

【作者】 叶琳

【导师】 尤西林; 韦建国;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 伊凡·阿列克谢耶维奇·布宁是二十世纪俄罗斯现实主义文学的优秀继承者与发扬者,俄罗斯第一位诺贝尔文学奖获得者。布宁一生热爱自然,并立足于自然对人类的生存进行密切关注和持续思索,对生死、爱情、回忆、家园等普世性问题展开哲理性探寻,最终形成了独具风格的诗学特征。但非常遗憾的是,长期以来,由于政治等因素的影响,对布宁的研究一直未能充分展开。苏联自文学“解冻”时期开始有关布宁的研究迅速增多;我国对布宁的研究则主要开始于改革开放之后。到目前为止,国内外有关布宁研究的文献非常丰富,关于布宁自然主题的研究也已成为其中的前沿领域。不过,从生态美学理论视角切入布宁创作的研究,除了我们的一篇初步分析外,尚未发现其它的研究。因此,以生态美学理论为基础,结合俄罗斯宗教文化传统分析布宁创作生态诗学特征的形成、发展与演变,不仅有利于布宁研究的丰富,有利于当代生态美学理论的完善,而且还有利于解决人类社会目前所面临的严峻生态危机,有利于人类与生态环境的良性和谐发展。俄罗斯得天独厚的自然条件以及早期的多神教信仰,孕育出早期俄罗斯民族对自然浓厚的依恋与敬畏心理;十九世纪中叶至二十世纪初发展而成的宇宙思潮则从世界观层面进一步强化了俄罗斯民族的“自然情结”,这些均构成了布宁创作生态诗学特征形成的俄罗斯文化基础。布宁带着对自然与生俱来的热爱走进了艺术世界,并将俄罗斯乡村自然作为作品讴歌的对象。布宁将自然与人类视为同源平等的生命,主张人与自然的融合互动;布宁还将自然视为神圣力量,自然的神性内涵对人的生命具有启示意义;布宁的自然还具有广阔的俄罗斯历史时空感,自然景色充满对民族历史的回忆,对现实生活的感伤以及俄罗斯灵魂内涵。将自然人性化、神圣化、俄罗斯化成为布宁早期创作的生态诗学特征。世纪之交的俄国社会正处于由传统的农业文明向资本主义工业文明的转型时期,社会矛盾异常尖锐。布宁以“天地神人”四方和谐的乌托邦理想为潜在标准,在对往昔农业社会留恋与追忆的同时,对俄国现实社会的贫穷落后展开了深刻揭露和无情批判,深入探究了俄国乡村(也是俄国社会的浓缩)愚昧落后、乡村贵族阶层没落消失的缘由,并超前性地开始反思人类新的文明形态——资本主义工业文明,最终倡导“人——自然——社会”的整体和谐构成布宁中期创作的生态诗学特征。移居法国之后,布宁聚焦于回忆、爱情、归家和死亡等生存普世性问题,通过人与自然的共生同行中形成健康的人格,在俄罗斯大自然中实现精神还乡,倡导人间真爱等,布宁努力探寻着人生存过程中精神生态的和谐与超越,实现对自然人性价值的固守与回归,对现代社会人性异化与分裂的拯救。从早期作品中强调人与自然的融合互动,将自然人性化、神圣化、俄罗斯化;到中期作品中人与社会和谐发展的社会生态理想的建构;再到晚期深入人类普世性的生存,探寻人类诗意的精神生态家园,实现人精神生态的和谐与超越。布宁创作生态诗学特征的变化不仅体现了布宁对人类可能生存方式的持续探寻,还反映出其生态诗学特征的不断递进与深化,最终建构起布宁丰富而完整的生态诗学体系,即自然生态、社会生态及精神生态的和谐统一

【Abstract】 Ivan Bunin is the excellent successor and developer of Russian realism literature in the20th century and the first Russian laureate of Nobel Prize in literature. Bunin loved the nature all his life and he closely noticed and continually thought human existence based on nature and philosophically explored and seeked the universe problems like life and death, love, memory and homestead and finally he formed his unique poetics characteristics. But it is a pity that the unanimous study on Bunin has not conducted fully for a long time because of the influence of factors like politics. In Russia, the study on Bunin has been increased rapidly since "unfreezing" period literature started. The study on Bunin in China began after the reform and opening up. By far, the literature on the study of Bunin at home and abroad is very abundant. The study on Bunin’s nature theme has also become the front field. But we have not found the study on Bunin’s works from the perspective of ecological esthetic theory except our preliminary analysis. Therefore, the analysis of the formation, development and evolution of the ecological poetics characteristics of Bunin’s works in light of ecological esthetic theory, Russian religious and cultural traditions is not only conductive to the enrichment of study on Bunin and the perfection of contemporary ecological esthetic theory but also conductive to solving the current grim ecological crisis faced by the human society and the virtuous and harmonious development of human beings and ecological environment.The advantageous natural conditions of Russia and early multiple religion beliefs gave birth to the dense attaching to the nature and the awe mind of Russian. The universe thoughts developed in the middle of the1800s and in the beginning of the1900s further intensified "the natural complex" of Russian. These aspects constitute the Russian cultural foundations of the ecological poetics characteristics of Bunin’s works.Bunin walked into the art world with his born love for the nature and took the rural nature of Russia as the target eulogized by his works. Bunin viewed the nature and human as the equal lives that had the same origin. He advocated the amalgamation and interaction of human and the nature. Bunin considered the nature as the sacred power. The natural deity meaning has inspiring significance for the human’s lives. Bunin’s nature had broad space-time sense of Russian history. The natural scenery was full of the memory of the national history, the sentiment on the real life and Russian soul intension. The ecological poetics characteristics of Bunin’s early works were turning the nature into humanity, sanctification and Russian color.The Russian society at the turning point of two centuries was in the transfer period from traditional agricultural civilization to capitalist industrial civilization and the social contradictions were very keen. Bunin took the Utopian ideal of the harmony of the four "heaven, earth, god and human" as the potential standard. While he was reluctant to leave and looked back at the old agricultural society, he deeply disclosed and mercilessly criticized the poverty and backwardness of Russian real world, thoroughly probed into the reason why the Russian countryside (that is, the concentration of Russian society) was ignorant and backward and why the rural aristocrat class came down and disappeared and he began to reflect the new civilization form of human beings—capitalist industrial civilization ahead of time. The ecological poetics characteristics of Bunin’s works in the middle period was advocating the harmony of "human-nature-society".After Bunin migrated to France, he focused on thinking the universal issues of life such as memory, love, going home and death. Bunin formed healthy personality through the joint living and travel of human and the nature, realized returning to native places spiritually in Russian nature and advocating the true love in the world, tried to meet all kinds of harmony and transcendence of spiritual ecology of human beings in the course of subsistence, realized the adhesion and returning of natural humanity value and saved the humanity dissimilation and split of modern society.From the advocated amalgamation and interaction of human and the nature in the early period, turning the nature into humanity, sanctification and Russian color, to the construction of social ecological thought on the harmonious development of human and society in the middle period, and to the universal life, seeking the spiritual ecological homestead on human poetry, and realizing all kinds of harmony and transcendence of spiritual ecology of human beings in the late period. The ecological poetic characteristics change of Bunin’s works not only embodied Bunin’s continual exploration of human possible living means, but also reflected the continual evolution and deepening of his works’ecological poetics and finally built the rich and unique ecological poetic system, that is, the harmonious unification of natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology.


