

【作者】 刘凌

【导师】 张学忠;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 王国维的《人间词话》是词学史上不可不提的一部著作,其中提出的一个重要概念——“境界”已成为学界研究的主要课题。自从1908年《人间词话》发表在《国粹学报》时提出该概念起,历经百馀年,学界对其研究的热情仍经久不衰。但是,学者们通常从意境的角度来研究王氏的“境界”说,即把境界看作是一种意境,有的甚至直接把境界等同于意境。其实,二者的内涵是不尽相同的,意境主要指向艺术层面,而境界则不仅指向艺术层面,亦指向人生和文化层面。由于王国维在使用境界这一概念的过程中,有时亦在使用意境这一概念,这就造成了境界涵义的多义性,同时也为后人留下了对这一概念进行阐释的空间。本文的研究思路就是从艺术层面开始,进而从人生与文化层面切入,对境界进行阐述,从而把意境看做境界的一个层面。本文共分为七个部分,其中导论部分主要介绍前人对王国维的《人间词话》及其“境界”说的研究情况和文献综述,以及本文的研究思路等。第一章是对王国维其人和《人间词话》的概述,秉承孟子所提出的“知人论世”理念,对王国维生活的时代及其生平、思想、著述作简单的勾勒,以期为后文诗学理念的研究提供基础。认为王国维的一生几近传奇,也是充满了悲剧的一生,给世人留下了太多的谜团,也引发了人们对他的关注。只有对王国维这个人有所了解,才有可能对其作品进行深入的解读。此章还重点介绍了王国维的几部文学和美学论著,并对《人间词话》的结构和版本进行了介绍。第二章介绍了“境界”说产生的理论渊源,辨析了境界这个概念的本义以及它是如何成为一个美学概念的。认为境界本是一个佛家用语,后来一方面逐步发展演变形成确立了中国传统诗学“意境”理论。而“境界”的佛学本义方面也一直得以保留,王氏正是继承了的“意境”概念,而又回到了其佛学本义并加以自己的创造,才提出了“境界”说。王国维“境界”说的提出,除了受中国传统诗学的影响外,还接受吸收了西方的美学理论,首先是受到了康德的审美意象理论的影响,其次就是受到了叔本华的审美直观理论和尼采的“血书”论的影响。第三章立足文本,通过对《人间词话》中具体条目的辨析,对“境界”内涵的美学层面进行界定。首先分析了艺术中的境界之美,即“意境”美,认为“意境”是以“情”和“景”为其主要构成要素的,并按情景的不同比重将王国维的“意境”理论分为“意与境浑”、“以意胜”、“以境胜”三个不同的类型。接着探讨了指向人生品格的“境界”之美,这种“境界”首先是一种生命体验,其次体现出一种主体人格。所以,境界是一种开阔深沉的生命气象的呈现,而这种气象是最终根源于主体的,没有主体开阔高远的人生境界,没有主体对人生真诚执著的投入,就没有作品中开阔深沉的境界。因此,“境界”说是一种强调创作主体的美学观。第四章是从哲学层面对“境界”说进行的阐释。认为在“境界”说中,包含着浓厚的生命哲学思想。作为生命哲学的体现,境界的首要要求就是“真”,具体包括真感情、真景物和真语言,而认为生命哲学特别体现在王国维提出的“赤子之心”上,因此,以李煜为例重点对赤子之心的概念进行了论述。此外,生命哲学的表现形式在《人间词话》中是以词作者的人格模式体现出来的,因此特别提到了“境界”论中的儒家的人格模式和道家的人格模式。具体表现为儒家的理想型人格(以屈原为范型)和道德型人格(以杜甫为范型)和道家的自然型人格(以陶渊明为范型)和洒脱型人格(以苏轼为范型)。第五章则是从狭义文化层面对“境界”理论所作的阐释。认为作为一个深受儒家思想影响的知识分子,王国维身上毫无疑问地具备传统知识分子素有的文化精神。这种文化精神亦渗透在其文学批评之中。因此,在《人间词话》中,也包含着深刻的文化精神,主要有儒家文化精神和道家文化精神。在受中国传统文化影响的同时,王国维也受到了西方文化的影响,即西方人文主义思想的影响。这种文化精神在王国维的文化性格上亦有所体现。王国维虽然吸收了大量的道家思想,但其文化性格的主导依然是儒家,而儒家的入世思想与王国维倡导独立的现代学术性格是矛盾的,其冲突与影响集中体现在王国维自沉于昆明湖这一悲剧性结局上,因此,对王国维自沉的文化意义进行了阐发。认为王国维的自沉显示了追求人生境界始终是王国维毕生关注的最核心的问题,这一文化精神必然体现在他一切的学术著述中,《人间词话》特别阐明并彰显“境界”理论,认为“境界”超越了传统的所谓“兴趣”、“神韵”说而成为评价一切词作的最高标准,证明了本文的核心论点,王国维的“境界”理论不只是局限于艺术层而,而是包含着生命和文化内涵的,是以主体人生境界作为其立论根底的。另外通过对王国维其他美学思想如古雅说、游戏说、美育思想的介绍,证明了王国维的诗学是一种人生诗学。文章的最后是余论部分,论述了《人间词话》的价值和意义。其价值主要有二:一是其境界论的创立,可谓是对传统意境说的完善和发展;其次是创造性地提出了自己以进化论为理论基础的词史观,勾勒出词体发展的大致轮廓,并分析了词体之兴衰的可能原因。最后论述了《人间词话》境界理论的意义:认为该书是化合中西理论资源而写成的一部理论作品,开启了现代文学理论和批评的先声。王国维以“境界”论词,以对真实的,深刻的人生展示为其根本目标,显示了王国维先生对文学的严肃性和高尚性的倡导,显示了王国维毕生对理想的艺术美和人性美的不懈追求。其意义已不仅于在建构一种理论,更在于树立一种正确的、高尚的艺术观与人生观,具有恒久的昭示价值。至此,完成了对王国维在《人间词话》中所提出的境界说的文化阐释。

