

【作者】 高岩

【导师】 陈晓端;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 要保证教师个人教学实践的有效性并逐渐形成自己的教学风格,客观上要求教师在教学中应该具有个体教学哲学这样独特的“自我”内驱。然而,在“工具理性主义”的影响之下,教学活动呈现“重物质轻价值”的发展态势,造成了教师个体教学哲学的缺失,其表现主要如下:过于重视惯习教学,忽视对教学内在基础的探寻;过于重视知识教学,忽视对教学价值的理性引导;过于重视方法追求,忽视对方法论意识的积极培养;过于重视统一评价,忽视对教师合理的个性评价。目前,在教师专业化发展与教学质量提升的背景下,教师个体教学哲学作为教师在教学活动中个性化的“自我”内驱,不仅是课堂焕发生命活力和保证教学有效性的客观要求,也是教师专业发展成熟的重要标志。因此,研究教师个体教学哲学体现了教育研究者的社会使命感。教师个体教学哲学是什么?学界对此认识颇有争议,在本研究论文中,笔者坚信教师个体教学哲学如同个人的能力、知识一样内隐于个人的观念当中并随着教师教学认识和实践的深化达到一定程度时而形成。教师个体教学哲学是一个复杂的概念,本论文以教师个体教学哲学理论基础与一般原理为切入点,分析了教学哲学的概念及形态、教师个体教学哲学的内涵、教师个体教学哲学与公共教学哲学的区别,教师个体教学哲学的内容及特征。教师个体教学哲学是研究者深入中小学教师这一特殊群体,基于对教师群体关于教师个体教学哲学的形成途径、表达方式等的调查,进行了较为深入的分析。为了情境化地展现教师个体教学哲学、形成过程和影响因素,研究者通过对个案的研究,运用教师个体教学哲学内容的分析框架对其个人学习经历、生活经历、教学经历进行深入剖析,试图反映教师个体教学哲学的存在方式、特点、发展和影响因素。教师个体教学哲学的形成过程是一个较为复杂的过程,受到很多因素的影响,成熟的个体教学哲学是教师个人教学理论素养与实践智慧的集中体现。它的形成既存在于持续的教学实践之中,又指导着教学实践的合理性与有效性。作为一个动态形成的过程,它是教师作为教学主体通过对外在不同来源的教育教学理论知识的学习和内化,对自身内在教学经验的不断反思和自组织,经过三级跃迁,逐渐趋于完善的。它的高级外显形式通常是以教师个性化的教学风格形成为标志的。教师个体教学哲学的表达是教师个人系统化教学观念外化的过程,是教师个人教学话语权和行为权的基本体现,它是教师个人除了生命、身体存在之外代表和显示个人教学活动的显著特征,教师的这种表达也是个人教学存在和教学活动的体现,他人是基于教师的这种表达来认识、了解教师。正是教师个体对自身的教学哲学的表达,构成了教师个人的教学生活与教学世界富有活力和健康发展的基石。笔者结合实证研究,初步提出了把教师个体教学哲学的表达形式分为两类:言语表达和行动表达。每一种表达又有不同的表达形式。即言语表达中分为教学隐喻、叙事和案例,行动表达中分为行动公式和教学智慧。毋庸质疑,教师的专业发展是一个水平不断提高的过程。在现实的教学实践与专业发展过程中,作为主体的教师,建构个人的教学哲学不仅有助于教师实现教学理想、有助于教师成长为有效教师;同时形成个人的教学哲学是教师教学理论水平提高的标志;是教师专业发展水平的重要指标;也是教师个性化教学风格形成的理论保证。所以,笔者认为:建构知识结构体系、提升教师专业品质、学习同行教学经验、营造宽松学术氛围、加强教学理性反思和唤醒哲学表达意识是教师建构个人教学哲学的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Teachers’personal philosophy of teaching is the unique "self drive during the teachers’ teaching process and it is the objective requirement to ensure effective teaching activities, simultaneously gradually developed teachers’personal teaching style. Influenced by Tool Rationalism, however, teaching activities shows its "material priority and value backward" development state, which causes the deletion of teachers’personal philosophy of teaching. It shows that putting too much weight on habits teaching while neglecting to explore the inner base for teaching, putting too much weight on knowledge teaching while neglecting rational guidance for teaching values, putting too much weight on approaches while neglecting to cultivate the consciousness for methodology, and putting too much weight on unified evaluation while neglecting the reasonable personality evaluation for teachers. At present, as the individual unique "self drive during the teachers’teaching activities, the teachers’ personal philosophy of teaching is not only the objective requirement for constructing lively classes, but also an important mark of well professional development of teachers under the time of well developed teacher professionalization and improved teaching quality. From the above, the research on teachers’personal philosophy of teaching incarnates the social mission of educators.What is the teachers’personal philosophy of teaching? There is an altercation over this issue in academia, however, from the author’s point of view in this paper, as one’s capability or knowledge, it will be implicated in personal ideas while its formation will be along with the deepening of understanding and practice for teaching from a certain extent.Teachers’personal philosophy of teaching is a concept with complexity.To take theoretical foundation and principle of teachers’ personal teaching philosophy as the breakthrough point, this paper analyze the concept, form, connotation, the content and characteristics of teaching philosophy, and analyze the difference