

【作者】 罗宇佳

【导师】 田建荣;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 学业表现性评价自古有之。起初其作为一种对学生学习结果与学习态度的评价思想,受制于不同时代的哲学观念和社会环境,一直都以一种客观存在的现象和方式、渗透和隐藏于当时的教育政策和教育活动之中。直到上世纪八十年代,学业表现性评价才作为一个独立的研究对象被提出。而在当代,学业表现性评价因其“评价不是为了审计学生,而是为了改善学生的表现,并更好地促进学生全面发展”的理念受到不同学科、专业以及不同教育阶段越来越多的关注。基于这样的研究背景和教育现实,本研究针对目前高等学校音乐表演专业学生学业评价实践中存在的问题,主要从高等学校音乐表演专业学生为什么需要表现性评价、什么是音乐表演专业学业表现性评价、如何开发表现性评价和如何运用表现性评价来提升教与学的水平、促进学生的学习等四个问题展开研究。本研究认为,不存在最好的学业评价方式,要对学生的学业情况做出完整、全面的评价,必须整合多种评价方法。表现性评价的特性决定了评价必须在教学过程中运用,而评价目标、评价任务和评价标准则是音乐表演专业学业表现性评价的三个核心要素。一方面,评分规则与评价标准是目标的具体化;另一方面,表现性任务可以成为具体的教学活动;第三方面,评价结果也可以起到检验目标合理与否的作用,三者合而为一,构成了课程、教学和评价的动态循环模式。本研究采用历史法、文献法、调查法(访谈、问卷调查)、比较分析法、案例研究等研究方法。本研究采用历史法、文献法,对有关中外音乐表演专业学业表现性评价的历史文献的收集、整理以及分析后发现,由于古代音乐教育记谱法尚未出现,教学方式以口传心授为主,因而古代音乐教育学业表现性评价常以师生之间“口试”的形式出现;后随着记谱法、宫廷音乐教育、学校音乐教育、教材、师生等诸多教学活动所需因素的确立,在加之音乐表演艺术自身的特殊性,“学生弹唱、教师考核”的形式逐渐固定成音乐表演的考试形式,沿用至今。其中技能技巧的掌握与否一直是音乐表演学业评价的主要核心内容与评价标准。本研究采用调查法(问卷、访谈)对我国高等学校音乐表演专业学业评价现状进行了调查研究。通过对调查所获得的数据进行分析发现,目前我国高等学校音乐表演专业学业评价存在学业评价功能窄化、学业评价方式单一、学业评价标准客观性差、学业评价主体单一等问题。之所以产生以上问题,主要由于我国长期以来无所不在的考试竞争文化、音乐表演专业教师的自我中心主义观念以及学校管理体制僵化,使得当前音乐表演专业学业评价的弊端凸显。改革高等学校音乐表演专业学业表现性评价现状,构建新的学业评价体系,必须以相关理论作为提出、构建以及实践的基础。“从音乐教育审美哲学到音乐教育实践哲学”意味着当代音乐教育哲学认识论的转向,“从测量到建构”意味着当代教育评价价值观的转变,从认为评价是审计学生到评价是民主协商、主体参与的过程;“从量化到质性”意味着当代教育评价方法论的转变,从数字说明到言语描述。认识论、价值论以及方法论的相关理论,为音乐表演专业学业表现性评价提供了评价方法、评价模式上的理论支持。高等学校音乐表演专业学业表现性评价涉及评价目标的制定、评价内容的选择、表现性任务的开发和设计、评价标准和评分规则制定、多元评价主体的参与以及评价时间和场所的选择等问题,在音乐表演专业学业表现性评价的开发和设计中,这些环节构成了评价的基本步骤。依据相关理论,本研究运用目标分析法、专家咨询法以及个人经验法对学业评价目标的确定、内容的选择以及评价标准的制定进行研究。在综合了这三种方法的基础上,本研究提出音乐表演专业学业表现性评价的一级指标为音乐表演技能技巧、音乐表现力和临场表现水平。音乐表演技能技巧包括身体协调能力、节奏感、读谱能力以及音乐记忆力四个二级指标;音乐表现力包括音乐风格、音乐理解力以及音色三个二级指标;临场表现水平包括音乐表演的完整性和舞台台风两个二级指标。以评价指标为依据,吸收和借鉴了美学领域以及中外音乐表演美学思想中有关音乐表演评价的观点,制定出高等学校音乐表演专业学业表现性评价量表。本研究运用案例研究方法,以“演出组评议模式”、“档案袋评价模式”以及“青歌赛评价模式”为案例,论述了表现性评价在学生课堂学习、过程性学习以及终结性考试中运用的可能性,并提出一些可操作的模式和路线。表现性评价不光可以运用到普通的学业评价方面,入学考试、课程与教学改革等都可以与表现性评价有机结合。本研究认为,教师的评价能力、责任以及评价素养时刻影响着学生学业评价的进行,而教师自身评价观念的转变、角色的重新塑造以及评价责任心的树立,是表现性评价能否顺利进行的关键。

