

【作者】 闫宁

【导师】 田建荣;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 建国后高等职业教育在我国的发展从1980年到现在仅仅三十多年的时间,全国独立设置的高职高专院校从1998年的432所截止到2010年已增至1239所,每年以20%-40%的速度迅猛增长,据统计在2009年,全国高职院校在校生人数达964.8万人,比1999年增长了8.2倍;“全国高等职业教育招生数达313.4万人,比1998年增长了6倍多,超过本科生的招生规模,伴随着高等职业教育快速发展,中国高等教育毛入学率已由2002年的15%提高到2008年的23%,为我国在21世纪初实现高等教育大众化的历史性跨越起到了基础性和决定性的作用”①,高等职业教育成为了高等教育的“半壁江山”。作为高等教育的一种类刑,高等职业教育乘持着能力本位将培养目标定位在“技能型”人才,高等职业院校学生学业考试也试图在知识和技能两个方面与传统的技能考评和鉴定的体系接轨,建立相应的制度体系和评价模式。在经济技术飞速发展,职业变动频繁和职业内涵日趋模糊的现代社会,外显的、单一岗位技能化取向的职业能力本位日益遭到挑战,建构主义和人本主义的兴起促使了新职业主义对人内在、可持续职业发展与成长的关注,高等职业教育到底要培养什么样的人?这个问题在三十多年的发展中伴随着校企合作和课程改革也在不断探索,“从技能型人才到高技能人才,从经验技术和动作技能为主的机械操作者到以理论技术和智力技能为主的技术应用性人才,从高级技工、技师、高级技师等传统的高级技能型人才到适应全球化的知识经济时代要求的现代技术型人才”。②从单一岗位的封闭任务下的“会操作”到基于职业领域典型工作任务下的“会工作”,其实质是高等职业教育能力本位的重构,从技能化取向的能力本位转向为综合职业能力的本位,高等职业教育对高技能型人才的培养必然要指向综合职业能力,对学生学业的评价必须要针对跨职业、跨岗位的综合职业能力依据新的理论基础和操作模式来进行。反观当前我国高等职业教育学生学业评价现状与职业教育学习领域课程改革(工学做一体化课程)目标要求和职业领域对人的能力综合化要求则相去甚远,传统的考试体系已经无法诊断与评价基于典型工作任务中对完整工作过程设计与实施这样的“知识与技能”。如何建立适应当前改革的学生学业评价体系便成为一个亟待解决的问题,本文运用文献法、历史法、案例法和比较研究等方法,在充分占有第一手资料和实践调查的基础上对这一问题进行了剖析。首先从历史维度和中外对比两个方面对职业教育学生学业评价进行了梳理和剖析,分析的基本框架为评价制度、评价主体、评价内容、评价方法、评价标准以及评价功能。在描述事实过程中力求对其背后的“职业能力”及其价值预设和操作模式进行全面解读。历史维度的职业教育学生学业评价一直以考试为话语方式,其知识+技能的实践方式迄今仍在深刻的影响着当前高等职业教育学生学业评价的理论和实践,对其考察主要从我国古代学徒制考试到晚清学校制度化职业教育考试发展至民国职业教育考试,最后到当代高等职业教育考试;中外对比的维度则从“职业能力本位”背景下当今世界职业教育最为发达的德国职业教育考试和英语文化圈国家有代表性的英国职业教育考试为例进行了对比分析。基于历史经验的反思和中外对比,结合目前职业教育课程改革以及当前企业人力资源所采用的评价模式、以及职业能力测评技术的最新发展,提出了高等职业教育学生学业评价的体系,包括评价的理论基础、评价制度设计、评价内容、评价方法、评价标准以及评价主体构成。认为高等职业教育学生学业评价的理论基础应当超越传统的行为主义而以理性主义哲学和建构主义的学习论和评价论作为理论基础,评价制度设计围绕职业领域典型工作任务在三个层面进行制度化设计,评价内容以具有完整工作过程结构的职业典型工作任务为基础和来源结合学习性工作任务设计,评价方法以先前学习认定和关键事件访谈法,根据学生对完整工作过程的系统性构思的方案阐述、论证和实施进行评价,评价标准既要体现对学生全面发展的教育性要求,又要体现顾客、委托方、社会组织包括国家法律法规的专门性要求的三维一体全面性评价原则。因而作为评价主体必须要有这些不同价值取向的主体构成,因典型工作任务和完整工作过程所涉及的部门和人员都要纳入到评价主体之中从而形成多元的评价主体。

