

【作者】 王庆如

【导师】 司晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020年)》指出:“民办教育是教育事业发展的重要增长点和促进教育改革的重要力量。”陕西作为我国民办高等教育发展的重要策源地之一,在我国民办高等教育发展历史上占有重要地位。但种种迹象表明,我国民办高校的发展正处于一种举步维艰的“高原期”。根据对陕西省现有的18所民办高校的实地调研发现,其症状表现为:发展态势正在衰减,生存空间日趋局促,前途命运未卜难测。因此,新形势下如何提升民办高校的办学水平,走出“高原期”就成为目前民办高等教育理论和实践界研究的热点和难点所在。本研究综合运用系统论、可持续发展理论和利益相关者理论,将文献研究法、理论分析法、田野研究法和德尔菲法有机结合,通过访谈和问卷调查,对民办高校办学水平的概念、构成要素进行了系统地分析,并以此为框架,对陕西民办高校办学水平现状、存在问题及成因进行了系统地阐述与分析,在此基础上提出了提升民办高校办学水平的具体策略。主要研究内容如下:第一,建构了民办高校办学水平的分析架构。通过对民办高校办学水平概念的厘定,指出了民办高校办学水平由大学理念、人才培养、师资建设、内部管理、办学效益五个核心要素构成。依照这五个核心构成要素,建构了民办高校办学水平的五维要素结构模型,为后续研究提供了分析框架。第二,梳理了陕西民办高校发展历程、成就及特征。陕西民办高校发展经历了自学考试助学机构阶段、高等教育学历文凭考试试点阶段、实施学历教育专科阶段、实施学历教育本科阶段和实施硕士研究生教育阶段。陕西民办高校的发展实现了从无到有、从小到大、从弱到强、从低层次到高层次的跨越式发展,成为陕西高等教育的一大靓点,被称为全国民办高等教育发展的“陕西现象”。第三,扫描了陕西民办高校办学水平的问题与症结。利用分析框架,选取有代表性的民办高校,通过田野研究等方法,对陕西民办高校办学水平的状况、存在问题进行了扫描。其主要表征是:大学理念方面存在着办学理念模糊、办学定位失当、校园文化淡漠的问题;人才培养方面存在着培养目标与实践脱节、专业结构设置不合理、人才培养质量不高的问题;师资队伍建设方面存在着师资结构不合理、队伍不稳定、管理不完善的问题;内部管理方面存在着行政管理科学性不强、教学管理专业化不高、学生管理重管轻教的问题;办学效益方面存在着办学经费日趋拮据、经费用途偏失、忽视社会和个人效益的问题。第四,剖析了制约和影响民办高校办学水平提升的因素。从宏观层面来看,由于生源数量萎缩与质量下降、转型期市场经济不健全、社会传统观念的束缚,成为制约民办高校发展的社会环境影响因素;从中观层面来看,由于政策制定存在缺陷、政策执行不力、政府管理中存在问题,成为制约民办高校办学水平提升的制度性因素;从微观层面来看,由于民办高校的逐利性动机和理念、法人治理结构不完善、管理人员素质不高,成为制约民办高校办学水平提升的自身原因。第五,提出了新时期民办高校办学水平提升的具体策略。民办高校办学水平的提升需要建立整体的改革图景,需要政府、社会和民办高校共同协作。具体来讲:一是完善制度设计,理顺民办高校的法律地位、实行分类管理机制、健全市场机制;二是端正办学思想,淡化逐利色彩、创新人才培养模式、树立质量立校意识;三是加强师资队伍建设,加强自有教师队伍建设、完善教师管理和考核及激励、改善教师生活条件;四是完善治理结构,建立现代大学制度、完善法人治理结构、建立“多元参与、协作发展”的治理模式;五是加强财政资助,将其纳入公共财政框架、引导其提高质量、培育办学特色。

【Abstract】 As The national platform for medium and long term educational reform and development plan (2010-2020) goes:"Private education is important for the development of education and an important force to promote education reform." As one important source of private higher education in China, Shaanxi Province occupies an important position in the history of the development of private higher education in China. But there are indications that the development of private colleges reached the plateau phase. According to field research of the existing18private colleges in Shaanxi province, the symptoms are:development trends decaying and living space increasingly being cramped, future destiny difficult to measure. Therefore, how to improve the level of private colleges under the new situation and make them get out of plateau as soon as possible becomes the current hot and difficult points of the study both in theoretical and practical fields of private higher education.This research integrating system theory, sustainable development theory and stakeholder theory, combing literature research method, theory analysis method, and fieldwork method and Delphi method together, by interview and questionnaire investigation, define the concept of the private colleges running level and elements systematically, provides specific strategies about improving the running level of private colleges on the basis which is systematical elaboration and analysis on current running level of Shaanxi private colleges and existing problems and the causes. The main points are as follows:First, this paper constructs an analysis framework of the running level of private colleges. Through giving the concept of the running level of private colleges, it points out that the level of private colleges is determined by five core elements:the values of the colleges, training of talents, the construction of teaching staff, internal management, and effectiveness of school running. In accordance with the above five core elements, it constructs a five-dimensional structure model for the running level of priate colleges and also provides a framework for follow-up studies.Secondly, it gives a systematical analysis of the development progress, achievements and characteristics of private colleges in Shaanxi Province. These private colleges have experienced the following periods:the assistant organization of self-study examination, higher education diploma examination, implementation phase of undergraduate education and postgraduate education. Development of priate colleges of Shaanxi Province achieves the leap-forward development from small to big, from weak to strong and from low level to high level, which becomes a great part of Shaanxi higher education and is called "Shaanxi Phenomenon" of national priate higher education.Thirdly, it scans the problems and causes of running level of private colleges in Shaanxi. By using analysis framework, selecting representative private colleges and the methods such as fieldwork, analysis of the situation of the level and existing problems of these private colleges. In terms of the values of the colleges, the running concept or values are vague, running positioning is misconduct, and campus culture is indifferent. As to training of talents, training target and practice can not match each other, the structure of professions has not been reasonably set, and talents’ quality is low. As for the construction of teaching staff, teachers’structure is not reasonable, teaching team is not stable, and management is not perfect. About internal management, the administration is not scientific enough, teaching management is not not professional, students management has the problems of too much management and too little teaching. As to effectiveness of school running, increasing shortage of running funds, deflection of running fund, and ignoring social and personal benefits.Fourthly, this thesis makes analysis of the factors that restrict and affect the improvement of running level. From macro level of view, due to students’ number atrophy and decreasing quality, unsound transformation period market economy, and bondage of traditional social concep; from middle level of view, due to defection of policy-making, ineffective implementation of policy and existing problems in government management; from micro-level of view, interests-orientated motivation of private colleges, imperfect corporate governance structure, and low personnel quality of management.Fifthly, it provides specific strategies in improving the running level of private colleges in the new era. The promotion of private higher education running level needs to build the overall picture of reform and the cooperation of government, community and private colleges. Specifically, first is to perfect system design, straightened out the legal status of private colleges, implement classified management mechanism, and make sound market mechanism; second is to make education values improved, weaken profit-orientated thought, innovate the mode of talent training; third is to strengthen construction of teachers’ team, strengthen college-owned teachers’team construction, perfect teachers management, assessment and incentive, and improve teachers’life conditions; fourth is to perfect governance structure, establish modern university system and establish governance mode of more participation, collaborate development; fifth is to strengthen financial aid, which should be included into public financial framework, and this can help to improve the quality and cultivation features of these private colleges.

【关键词】 民办高校办学水平策略
【Key words】 private collegesschool running levelstrategies

