

【作者】 范铭

【导师】 郝文武;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 好的课堂教学应该将促进学生积极思维、发展学生思维能力做为核心任务,而不是执著于对“标准答案”的追求。非期待答案在真实的课堂教学中是不可回避的,从某种意义上说,就是因为有了非期待答案课堂才有了“生命”。本研究试图围绕非期待答案回答以下几个问题:非期待答案是什么?这是本研究一开始便要讨论的问题。由于非期待答案主体的复杂性,在本研究中将“非期待答案”理解为:在进行课堂教学时,师生交往对话过程中,教师在提问时已经预设或者潜在一个其可以理解、接受的答案或答案域,并期待学生呈现的答案能够与此符合,当学生的答案超出了教师期待的或者潜在的答案或者答案域时,就称为非期待答案。通过对概念的界定、内涵的分析、相关问题的厘清,分析非期待答案所具有的教育学意义。从理论意义上讲,非期待答案促使课堂教学从预设走向生成,为学生主体性的实现找到可实践的方法,为了解课堂交往与对话提供了全新视角;从实践意义上讲,非期待答案揭开虚假课堂交往与对话的外衣,为促进学生的多元思维与创新能力的发展提供了可能性。非期待答案是怎样产生的?这是我们明白了什么是非期待答案之后就必须探究的问题。那么,我们要回归教学过程的本真,讨论教师和学生通过交往产生的非期待答案的原貌。在师生主体间交往的教学过程中,我们宏观上抽象地经验着教师、学生、课程三个层面精神能量正向转化的过程,也同时在微观上具体地经验着精神能量转化过程中不可避免的阻滞、反复与中断的力量,这就是课堂教学出现的非期待答案。非期待答案产生于教与学过程中的主体对教学抱有的一种期待(即三个层面精神能量转化的理想状态),与制约教学这一活动的源于教师和学生在“教”与“学”的复杂实践活动中同“客体世界”、“他者”以及“自身”对话的差异而产生的种种冲突。非期待答案是怎样消解的?这不仅是对非期待答案来龙去脉的追问,更是对其体现师生主体间相互交往关系的理解与解释。在这一过程中,一方面是双方隐藏关系的交换;另一方面是双方思维的交接。面对非期待答案,教师和学生之间行为的主要社会属性是“控制与服从”。控制与服从行为大多数情况下是由非期待答案出现时的那个点开始的。教师通过自己的权威消解学生的非期待答案,使学生跟随自己的思维;学生服从教师的权威消解自己思维,遵从教师的期待答案。虽然,有时也会存在学生通过自己的非期待答案控制课堂的情况,但师生间由思维的分歧达成思维的相对统一大部分还是由教师控制、学生服从完成的。通过非期待答案的控制与服从是教师期待的所谓正常的课堂教学得以“顺利”开展的重要保证。然而,在课堂教学中,当师生之间的问答行为如果能够按照教师预定的轨道顺利完成,教学活动通常会处于协调状态。同样,也会出现由非期待答案引起的师生问的对抗与磋商、竞争与合作,以此为达成共同的教学目标而努力。如何对非期待答案进行评价?要摆脱非期待答案带给人们的笼统的、混沌的感觉,就必须对此问题做出解答。非期待答案必然存在于课堂教学之中,存在就意味着其具有一定的合理性。这种合理性主要表现在它体现师生主体间关系的合理性,体现教学交往过程的合理性,体现教育目的的合理性。但合理性的分析只是让我们明白课堂中的非期待答案具有其自身存在的价值,我们还必须对非期待答案做出事实判断。非期待答案产生于师生交往过程之中。根据哈贝马斯提出的交往有效性的三个要求——真实性、正当性、真诚性,在课堂教学中,我们通过对非期待答案本身的语言进行分析,以它本身所体现的有效性的差异为依据做出判断,将其分为四个层次八种水平。如何对非期待答案进行引导?非期待答案的出现虽是不可避免的,但却应该是加以正确引导的。因此,教师是否能尊重每个学生微妙的个别差异,通过倾听学生的非期待答案、理解学生的非期待答案,与学生的非期待答案展开对话,完成非期待答案在课堂教学过程中的实践,是十分重要的。当然,这样的行动循环需要通过对非期待答案的反思不断地提升、完善。研究非期待答案给我们的课堂教学带来一些启示:期待非期待答案,寻找课堂灵动的生成;评价非期待答案,提升教师的教学智慧;鼓励非期待答案,培养学生的创造性思维。针对此,本研究进行了课堂实验实践,希望教师通过关注课堂教学中存在的非期待答案,正确认识非期待答案的产生以及消解过程,了解由非期待答案的产生、消解而形成的师生间的课堂交往模式,并通过对非期待答案的合理性分析,给予其客观的评价和适当的引导。由此,形成一种教学观念,改变教师的教学行为,改善师生主体间的交往与对话的实践方式,培养学生的创造性思维能力,提升学生的学习成绩。

