

【作者】 杨令平

【导师】 司晓宏;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “均衡发展是义务教育的战略性任务……率先在县(区)域内实现城乡均衡发展,逐步在更大范围内推进”是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》规定的我国义务教育均衡发展的路线图。从我国东中西三大区域发展的实际状况来看,由于西北地区义务教育处于全国平均水平的低谷,因此毫无疑问,实现县域内义务教育均衡发展的攻坚部位在西北地区。西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展的推进,离不开政府的参与并发挥作用,但政府在义务教育均衡发展进程中既可能表现出积极的作为,也可能表现出消极的行为,从而使得政府既是加快西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展的积极力量,同时也是延缓义务教育均衡发展的根源。因此,政府行为的科学性、规范性、有效性是西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展的重要保障。本研究综合运用新制度经济学、公共管理学、社会学、教育学、政治学等学科的基本理论和文献法、比较分析、调查方法、理论分析等相关研究方法,以西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中的政府行为为研究对象,对县域义务教育均衡发展及政府行为的相关理论、政府行为的作用机理、内容和行为方式、评价标准、成效与问题等进行了较为系统地梳理与分析,借鉴国外部分国家政府推进教育公平的实践,提出了优化西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为的思路与策略。本研究主要内容有:第一,梳理了相关理论。社会正义理论、一般均衡理论、非均衡发展理论、政府职能理论、公共服务理论、政府行为扩张理论和官僚行为增长论构成了本研究的理论基础。第二,厘定了县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为的边界。在系统梳理相关理论的基础上,分析了政府作为县域义务教育均衡发展主要责任人的合理性,阐述了县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为的作用机理、主要内容和行为方式。第三,建构了县域义务教育均衡发展中政府行为的分析框架。较为系统地分析了政府教育行为的内容和方式,明确了县域义务教育均衡发展进程中各级政府的行为方式定位,初步建构了县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为评价指标体系。第四,论证了西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为的成效、问题及危害。选取西北地区有代表性的7个县,采用问卷调查、访谈等方法和手段,对其义务教育均衡发展进程中的政府行为进行了较为系统的实证考察与分析,描述了政府行为的主要成效,即县域义务教育均衡发展机制初步建立、投入力度不断加大、师资队伍得以显著提升、教育均衡化水平明显提升。阐释了义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为存在的发展规划缺乏科学性和可持续性、“越位”与“缺位”现象明显、“政府悖论”现象和政府行为的机会主义倾向严重等问题。分析了政府行为问题可能导致的义务教育均衡发展交易成本增加、寻租及腐败现象严重、公共政策失灵和虚假均衡发展等危害。第五,剖析了政府行为问题的成因。从公共管理学、新制度经济学、组织行为学的视角,剖析了政府行为存在问题的原因,指出导致西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中行为存在问题的原因是多方面的,经济社会发展水平落后、对计划经济体制的“路径依赖”、政府的“经济人动机”、政府的“有限理性”和相关法律规章制度缺位是导致其行为问题的主要根源。第六,提出了政府行为优化的思路与策略。西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为的优化是一个渐行渐进、不断完善、不断改进的系统工程。借鉴美国、英国、日本、巴西和印度等发达国家和发展中国家的经验,西北地区县域义务教育均衡发展进程中政府行为优化的总体目标总体目标是坚持科学、全面、均衡的治理理念,实现义务教育的优质均衡发展。具体标准是实现政府交易成本降低、政府理性得到增强、政府行为有效且有限、政府义务教育服务水平提高等。总体思路是坚持走科学发展之路和城乡一体化之路。具体策略有:改善西北地区县域义务教育发展的社会保障条件,应消解城乡社会二元结构、健全公共财政制度、形成公民利益表达机制;进行制度创新与政府再造,应转变政府教育管理职能、建立科学的政绩观和官员考核制度、健全和完善义务教育均衡发展管理体制机制;勘定政府行为边界,应完善法律法规建设、建立健全政府行为效能提升的长效机制、加强政府监督机制建设。

