

Research on Coordinated Control System for Boiler-Turbine Units Guided by AGC Performance

【作者】 谢谢

【导师】 刘吉臻; 曾德良;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着风能、太阳能等新能源在电力系统中的大规模使用,为保证电网侧安全运行,传统火电机组参与调峰意义重大。同时为满足供电质量,华北区域制定的电网两个细则明确规定了参与AGC机组的负荷调节性能要求。为克服在大范围变负荷运行下机炉特性的显著变化对机组稳定运行的影响,保证机组输出功率满足电网侧的负荷需求,本文研究了基于进化算法寻优的协调控制系统设计方案。论文的研究内容包括以下几个方面。1.在机组非线性模型分析的基础上确定机组模型非线性度与协调控制系统鲁棒裕度之间的量化关系。提出一种科学确定典型工况点的方法,在各工况点获到机炉对象的线性化模型,采用基于间隙距离的非线性度分析系统的非线性,计算两两线性化模型之间的间隙距离。2.提出一种以单目标进化算法设计局部控制器、增益调度控制实现全局协调控制系统的设计方法。将协调控制系统的设计归结为以负荷、主蒸汽压力调节性能为优化目标,鲁棒性能与主蒸汽压力最大偏差为约束条件的多目标优化模型,并将其转化为单目标优化问题,分别采用两种不同的进化算法求解局部控制器。对比分析了两种控制器的鲁棒性能、采用不同性能评价指标的负荷调节性能与主蒸汽压力调节性能,验证了全局控制器在深度变负荷下的调节性能。3.基于AGC性能优化,提出采用改进多目标进化算法的协调控制系统设计方法。将AGC性能作为优化目标的一部分,改进了协调控制系统优化模型;分析多种多目标进化算法的特性,据此确定求解协调控制系统多目标优化问题的算法,从三方面对该算法进行改进,仿真验证了改进算法的有效性以及最优解对应的协调控制系统性能具有良好的AGC性能和鲁棒性。4.提出一种基于实用性和全局性能优化的超临界机组协调控制系统设计方案。分析了超临界机组的特性及其控制系统特点,总结了两种典型的超临界机组协调控制系统工程设计的思路。采用全静态解耦加多变量PI控制器的协调控制系统设计方法,利用增益调度控制实现系统的全局性能一致性。仿真结果验证了该方案的有效性。

【Abstract】 With the large-scale application of wind and solar in power system, It is important for conventional thermal power units to participate in peak regulation for the safe operation of grid side. Two rules of grid for North China region that define the load regulation performance requirements of AGC units is proposed for the power quality. In order to overcome the effect caused by characteristics change of bolier-turbine under wide load variation and the power of units can meet load requirements of the grid side, this article research on the coordinaed control system design based on evolutionary algorithm optimization.The thesis includes the following aspects:1. On the basis of unit non-linear model analysis, the quantitative relationship between the unit nonlinearity and coordinated control system robustness index is determined. A scientific method to decide typical operating points is proposed, the linearized model of boiler-turbine unit is obtained at typical operating points, the nonlinear measure based on gap distance is applied to analyze nonlinearity of the system, calculation the gap distance between two linearized models.2. It is introduced the coordinated control system which local controllers is based on the single-objective evolutionary algorithm and gain schedule control is apply to realize global controller. The design of coordinated control system is attributed to the multi-objective optimization problem which take regulation performance of load and main steam pressure as optimization objectives, robustness and maximum deviation of main steam pressure as constrains, convert it into a single objective optimization problem, application two kinds of evolutionary algorithms to design local controllers, analysis and comparison the robustness, load and main steam pressure regulation performance of different local controllers, verification the performance of the global controller under wide load variation.3. It is proposed the coordinated control system based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on optimization units AGC performance. The optimization model of coordinated control system is improved by taking AGC performance as a part of optimization objectives, analysis characteristics of many kinds of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, determination the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to slove multi-objective optimization problem of coordinated control system, making improvement of this algorithm on three aspects, simulation results show that the proposed coordinated control system has good AGC regulation performance and robustness and the algorithm is effective.4. It is proposed a supercritical unit coordinated control system design method fot the practicality and optimization of global performance. Analysis characteristic and control feature of the supercritical unit, it is summarized two typical coordinated control system engineering design ideas for supercritical unit. It is proposed a control scheme that static decouple and multi-variable PI are included for the coordinated control system, and gain schedule control is applied to realize the consistency of global performance. Simulation results show that the proposed coordinated control system is effective.