【Abstract】 A core task of good classroom teaching is to promote students’positive thinking and develop students’thinking abilities, instead of the pursuing the "standard answer". Unexpected answers can not be avoided in a real classroom. In some sense, an unexpected answer makes the classroom more lively.This study attempts to answer the following questions about the unexpected answer.What’s an unexpected answer? This is the first question which will be discussed at the beginning of the study. We should analyze the pedagogical significance of the unexpected answer by the definition of the concept of an "unexpected answer". We will also analyze the meaning of the concept and clarify issues related. Meanwhile, we will look for shortcomings and inadequacies of previous research, select appropriate research methods, and try to make our own research innovations.How to produce the unexpected answer? This is something we will explore after understanding what is it. Firstly, we return to the truth of teaching process to discuss the original appearance of the unexpected answer produced through teacher-student inter subjective communication. Secondly, in this teaching process, we macroscopically experience the process of positive transformation of spiritual energy among three subjects:teacher, student, and course. At the same time, we microscopically experience the inevitable retardation repetitive and interruption in the process, which is the unexpected answer. The unexpected answer is produced from a teaching expectation (i.e., the ideal state of spiritual energy transformation among teacher, student and course) and also from various conflicts between the teaching and learning, and the difference between teachers and students, to make dialogue with "the objective world","he" and "own" in the complex practice of "teaching" and "learning".How to eliminate the unexpected answer? This is not only the question about the ins and outs of the unexpected answer, but also is the understanding and explanation of the relationship between teachers and students. In this process, on the one hand, it is the exchange of hidden relationships between two sides; on the other hand, it is the transformation of the thinking from both sides. To face the unexpected answer, the social attributes of the behavior between teachers and students is to "control and obey". In most cases, it appears when the unexpected answer is produced. The unexpected answer prevented by the teacher’s authority, and teacher enable student to obey teacher’s thinking. At the same time student eliminate his own unexpected answer to comply with teachers’. Although, sometimes student control the class by his own unexpected answer, but most of the time, to reach an unification from the thinking differences is by teacher’s controlling and student’s obeying, which is an important guarantee for the so-called normal classroom teaching to carry out "smoothly". However, in the classroom, when the Q&A behavior completed successfully between teachers and students along a predetermined orbit, teaching activities are usually in the coordination state. Although confrontation and negotiation, competition and cooperation caused by the unexpected answer will appear in class, which needs a joint effort to reach a common goal of teaching.How to evaluate the unexpected answer? We have to answer the question to get rid of the feeling of chaos that unexpected answer brings to people. The unexpected answer is inevitably developed from classroom teaching, which means it has a certain rationality. The rationality mainly reflects the relationship between teachers and students, the process of teaching communication and education purposes. However, the analysis of the rationality will only make people understand the value of the existence of unexpected answer, here we also need a factual judgment of it. The unexpected answer is developed through the process of teacher-student interaction. According to Habermas, there are three requirements of communicative effectiveness-the authenticity, the legitimacy, the sincerity. In the classroom teaching, we analyze the language of the unexpected answer and make judgments according to the differences in the effectiveness of it, which is divided into four levels and eight standards.How to guide the unexpected answer? The unexpected answer is inevitable, but it should be properly guided. Therefore, it is very important that teachers respect the subtle individual differences of each student, listen to the students’unexpected answer to understand them, and dialogue with it, to complete practice in the classroom teaching process. Of course, we should reflect to the unexpected answer to improve and perfect such action.There are some enlightenments from the unexpected answer in classroom teaching, which are to look forward to the unexpected answer, to look for the development of classroom communication; to evaluate the unexpected answer, to enhance teachers’ teaching skills; to encourage the unexpected answer, to develop students’creative thinking. For this, we experience real classroom teaching while doing research, hoping that by focusing on the unexpected answer, teacher could understand of the development and the removing process of it and class interaction model between teachers and students formed by unexpected answer, and analyze the rationality of the unexpected answer to guide appropriately objective evaluation and guidance. As a result, to form a teaching concept, to change the teachers’behavior, to improve interaction and dialogue between teachers and students, to develop students’creative thinking skills, to improve student achievement.

【关键词】 非期待答案产生消解评价指导实践
【Key words】 the unexpected answerproduceeliminateevaluateguidepractice