【Abstract】 Academic performance evaluation of ancient times. At first, as a kind of student learning outcomes assessment and attitude of thought, subject to different times of the philosophy and environment,it has been an objective phenomenon and methods of infiltration,was hidden in education policy and education activities into. Until the1980s, it was only as an independent object of study is proposed.In the today,academic performance evaluation because of its "evaluation is not to audit students, but rather to improve student performance, and better promote the overall development of students"concept subject to different disciplines, professional, more and more in different stages of education attention. Based on this background of research and education, this study points for the current school music students problems in evaluation practice, will be carried out around four Problems, includes why we need performance evaluation? What is performance evaluation? How to develop it? And how to apply it to improve teaching and learning?This study suggests that there is not best evaluation but the most suitable one. If we will make a complete and comprehensive evaluation for our students,We must integrate a variety of evaluation methods. the performance evaluation must be used in the teaching process, and evaluation of goals, tasks and criteria are academic performance of the musical performances of professional evaluation of the three core elements.On the one hand, scoring rules and evaluation criteria are specific targets; the other hand, the performance of tasks can be a specific teaching activities; Third, the evaluation test results can also play a role in whether or not a reasonable goal, and the three together one, constitute the curriculum, teaching and evaluation of the dynamic loop model.Historical method, documentation method,survey method and case study are used in this research.By using the historical and the documentation methods,after collecting,sorting out and analyzing music professional academic performance evaluation historical,it is found that ancient music notation Education has not yet appeared, teaching methods to mouth and heart, they have ancient music education evaluation of academic performance between students and teachers often "oral" form; later, with the notation, court music education, school music education, teaching materials, teaching activities, teachers and students, and many other factors required for the establishment of combined musical performing arts in their own particularity,"the students playing and singing, the teacher evaluation" form gradually a fixed form of the examination into the music, and skill has been a music major core academic evaluation and evaluation criteria.This study used survey method to research music professional status of academic evaluation.After analyzing the data,it was found that the present music professional academic evaluation have many problems such as narrowing of academic evaluation function, single, standard deviation of objectivity, academic evaluation of the main single etc. Are the result of the above problems, mainly due to our long-standing culture of pervasive competitive examinations, professional music teachers and schools self-centered concept of rigid management system, making the current music highlights the shortcomings of the professional academic evaluation.Reform of music professional status of academic evaluation, build a new school evaluation system, the theory must be made as to build the foundation and practice."From the aesthetic philosophy of music education to practice philosophy to the","From measurement to construct" and "From quantitative to qualitative"means that evaluation of contemporary music education in epistemology, value theory and methodology has changed. Theory, epistemology, value theory, and methodology for the musical performances of professional academic performance evaluation, evaluation methods, theoretical support on the evaluation model.Music professional academic performance evaluation involves goal setting, evaluation of content selection, the performance of tasks of development and design, evaluation criteria and scoring rule-making, multi-evaluation of the subject’s participation, and evaluation of the time and place of choice and other issues, academic performance in the musical performance evaluation of professional development and design, these sectors constitute the evaluation of the basic steps. This study used objective analysis, expert advice and personal experience of law school evaluation method for the determination of objectives, content, selection and evaluation standards for research. This study proposes music professional evaluation of an academic performance indicator for the music skills and techniques, musical expression and spot performance level. Music skills and techniques including physical coordination, sense of rhythm, ability to read music and music memory four two indicators; musical expression including music styles, music, sound understanding three secondary indicators; spot performance standards including full musical performances. Typhoon and stage two secondary indicators. Based on the indicators to evaluate, the study absorb and learn from the field of aesthetics and aesthetics in music performance evaluation point of view about music, make the music professional academic performance evaluation scale.In this study, case study approach to "performance group evaluation mode","portfolio assessment model" and " Young Singer TV Grand Prix " as a case. Performance evaluation that can be applied not only to the general academic evaluation, entrance examinations, curriculum and teaching reform, and so can be combine with the performance evaluation. This study suggests that evaluation of teachers, responsibility and the moment of impact evaluation of students’ academic literacy assessment, whereas the teacher’s own evaluation of the concept of change, shaping and re-evaluate the role of sense of responsibility to establish, is the performance evaluation can proceed smoothly the key.

  • 【分类号】J604.6-4;G642
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1267
  • 攻读期成果

