

Study on Brand-oriented Firms and Their Integration Modes of Value Chain

【作者】 刘泳

【导师】 陈荣耀;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为经济总量位居世界第二的国家,中国世界级知名品牌拥有量明显不足。从制造大国转变为品牌强国,是实现产业升级的一条重要路径。改革开放三十多年来,我国成功地嵌入全球产业链,但从事的环节主要是低端的加工制造。要在全球价值链中获取更多的利润,必须提升技术贡献率和品牌贡献率。作为新兴的发展中国家,劳动密集型的传统产业是我国国民经济的主体。传统产业大多由购买者驱动,产业的转型和升级更多地依赖品牌贡献率的提升。品牌资产凝练了企业多年持续创新、科学管理、卓越品质、优良服务和企业文化,作为一项重要的无形资产,在市场导向日益深入人心、产品更新换代速度不断加快的经营环境下,能够持久而有力地维系良好的顾客关系,通过品牌溢价和销售增长显著增强企业的盈利能力。基于上述背景,本文对品牌导向型公司及其价值链整合模式展开理论和应用研究。与其他品牌资产创建模式不同,品牌导向型公司将品牌作为公司战略的核心,强调运用品牌推动业务决策和公司运营,实现品牌愿景成为公司所有的努力和资源的投入导向。品牌导向以更加积极和深思熟虑的方式聚焦于品牌开发。本文以价值链为主要的分析工具,意在揭示品牌导向型公司品牌价值与公司价值的一体化管理的模式和机制。在揭示品牌的战略价值的基础上,本研究首先探讨了品牌导向型公司的内涵及其演进过程。文章认为,品牌导向的本质是一种竞争战略导向。品牌导向是一种更为具体的市场导向,公司通过创建顾客关系资产将内部的资源能力和外部市场联系在一起,使公司获得了长期影响市场的力量。然后,文章以品牌导向的价值链模型为分析工具,深入探讨了品牌战略导向和品牌核心价值导向两种导向作用的内在机理。品牌战略导向要求公司围绕品牌资产的创建和利用来决定资源的交易和组织方式,通过构建高效的价值链来实施品牌战略;品牌核心价值导向要求公司以品牌核心价值作为价值信号,引导资源在价值活动中的配置,保证创造的差异化价值符合品牌的诉求。其次,本文重点分析了品牌导向型公司实施一体化管理的价值链整合模式。文章认为,构建有效的品牌导向的价值链整合模式,必须从品牌导向型公司的价值战略出发,以品牌为关系纽带,在战略层面、文化层面和运营层面实施集成管理,追求协同效应。进一步地,运用品牌导向的价值链模型,对品牌导向的价值链内部整合、价值链纵向整合和价值链横向整合的不同模式进行了具体分析,揭示了不同价值链整合模式的整合内容、整合特点和整合动因。为了深化对品牌导向的价值链整合模式的探究,本研究通过构建委托代理模型,对品牌导向的零售商与贴牌制造商的价值链整合、品牌制造商和特许经销商的价值链整合以及虚拟品牌运营商和制造服务商的价值链整合三种典型的价值链纵向整合模式进行了量化分析,揭示了品牌溢价能力、品牌影响需求的效应系数对合作机制的影响。最后,基于对华东地区制造公司的调查数据,通过结构方程模型,验证了品牌导向、价值链整合对品牌权益和公司绩效的影响,揭示了品牌导向型公司高增值的源泉。

【Abstract】 Being the world’s second largest economic body, China has few well-known global brands. Going from a big manufacturing nation to powerful nation with many famous self-leading brands, is a way to achieve industrial upgrading. In the thirty years of reform and opening-up towards the outside world, Chinese enterprises have inserted but stay at the low part of the industrial value chain. We should improve the contribution rates of techniques and brands so as to gain more profit. As a new developing country, labor intensive industry is the main part of national economy. These traditional industrial chains are buyer-driven and can be effectively promoted by the contribution rate of brands.As an important intangible asset, brand equity embodies the innovation, management, quality and culture advantage of companies. In the dynamic operation environment, market orientation is rooted in the hearts of the people progressively. Brand equity can maintain customer relationship powerfully in a long period, and improve the profitability of the company through brand premium and sales volume growth.This paper focuses brand oriented companies and their value chain integration through carrying out the theoretical and applied research based on the above background. Brand-oriented companies think the brand as the core part of company strategy, and actively use the brand to drive business decisions and manage the companies. All efforts and resources are directed toward the fulfillment of this brand vision. This paper aims to reveal the united management mode and operation mechanism of brand value and company value using value chain as the main analysis tool.Based on the profound analysis of brands’strategic value, this paper first launches on a discussion about the connotation and the evolution process of brand-oriented companies. This paper maintains that the essence of brand orientation is a kind of competitive strategy orientation. As a special market orientation, brand orientation can guide companies to gain the ability to influence the market through building customer’s relational assets which can connect internal resource with external market. Then, this paper makes a thorough study of action mechanism of brand strategy orientation and brand core value orientation applying the brand-oriented value chain model. Brand strategy orientation makes the claim that companies should construct the transaction and organization mode to fit the establishment and application of brand equity, then implement brand strategy through effective value chain. Brand core value orientation claims that companies should allocate resources by the value signal acted by brand core value to guarantee the consistency between the created value and brand opinion. Secondly, this paper emphatically analyzes the integration patterns of value chain of brand-oriented companies. It is maintained that efficient brand-oriented value chain integration modes must keep to the value strategy and take brand as the tie of customer relationship, and companies should carry out integration management in strategy lay, culture lay and operation lay to obtain synergistic effect. Further, brand-oriented value chain model is used to analyze internal integration mode, vertical integration mode and horizontal integration mode of brand-oriented value chain and integration content, integration character and integration motivation are summarized. To deepen the study on integration modes of brand-oriented value chain, this paper constructs principal-agent models and makes quantization analysis of the value chain integration between brand-oriented firms in different positions of links in value chain and their outsourcing service providers. The results show that brand premium capacity and the impact degree of brand on demand have active effects on cooperation mechanism.Finally, the paper constructs structural equation model and uses survey data of manufactories in east china to verify the active influence of brand orientation and value chain integration on brand equity and firm performance, revealing the source of brand-oriented companies’high value increment.

【关键词】 品牌品牌导向价值链价值链整合模式
【Key words】 BrandBrand-orientationValue chainValue chain integrationMode
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】F276.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1113
  • 攻读期成果

