

Investigation on Threshold of Geological Parameters for Water Flooding of the Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs in Changyuan and Its Western Area

【作者】 唐许平

【导师】 宋考平;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 大庆外围油田从1982年投入以来,伴随着油田注水开发技术的不断创新和发展,石油储量和年产油量逐年增加,2011年产量达到了500万吨以上。十一五以后,大庆外围油田评价和开发对象急剧变差。探明未开发储量和待探明地区剩余控制、预测储量资源主要以特低丰度、特低渗透油层油层为主,主要分布在大庆长垣及长垣以西地区。对此类特低渗透储层进行综合评价,揭示其储层微观孔隙结构特征和渗流机理,优选开发储量,确定水驱开发技术界限,是加快这类地区储量动用和储量升级急需解决技术难题。本文综合运用铸体薄片、电镜扫描、恒速压汞和核磁共振等实验手段,分析了特低渗透储层的微观孔隙结构特征,喉道形状,岩石颗粒大小、以及这些因素对渗流能力的影响;利用恒速压汞、启动压力测试及可动流体饱和度测试等资料,研究了大庆长垣及以西地区特低渗透储层渗流特征;通过分析主流喉道半径、储层微观非均质特征参数、可动流体百分数、启动压力梯度、原油粘度和粘土矿物成分对低渗透油田开发效果的影响,应用综合分类方法对低渗透油藏进行了综合评价;应用考虑非线性渗流的特低渗透油藏数值模拟软件,对长垣、龙西、齐家南、古龙南和葡西区块的井网进行了研究。本文研究得到以下4点主要成果:1)渗流能力主要受喉道半径及分布规律控制,平均喉道半径、最大喉道半径、平均孔喉比以及分选系数与渗透率呈较好的半对数关系。2)确定了长垣西部等待探明储量区的极限流动孔喉下限、极限流动渗透率下限及水驱动用渗透率下限,分析认为各区块极限流动喉道半径一般在0.2~0.5μm,极限流动渗透率界限一般在0.1~0.3×10-3μm2,水驱渗透率界限一般在0.7~0.9×10-3μm2。古龙北区块油水流动能力最强,其次为古龙南、葡西、齐家南,最差为龙西和长垣,渗透率在25×10-3μm2以下的储层,开发难度较大的关键在于驱动压力体系不能有效建立,渗透率在25×10-3μm2以上的储层,微观非均质性是影响开发的关键因素。3)储层综合分类评价结果表明,古龙北区块属于Ⅰ类储层,物性最好,开发动用最为容易;葡西区块和古龙南区块属于II类储层,亦较容易动用;齐家南区块、龙西区块和长垣区块均属于Ⅲ类储层,为有效动用需要进行技术攻关。4)井网部署研究表明,长垣扶杨油层选用300m×100m矩形井网,龙西区块选用400m×150m矩形井网,齐家南区块选用500m×100m矩形井网,古龙南、葡西区块选用500m×150m矩形井网。

【Abstract】 Since put into development from1982, with constantly innovating and developing ofoilfield flooding technique, oil reserves and annual oil production of peripheral Daqingoilfield increase year by year, and the annual oil production reaches500Mtpa. After theEleventh Five-Year Plan, targets evaluated and developed by peripheral Daqing oilfieldsharply worse off. Undeveloped proved reserves and residual controlled and prognosticreserves resourses of unproved areas are mainly ultra-low abundance and ultra-lowpermeability reservoirs, which distribute in Daqing Placanticline and its western areas.Comprehensively evaluating such ultra-low permeability reservoirs reveals the themicroscopic characteristics of pore texture and percolation mechanism. Optimizingdevelopment reservior and confirm limits of water flooding devepment technique aretechnical problems which are to be solved urgently in order to accelerate producing andupgrading reserves in such areas.In this dissertation, combining with mud-stoile casting, electric-microscope, constant ratemercury injection and nuclear magnetic resonance, we analyse the micro pore structurecharacter of ultra-low permeability reservoir, the shape of pore-throat, the size of the mineralgrains,and these factors can effect permeability; We can use constant rate mercury injection,the start-up pressure gradient test and the saturation of mobile fluid test, the filtrationcharacteristics of ultra-low permeability reservoir in Daqing Placanticline and the west ofthese area are researched; Through analyzing the influence of mainline throat radius,microcosmic heterogeneity characteristic parameters, movable fluids percentage, thresholdpressure gradient, oil viscosity and clay compositions on development effect oflow-permeability oilfields, low-permeability oilfields can be comprehensively evaluatedutilizing comprehensive sorting technique. Well patterns in Placanticline, western andsouthern areas of GuLong, southern area of QiJia and western area of Pu are researchedutilizing numerical simulation software of ultra-low permeability reservoirs which takenon-linear filtration into account.The main research results are as followed:1)Throat radius and distribution are the main factors that control reservoir permeability,The relationship between the average throat radius, the biggest throat radius, the averagepore-throat ratio, sorting coefficient and permeability are linear in semi-logarithmiccoordinates.2)The west of Daqing Placanticline, waiting for proven reserves, the minimum of limitflow about pore-throat, permeability and the minimum in water flooding about permeabilityhas been determined. Analysis think that limit flow about throat radius generally in0.2~0.5μm in each area, limit flow about permeability generally in0.1~0.3×10-3μm2, the limit in water flooding about permeability generally in0.7~0.9×10-3μm2. The strongest oil-waterflow are in the north area of Gulong, the second are in the south of Gulong, the west of Pu,the south of Qijia, the worst are in the west of Gulong and Daqing Placanticline. The reservoirabove25×10-3μm2, the key about the difficult explore is driving pressure system can’teffective establish, microscopic heterogeneity is the key factors of affecting oilfielddevelopment.3) The results of evaluation about comprehensive classification of reservoir show that,the north of Gulong area belongs to classⅠ reservoir, own the best reservoir properties,most easy to use development; the west of Pu and the south of Gulong belongs to classIIreservoir, also is easy to use; the south of Qijia, the west of Gulong and Daqing Placanticlinebelongs to classⅢ reservoir, in order to effective use these areas, we need technologicalbreakthrough.4) The research of deploy well network shows that, Daqing Placanticline Fuyu reservoirchoose300m×100m well nets, the west of Gulong area choose400m×150m well nets, thesouth of Qijia choose500m×100m well nets, the south of Gulong area and the west of Puchoose500m×150m well nets.