between teachers’personal philosophy of teaching and common philosophy of teaching. Based on the survey for form approach and means of expression about teachers’personal philosophy of teaching in the teachers group, the researchers go deep into the special group with elementary and secondary school teachers, then make a further analysis on teachers’personal philosophy of teaching. In order to contextually embodied the formation process and influence factors for teachers’ personal philosophy of teaching, the researchers made a case study, meanwhile gave an thorough analysis of her own learning, life and teaching experience by utilizing the content framework of teachers’personal philosophy of teaching in which reflecting the existence mode, the characteristic, the development and influence factors of teachers’personal philosophy of teaching.The whole forming process for teachers’personal philosophy of teaching is rather complicated which impacted by many kinds of factors. Whether a teacher’s personal philosophy of teaching is mature or not can be tested by his/her theoretical and practical knowledge in teaching. In fact, a teacher’s philosophy of teaching takes shape in the process of a long time of teaching. After it is formed, it provides guidance for the teaching process so that the teaching practice progresses reasonably and effectively. It is certain that the personal philosophy about teaching of a teacher is formed dynamically, for during the formation, the teacher has to learn the educational or teaching theories of different sources, and then digest them so that they can be used in his/her teaching practice, which should be reflected from time to time as well. Thus, the personal philosophy of teaching can gradually get close to perfect. If a teacher can teach in his/her individual way, then, his/her philosophy of teaching has been brought into the utmost play.The expression of teachers’ personal philosophy of teaching is just an externalized process of teachers’ personal systematic perception. It means the key teaching characteristics of teachers themselves besides their lives, and their bodies. This kind of theoretical expression stands for personal teaching activities. Others read teachers themselves by their philosophy of teaching. Their individual expressions of teachers’ personal philosophy of teaching make up the keystone of teachers’ teaching life vividly and well. The author will show opinion with the live sample and classifies the philosophy into two teaching words expressions and teaching activities expression. And also for each of these two, they have their own ways--teaching words with metaphor, narrative and existing teaching case, teaching activities with rules and personal wisdom.Obviously, teachers can promote their level of professional development little by little. When it turns to the real teaching activities and professional development, teachers as the subject should try to make up their own philosophy of teaching to fulfill their teaching goals and become an efficient ones. Meanwhile, owning personal philosophy of teaching is a sign of teachers’ theory level progress, also the theoretical basis of personal teaching style. All in all, the author believes constructing knowledge frame system, improving teachers’ professional quality, learning teaching experience from other teachers, creating a relaxed academic atmosphere, intensifying teaching rational rethink and awakening philosophy expressing are the effective ways to achieve the configuration of teachers’ personal philosophy of teaching.


