subject of necessity, the dissertation holds it is the practical need of modernization construction, extension of moral education, construction of modern citizenship and individual socialization. The dissertation proposes citizenship education is an enlightening force of modern citizenship. Based on the research on the relationship between citizenship education and individual politicalization, the dissertation proposes that citizenship educatio may provide democaratic political practice for individual politicalization.The dissertation also investigates the possibility of citizenship education in schools. To probe into socialism core value system’s practice and citizenship education in schools and establish the practical possibility of it both in theory and practice, the arguments of dissertation are on the basis of the Party and government’s document and they are under the direction of Marxism all around development education philosophy. Based on the case study of key cases, the dissertation responds to the questions of academia by summarizing benefits reaped by current citizenship education in schools.The paper also objectively investigate the existing difficulties and unfavorable factors in citizenship education, pointing out that the restraining factors are obstacles to it. The deviation of the teaching ideas, lack of institutional guarantee, traditional ethics and culture are not conducive to subject consciousness, the sense of the rights and duties of the citizens, sense of democracy and legal awareness. Therefore, the implementation of school citizenship education stii has a long way to go. If we worked out the restrictive factors in the school citizenship education, it would be a strong impetus to promoting our school citizenship education from theory to practiceThird part of the dissertation is a study on the construction of the theoretical system. This part constructs the conception system in terms of principles, objectives and content of the citizenship education. Through this part of the study, strengthening our overall planning, improving civic awareness from the national to the local level would be possible. In a variety of methods applied, daily life education is of great importance and value in developing students’civic awareness. The dissertaton proposes a diversified and interactive teaching mode in daily life, and puts forward innovative teaching methods of citizenship education in schools to make the implementation of citizenship more effective.Reviewing the history of Chinese thoughts of citizenship education, looking back on the theory and practice of citizenship education, focusing on the system construction of citizenship education, the dissertation looks farther forward to the future development trend of the citizenship education:it will be disciplinarized, localized, human-centered, relevant to life and internationalized.


