

【作者】 单侠

【导师】 王玉华;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 佛教作为一个宗教实体,具有庞大的僧团、众多的寺院及其赖以存在的经济基础,是社会的重要组成部分。但进入近代以后,佛教面临内外交困的局面,其生存受到极大威胁。为了挽救佛教于危亡,佛教界一批颇有远见的僧伽针对佛教自身积弊提出了一些革新措施并由此形成了一股以教理、教制、教产革新为中心,涉及佛教方方面面的革新思潮。民国时期的佛教革新作为近代佛教的一个缩影和代表,在中国佛教史上曾经发挥过应有的作用,它所做的一切,包括思想上的创新,对我们建设当代佛教无疑具有重要的启发意义。但目前还没有人对该课题进行过系统的研究,致使这个领域的研究还不完善。鉴于此,本文从僧伽对自身积弊的反思入手,对民国时期(1919—1949)的佛教革新进行系统研究,欲以起到抛砖引玉的作用。全文共分七个部分:导论,主要阐述本课题国内外研究现状、研究意义及创新点,交代与本课题紧密相关的几个重要问题。第一章,主要阐述民国时期佛教革新的背景。首先分析佛教自身存在的积弊,指出了僧伽素质的低下及子孙寺庙大量存在所导致的丛林没落、戒律废弛的状况等,是佛教革新的根本原因。其次,分析佛教所受到的外界的冲击如:西方先进文化的冲击,知识界对佛教的发难,社会一般民众对佛教无情的批判甚至破坏,庙产兴学运动对传统佛教的致命冲击,指出社会各界对佛教的冲击是佛教革新的催化剂。再次,分析僧众自身的觉醒,随着自身素质的提高,他们不再一味的逃避,而是开始正视自身存在的问题,进而以振兴佛教为己任,对佛教界种种弊端和腐败现象进行无情的批判,并提出种种革新方案,这是佛教革新的重要条件。第二章,主要研究教制革新。教制革新是民国时期佛教革新的重要组成部分,主要是针对佛教内部的弊端所做的调整。具体地说,教制革新主要可以分为以下四个部分:僧伽改造;革新僧教育;加强佛教组织建设;建立和合僧团。其中,僧伽改造和革新僧教育及加强佛教组织建设主要是有感于传统佛教丛林制度存在的弊病而做出的调整,而建立和合僧团则是革新要实现的目标。佛教要实现与社会发展相适应的目标,首先必须实现自身的转型,从这一意义上讲,教制革新在整个革新实践中,具有基础和首要的地位。第三章,主要研究教产革新。首先分析社会各界对教产的征用、强占及佛教界自身肆无忌惮的挥霍。进而指出内外夹击的教产风波加重了僧伽的危机意识,他们开始从治标(强调庙产为佛教界所公有,外界不应也无权觊觎;驳斥各种传言;呼吁政府对庙产实质性的保护)和治本(统制庙产;将庙产积极用于项佛教事业;兴办慈善事业;兴办教育提高僧伽整体素质以更好的管理庙产)两个层面来整理教产。其标本兼治的举措既可保证庙产的合理利用,又可为佛教的持续发展提供可靠的物质保障,是解决庙产问题的有效途径,为以后庙产问题的解决提供了有益的借鉴。第四章,主要研究教理革新。首先分析教理研究废弛的状况,阐述了太虚大师对教理的新阐发及其人间佛教理论的提出,并逐渐被佛教各界及社会人士接受而成为一股新思潮;接着阐述了佛教界为了消解社会各界对佛教的误解而把教理向社会宣扬,如:佛教期刊的创办、演讲的举办及电台的运用,实现了讲经内容的现代化;不仅如此,佛教界也非常注重切身参加社会活动,甚至派僧团出国留学以加强国际交流等。第五章,主要研究僧伽要求参政的情况。尽管佛教界进行了教制、教产、教理革新但效果都不太理想,佛教界认为佛教的发扬光大及佛教自身积弊的消解必须有政治力量的介入,因而呼吁僧伽参政。但具体应以何种形式参政在佛教界内部存在截然对立的两种观点:一派反对僧伽组党,要求“议政而不干治”;另一派则坚决主张僧伽组党。僧伽“议政而不干治”的主张,后被共和国所接受,并以宪法的形式固定下来。第六章,主要是对民国时期(1919—1949)佛教革新进行评述。认为佛教革新没有达到预期的目标主要是由于僧伽1内部的不团结,以及没有坚持以全体僧伽为主体而导致的。而革新给我们的启示是,佛教革新不但应坚持以全体寺僧为主体,而且还要契理契机,即不但要适应时代发展的新要求,而且还要继承和发扬传统佛教诸多优秀的历史传统。总之,作为研究近代中国国家、宗教与社会关系的切入点,民国佛教革新的复杂面相并非单一典范所能准确概括,它涉及到政治、经济、思想、文化、法律、教育、宗教等各方面,牵涉到社会各界,本论的研究只是一个初步的尝试,不可避免会存在诸多缺憾,需要进一步的努力。