【Abstract】 "Balanced development is the strategic task of compulsory education. Firstly it should achieve balanced development both in urban and rural areas in counties or districts and gradually advancing within wider regions." That is China’s national platform of balanced development of compulsory education regulated in medium and long term educational reform and development plan of China (2010-2020). From the point of actual condition of three regional developments in China’s Eastern, Central and Western part, the lowest level of compulsory education in national average lies in the Northwest, thus there is no doubt that the critical part to achieve balanced development of compulsory education in the county should be the Northwest of China. This-movement can not be left alone without the participation of government and its critical role, however, it can play either active or negative role within this process, which makes Government either play the positive role in speeding up the balanced development of compulsory education in the County of Northwest part, or the root cause of delaying this movement. Therefore, scientific, normative, effective government behavior is the important guarantee for a balanced development of compulsory education in counties in the Northwest region of China.This research integrates basic theory of the subjects such as new system economics, public management, sociology, pedagogy and politics, and relative research methods such as literature method, comparison analysis, investigation and theory analysis. Besides, this thesis takes Government behavior during the balanced development of compulsory education process in Northwest County as research object, and puts forward new ideas and strategies in optimizing Government behavior during this process by adopting relative theories and making analysis of government behavior in balanced development of compulsory education, role mechanism of Government behavior, evaluation standard, and relative results and problems and referring to the practical actions of some foreign governments in promote educational equity. This research paper includes the following parts:Part One, the paper introduces relative theories. The theoretical basis of this study is as the following:social justice theory, general equilibrium theory, theory of non-equilibrium development, theory of functions of government, public service theory, government expansion theory and bureaucratic growth theory.Part Two, it limits the boundary of government behavior in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in the County. On the basis of the above theories, it makes analysis of the rationality that government takes principal responsibility in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in counties and elaboration of government behavior’s mechanism, main content and action style in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in the counties.Part Three, this paper establishes an evaluation standard of government behavior in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in counties. It makes a summary of relative systems and practices of balanced development of compulsory education in the counties, and orientates the action style of all levels’government behavior. Besides, it analyzes the selecting principles of government behavior, and initially builds an evaluation system of government behavior during the process of balanced development of compulsory education in countries.Part Four, this thesis illustrates the efficiency, problems and bad effects of government behavior in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in counties. It selects the representative counties in the Northwest region, about which it makes systematic empirical investigation and analysis of government behavior in the balanced development of compulsory education of these counties, describes the main results of government behavior in these regions, which mainly shows in the aspects in the following:initial establishment of balanced development of compulsory education in these counties, intensified of government, significantly improved quality of teaching staff and teaching efficiency. What is more important, it illustrates the problems that it lacks scientifically planning and sustainability of government behavior in the balanced development of compulsory education,"offside" and "defaulted" phenomenon are common, and the problem of "the paradox of Government" and serious opportunist tendencies of Government behavior. It also makes analysis of the problems government behavior may lead to, for example, increasing transaction costs of the balanced development of compulsory education, heavy rent-seeking and corruption, public policy failures and false balancing development.Part Five, it makes analysis of the causes of government behavior. From the perspective of public management, new system economics, and organization behavior learn, it points out the cause of "Government paradox" and more important, it points out that there are many reasons that led to the problems of compulsory education balanced development process in Northwest Counties. The main causes are as following:low economic social development,"heavy rely" on planned economic system,"economic people motivation" of Government, and "limited rationality" of government and the absence of related legal rules and regulations Part Six, it provides new ideas and strategies on optimization of balanced development of compulsory education in counties in the Northwest. Firstly, it selects typical representatives of developed countries, respectively United States and the United Kingdom and Japan, developing countries, Brazil and India. It makes systematical arrangement and analysis of government behavior in the process of promoting educational equity in these foreign countries and draws on several points of enlightenment. Secondly, it proposes an overall goal, specific standard and general idea of Government behavior in the process of balanced development of compulsory education in Northwest Counties. The overall goal is to adhere to the treatment concept, which should be scientific, comprehensive and balanced, to achieve balanced development of compulsory education with high quality. Specific criteria is that to realize the goal of reducing transaction costs and enhancing the rationality of government, the Government is enhanced, with the standard of limited but effective government actions and the increase of government service levels in compulsory education. The general idea is to persist in the road of scientific development and the integration of urban and rural areas. Finally, it offers the specific strategies of optimizing government behavior, namely:improving social security conditions for the development of compulsory education in counties of Northwest regions, demolishing dual social structure of urban and rural areas, making sound public finance system and forming citizens’speaking mechanism; making system innovation and reinvention of government, changing the management function of government education, establishing a scientific outlook on political achievements and on official assessment system, improving management system of balanced development of compulsory education, assigning boundaries of government behavior. Lastly, it should perfect laws and regulations, establish and improve long-acting mechanism of the effectiveness of government behavior, and strengthen mechanism of government supervision.


