

Transmission and Distribution Price Forming Mechanism and Application Research under the Government Regulation

【作者】 韩勇

【导师】 谭忠富;

【作者基本信息】 华北电力大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 输配电网是联系发电和用电的桥梁,合理的输配电价不仅能够促进电力市场的公平竞争,而且关系到电网的高效、可持续发展和整个电力工业的协调发展。然而虽然我国电网企业与电厂分离,但电网环节依然没有独立、合理的输配电价形成机制,这种局面落后于我国电力改革步伐,甚至阻碍了电力体制改革的深化。因此,加快推进输配电价改革,建立合理的输配电价形成机制成为当务之急。但由于输配电市场是技术上最具挑战的领域,输配电价体系设计、定价方法的选择很大程度与电网的技术和经济特性相关,并应考虑电力改革的实际需求。输配电网具有自然垄断特性,垄断将造成市场机制失灵,必须通过政府管制制定输配电价,这是世界各国理论和实践中达成的共识。但由于各国国情不同,电力工业改革进程千差万别,各国输配电价制定方法各有不同。本论文基于政府管制方式下,对输配电价形成机制进行了系统性研究,对输配电成本、输配电费用的分摊、定价方法、价格传导机制等方面提出了相关模型,并进行了实际算例应用分析。论文从经济学原理角度阐述了价格管制的经济特性,得出垄断行业存在企业利润和社会效率不能兼得的结论;从输配电行业特点角度对常用的政府管制方式的管制模型、适用性、参数的选择进行论述,提出了我国适用的管制方式。对输配电成本进行了全面分析研究,按照输配电成本监管的要求确定了成本归集方法;在国外输配电成本核定理论研究方法基础上,提出了基于当量指标体系的可控成本对标分析模型;同时,通过理论研究和编制软件定量计算,分析了定价折旧率对输配电价的影响,在分析输配电定价折旧率影响因素基础上,提出了我国折旧率确定原则。基于冗余容量和潮流跟踪原理,提出输电/安全费用分摊模型,并根据获得事故紧急支援程度的不同,将安全费用分摊到受益电网,通过实例验证了该方法的合理性和有效性。论文对分电压等级的输配电价传导机制进行了深入研究,提出了各电压等级电力平衡计算方法。为了体现电力市场的公平竞争,输电价格应反映节点位置信号,并由电力市场主体的发电商和用户共同承担输电费用。本论文基于三相短路贡献矩阵,将各线路成本费用分摊到各节点,形成节点电价;同时提出了一套实用性较强的输电价格体系,并开发软件进行实例计算。

【Abstract】 Electricity transmission and distribution grid is the bridge connecting the generation and utilization of power. A reasonable electric transmission and distribution price can not only enhance the fair competition in the electricity market, but is also related to the high-efficient and sustainable development of electric grid and the coordinated development of the entire power industry. In China, despite the separation of the grid enterprise and power plant, there is still no independent, reasonable electric transmission and distribution price formation mechanism for the grid, which lags behind the reform steps of power industry in China and has even impeded the further reform of the power system. Therefore, quickening and pushing the reform of the electric transmission and distribution price and establishing the reasonable price formation system for electric transmission and distribution have become the top priority. However, the market of electric transmission and distribution is technically the most challenging field. The design of the electric transmission and distribution price system and the pricing method are both to a great extent related to the grid technology and economic characteristics. In addition, the actual need of the reform of power industry should be taken into consideration. Electricity transmission and distribution grid is characterized by natural monopoly, which causes the failure of market mechanism. Therefore, there is a consensus among most countries all over the world that the electric transmission and distribution price must be decided under the government regulation. But since the conditions of different countries vary, so do their reform progresses of the power industry and pricing methods for the electric transmission and distribution. This dissertation carries out a systematic research on the price formation mechanism of electric transmission and distribution under government’s regulation, proposes relevant models with real case analyses in several aspects including the cost allocation of electric transmission and distribution, the pricing method, and the price transmission mechanism.From the perspective of the principles of economics, the dissertation describes the economic characteristics of price regulation and withdraws the conclusion that in monopolized industry the profit of the enterprise and the social efficiency cannot be obtained in the meantime. From the perspective of characteristics of the electric transmission and distribution industry, this dissertation discusses the common models of government regulation, its applicability and choices of parameters, and proposes the regulation method that is suitable for China.The cost of electric transmission and distribution is comprehensively analyzed and studied, and the method of cost accumulation is determined according to the requirement of the supervision of the cost of electric transmission and distribution. Also, on the basis of foreign theories and methodologies of the cost assessment of electric transmission and distribution, the benchmarking analyzing model of controllable cost that is based upon equivalent weight indicator system is also proposed. In the meanwhile, the influence that the depreciation rate of fixed price has upon the price of electric transmission and distribution is analyzed through studying theories and programming software to make quantitative calculation. Based upon the analysis of factors that influence the depreciation rate of fixed price of electric transmission and distribution, the principles of determining the depreciation rate for China are promoted.Based upon the principles of redundant capacity and power flow tracing, the electric transmission/security cost allocation model is proposed. Besides, according to the different degrees of the urgent rescue for accidents, the security expense will be allocated among benefited grids. The rationality and effectiveness of this method is verified with real cases. The dissertation carries out in-depth researches on the price transmission mechanism of the voltage-level based electric transmission and distribution and suggests the calculation method of electric equilibrium for all voltage levels.In order to display the fair competition in the electricity market, the electric transmission price should reflect the signals for node positions, and as the market entities, the electricity generator and subscribers should share the cost of electric transmission. Based upon the three-phase short circuit contribution matrix, the dissertation proposes the cost distribution among all node positions for each circuit, forming electricity prices for node positions. In the meanwhile, a fairly practical price system for electric transmission is proposed and software is developed for calculation in real cases.