【Abstract】 As a social entity Buddhist possess not only an umbrella Sangha and a good deal of temples but also great material or monetary value for its existence and operation,which has been an important part of our country. But it was faced with an exceptionally difficult situation even its survival was under threat since modern times. To counter the corrupt practices of Buddhism some men of insight of Buddhist adopted a series of measures with all aspects which centered around religious doctrine and Buddhist system and property. as a epitome and symbol of Modern Buddhism, it had played an important role in the process of Buddhism development including creative thinking and innovation and it is rather illuminative in onstructing up-to-date Buddhist. Such an important problem should be discussed seriously,but an examination of the facts proves the contrary. In this situation, the paper systematic research of Buddhist revival in national government period. The paper has seven chapters:Chapter one, which is the part of Introduction, explains the research background and purpose, and briefly reviews performance evaluation of vigorous Buddhist revival in home and aboardand so on.The second chapter illustrated the background of Buddhist Reformation. Finally, it analyzes the corrupt practices of Buddhist itself, which was one of the fundamental reasons of Reformation; Secondly, it elaborates Buddhist suffered the destruction from the external world including influenced by Western culture and technology and intellectuals’severe scolding and masses’destruction. To root out bad practices, Sangha had been straightened out in many ways such as reforming clerical certificate system,enforcing tornsure,eliminating monks and priests and so on,which is vital to Buddhist Reformation..The third chapter of this article mainly studies reformation of the Buddhist system, it mainly directed the multitudinous questions existing in itself and made certain appropriate readjustments which is an important component of Reformation.which including organization construction, thought construction, organ construction, system construction and style construction. to a certain degree,Buddhist realized their own betterment and progress in the course of propelling society forward and played a special role and has an important status in the Buddhist history.The fourth chapter focuses on the Buddhism property, it not only encountered brought impact from external world but also freely squander from itself during NationalGovernment period,which sharpened crisis consciousness of Sangha and forced them to take measures to bring the disorders to an end.which not only took both Buddhism property were owned communally and effective protection from gowerment into consideration but also including centralized management of Buddhism property and Buddhism undertakings development and the entire quality improvementof Sangha.which were effective ways to solve the promblem and provided experience for posterity.Part five is the study on the t reformation of Buddhism because of the past period of chaos and poor, and this has partly lowered its prestige among the people.to revitalize Chinese Buddhism and anable it as the "right pointer for modern mind",Ven. Taixu held high the banner of "Human Life Buddhism"and made comprehensive choices for the way of Buddhist modernization.which found general acceptance became an irreversible historical trend. Right following was to propagandize and educate the people through establishing Open Periodicals and delivering lectures and even broadcasting to dissipate misunderstandings, not this merely but also participated some social activities actively, as was sending people abroad for advanced study.Part six mainly discuss Sangha’s participation in government affairs,which was not a great but extremely controversial event in Buddhism history,which caused fiery dispute in the late republic of china. The argument had two centers:one was whether or not and another was In what form to participate in the management of State affairs,the former mainly among the Sangha and laymen,and the latter in the monastery.which had a common purpose contending for the initiative legal status and enormous room for growth through changing Buddhism into the nucleus of social service.The last chapter mainly discuss that in the Buddhist Reformation we have to consistently followe two fundamental principles:One is Sangha-oriented and all Sangha as a whole is/are in favour of the reform;the other is Reformation should ont only keep pace with the times but also retain the characteristics of Buddhist itself.In a word, Reformation was a very complex political social issue,involving politics,economy,thought,culture,religion,education and so on.As it involves many aspects and I have little talent and less learning,there must be some disadvantages which need colleagues to make joint efforts to solve this issue.

【关键词】 民国时期佛教教制教产教理
【Key words】 Buddhist SystemBuddhist PropertyBuddhism