【Abstract】 After the founding of the higher vocational education in the development of our country from1980to now only30years time, the national independent set the vocational college from1998in432by2010has increased to1239, by20%a year to40%of the speed rapid growth, according to statistics, in2009, the number of students in higher vocational colleges,9.648million more than the1999increased8.2times;"The higher vocational education include up to3.134million people, higher than in1998, more than six times as many undergraduates recruitment of students scale, with higher vocational education rapid development, China’s higher education gross enrollment rate rose from in2002to15%in2008, and for our country in the early21st century realizes the higher education popularity historically played a fundamental and decisive role", the higher vocational education in higher education as the "half jiangshan". Higher education as a kind of type, the higher vocational education clung to the competency-based will cultivation objective orientation in skilled talents of higher vocational college students’academic exam also tried to knowledge and skills in two aspects and the traditional skills assessment and evaluation system of international standards, set up a corresponding system system and evaluation model.In the economic technology rapid development, career change frequently and professional connotation of increasingly fuzzy modern society, explicit, a single post JiNengHua orientation career competency-based increasingly challenged, constructivism and the rise of humanistic prompted new professionalism to within, sustainable development and growth of professional attention, the higher vocational education to cultivate exactly what kind of person? The problem in more than30years with the development of the cooperation between colleges and in the curriculum reform is also in constant exploration,"from skilled talents to the talent of high technical ability, experience and skill from technology mainly to machine operators in theory and technology of intelligence skill as technology applied talents, advanced craft, from the technician, senior technician of the traditional senior skilled talents to adapt to the globalization of knowledge economy, the demands of the era of modern technology talents". From a single position of the closing of the task "will operate" based on professional fields to work under typical task of "work", its essence is the higher vocational education ability for the reconstruction of the standard, from the ability of JiNengHua orientation to the standard for comprehensive vocational ability of the standard, the higher vocational education in high skilled talents training must point to comprehensive vocational ability, to the students’ academic evaluation must be in the position of professional, cross across the comprehensive vocational ability according to the new theory basis and operation mode.In the higher vocational education in China’s current students’ academic and vocational education present evaluation study field curriculum reform (engineering do integration course) goals and professional field to the person’s ability to integration requirements are very different, the traditional exam system has been unable to diagnosis and evaluation based on typical jobs to full working process design and implementation of such "knowledge and skills". How to set up to meet the current reform of students’ academic evaluation system will become a problem to be solved, in this paper, the method of literature and history, case law and comparison research method, in full possession first-hand information and practice on the basis of the investigation of the problem are discussed. From the historical dimension and the first sino-foreign comparative in two aspects of the vocational education students’ academic evaluation reviews and analyzed, and the basic framework of analysis for evaluation system, the evaluation subject, the content of assessment and evaluation method and evaluation standards and evaluation function. In the description of the process of facts to behind the "professional ability" and its value and operation pattern of the comprehensive interpretation. Professional education of historical dimensions students’ academic evaluation has been to the test as a words method, the knowledge+skills practice mode so far in the deep influence on the current higher vocational education students’ academic evaluation theory and the practice, mainly from its investigation in ancient China apprentice system to the late qing institutionalized school examination professional education examination professional education development to republic of the examination, and in the end of higher vocational education to the contemporary exam; The dimension of the Chinese and foreign contrast is from "vocational ability standard" vocational education under the background of today’s world most developed German occupational education examination and English culture is the country be representative of the British vocational education examination for an example of comparative analysis.Based on historical experience and reflection of the Chinese and foreign contrast, vocational education curriculum reform with the present and the enterprise human resources used by the evaluation model and evaluation technology, professional ability of the latest development, put forward the higher vocational education students’ academic evaluation system, including evaluation theory basis, evaluation system design, the content of assessment and evaluation method and evaluation standards and evaluation body composition. Higher vocational education students think of academic assessment should be transcended the traditional theoretical basis to the behavioral and with the rationalism philosophy and constructivism learning theory and evaluation theory as the theoretical basis, and evaluation system design professional field work task typical around in institutionalized design in three dimensions, the content of assessment with complete work process of professional work task typical structure based learning task sources and combined with the design, evaluation method to identify and previous learning key event interview method, according to the student to full working process of the systematic design scheme, demonstrations and implement this evaluation, the standard should not only reflect on students’ all-round development of educational requirements, and also want to reflect the customer, the principal, social organizations including the national laws and regulations special requirements of the3d a body comprehensive evaluation principles. So as the evaluation body must want to have these different value orientation of a subject, for typical tasks and complete work processes involve departments and personnel shall be included in the main body and the evaluation of the form multicultural evaluation subject.


