

Investigation on Optimization and Integrated Design of Clamp Type Billet Hanger

【作者】 赵怀璧

【导师】 王璋奇;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 流体机械及工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 夹钳式钢坯吊具由多杆机构组成,完成对钢坯的夹取、运送、卸载等多项工作,其设计水平的高低直接影响工作装置性能的优劣,进而影响整台设备的工作效率与经济指标。因此,对夹钳式钢坯吊具的研究具有现实意义。本文主要从以下几个方面对夹钳式钢坯吊具进行研究:首先,对夹钳式钢坯吊具系统进行结构分析。利用Solid Edge和ADAMS联合建立300kN吊具的虚拟样机模型,对吊具的静力学特性、动力学特性和运动学特性进行仿真分析,全面掌握吊具系统的力学特性,验证吊具系统的稳定性和可靠性。计算吊具的夹紧力、最小夹紧力、夹紧系数和吊具高度,分析夹紧系数、吊具高度与几个主要参数之间的变化规律。对吊具系统的同步机构进行仿真分析,并给出相对误差。了解吊具在不同驱动速度、加速度条件下夹紧力和摩擦力变化规律,测量各关节处的最大受力情况。为设计出重量轻、高度低的吊具系统提供依据。其次,在动力学分析的基础上,对吊具系统进行优化。在吊具动力学模拟和对结构有限元分析的基础上对吊具进行优化设计,采用两阶段的优化设计思想,分别从总体设计和零部件设计两方面对吊具系统进行优化,以获得满足使用要求的理想设计方案。建立吊具系统的优化设计数学模型,以关键参数为优化变量,以结构合理、安全可靠、重量最轻为优化目标。给出吊具系统优化设计的设计变量、目标函数和约束条件之间的关系,实现含黑盒子函数优化设计问题的全局优化算法。第三,运用元模型设计方法建立关键零部件的模型。夹钳式钢坯吊具各部件设计以元模型为基础,以钳臂和连杆两个关键部件设计为例,通过对其中多个参数的修改驱动生成符合实际需要的部件模型。给出钳臂和连杆两部件的设计方法和设计流程,分析钳臂和连杆的设计要素,对两个部件分别进行受力分析和有限元方法分析及验证,验证这两个部件设计的正确性。最后,根据以上理论和方法,以Visual Basic6.0为开发工具,以Solid Edge V15为参数化建模平台,在此平台上进行二次开发,以Auto CAD2004作为二维图形输出平台,以Word2003作为计算说明书输出平台,后台数据库采用SQL Server2000,为某索具公司开发一套夹钳式钢坯吊具集成设计系统。

【Abstract】 The clamp type billet hanger, which is made of bar mechanisms, is used for the billet gripping, transporting and unloading. The design level directly impacts on the hanger’s performance quality, and then further affects the efficiency and the economic indicators. Therefore, the research of the clamp style billet spreader has practical significance.This article mainly researches on the clamp type billet hanger from the four aspects.Firstly, the mechanical analysis is carried out. The virtual prototype model of the300kN hanger is set up by Solid Edge and ADAMS for the simulation of the static characteristics, the dynamic characteristics and the kinematics, based on which the comprehensive mechanical properties, the stability and reliability of the hanger are obtained. The calculation on the parameters such as the clamping force, the intensifying coefficient, etc. and the detailed simulation analysis are taken to gain the relative errors, the max clamping force, and the force developing trend under different velocity or aceleration conditions, so that reference can be provided for the lightes and smallest hanger design.Secondly, the optimization based on the dynamic analysis and the finete element analysis (FEA) is studied repectively in the general design and the component design. The optimizing math model of the hanger is set up, taking the key parameters as the optimization objects, and the lightest hanger with satisfied strength as the optimized target. The optimization algorithm including the blad box fuction is carried out through the investigation on the relations among the design parameters, the limited conditions and the target function.Thirdly, the dey component model is set up by metamodel. These components are obtained by the parameters adjustment and the parameter-drived model generation. The clamp arm and the connecting rod are taking as the example to show the design method and flow. The design elements, the mechanical analysis and the FEA of these two components are investigated. The result shows that the metamodel-based design method is effective.Finally, according to the above theory and method, using Visual Basic6.0as the development tool, Solid Edge V15as the parametric modeling platform, the second-developed Auto CAD2004diriven by VBA as the2D graphics output platform, Word2003as the manual output platform, and SQL Server2000as the database, a integrated design system of the clamp type billet hanger for a cable company is developed.