【Abstract】 "Comments on Ci Poetry",a book of Wang Guowei, is a very important works in the history of Ci Poetry study, in which brought forward a significant concept--"Realm" that has become a major subject of study. Over more than one hundred years, since being published on "the research of the quintessence of Chinese culture" in1908, the concept remained popular in academic circle.In academic circle, the concept of "Realm" is mostly researched from the view of poetic imagery, that is, to regard "Realm" as a kind of poetic imagery or, ever further, to equal the two as one.However,they have different connotations. Poetic imagery mainly refers to scope of art while "Realm" contains not only the scope of art but also life and culture. Wang Guowei’s tendency to contain poetic imagery into "Realm" has led to the multiple explanations of the meaning of "conditon" and room for further explanation by the successors. The approach of this dissertation is to start with the art scope and then advance to the life and cultural scopes.Here we consider the poetic imagery as one side of "Realm" which mostly means art whereas the Realm itself could be understood as life and wider cultural scopes.In introduction, we bring forward the research and literatures on "Comments on Ci Poetry" and the "Realm" theory by the predecessors and the approach of this dissertation.Chapter One gives overall comments on "Comments on Ci Poetry" and its author, following the rules of learning about the author before understanding their works by Menci.The whole life of Wang Guowei was full of tragedies, like a legend that left a number of puzzles for the world and has been drawing widespread attentions.Not until we have learned enough about him,could it be possible to understand Wang Guowei’s pieces.Chapter Two introduces the aesthetics origins of "Realm" theory, making a clear definition of "Realm" and finding out how it became a aesthetics concept."Realm" is originally a buddhist phrase and developed into an aesthetics concept afterwards.The forming of of the concept, besides being influenced by the traditional buddhist thinking, greatly derived from the Western aesthetics. In particular, it absorbed Kantian aesthetics image theory and also Schopenhauerian intuition theory. Chapter Three begins research with the artistic beauty,firstly the beauty of Realm in art,that is, the beauty of poetic imagery, and then the beauty of Realm which refers to character and morals. To be specific,"Realm" is firstly a kind of life experience as well as a sort of subject personality. Hence,"Realm" is manifestation of wide and deep life,which on the earth stems from the subject. Without the wide and generous life Realm of subject or its earnest and sincere dedication for life, there won’t be the wide and deep Realm showed in the works. Thus,"Reallm" is a kind of aesthetics point emphasizing the subject--the author itself.Chapter Four interpret Realm theory’s philosophy significance. There are profound thinking of life philosophy in Realm theory. Realm, as the presentation of life philosophy, has its prior value pursuit--to be true, which in specific consists of true feeling, true scenery and true wording--all of which is put forward in Wang Guowei’s "Comments on Ci Poetry". In the mean time,the manifestation of life aesthetics in the works is mainly presented with the personality modes of CI Poetry creators, mostly including Confucian personality mode(e.g. Qu Yuan of ideality-oriented mode and Tu Fu of ethics-oriented mode) and its of Taoism(e.g. Tao Yuanming of nature-oriented and Su Shi of free and easy personality).Chapter Five initiates the interpretation for Realm theory from cultural scope(in narrow sense). As a traditional intellectual, undoubtedly, Wang Guowei had been passed on the culture idiosyncracy of Chinese traditional intellectual. This kind of idiosyncracy was also permeated in Wang’s literary criticism. Therefore, in "Comments on Ci Poetry", there exists profound culture characteristics,which mainly comprises Confucian and Taoism cultural characteristics. While being influenced by Traditional Chinese Culture, Wang Guowei also took nutrition from western culture--humanism. Wang Guowei’s personality could be a reflection of the idiosyncracy mentioned above--though he showed al lot of Taoism thinking in "Comments on Ci Poetry",Wang’s cultural characteristics was still Confucian-orientated whose enterprise and ambition orientation contradict with Wang’s modern scholarism advocating independence,which finally led him to a tragic end.In the last Chapter, the significance and influence of "Comments on Ci Poetry" are presented. The main value of the works includes:1)bringing forward Realm theory,which perfects and summarize the traditional Realm theory;2)combining both eastern and western theory resources to make theory works that initiated the modern literature theory and criticism.3)creatively proposing his own viewpoint of CI Poetry history theoretically based on Theory of Evolution,outlining the overall tendency of the evolution of CI Poetry and analysing the possible reasons for its rise and decline. So far, the cultural interpretation of theory of Realm by Wang Guowei in his "Comments on Ci Poetry" has been concluded.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
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