

【作者】 赵喜惠

【导师】 杜文玉;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 《唐代中外艺术交流研究》一文主要论述唐朝与异域的艺术交流,并在此基础上进行了有益的理论探索和研究。这是一个相对较大的选题。首先,就艺术的范围而言。艺术涵盖的领域很宽,并随时代的变化而有所不同。古代艺术主要包括乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画、雕塑、建筑等。随着时代发展和社会进步,艺术的范畴也日益宽泛,现代艺术除了包括传统艺术的内容外,还有摄影、电影、美术设计等内容。而本文则选取了乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画和雕塑作为研究对象。即使如此,本文的内容也是很庞杂的。其次,就与唐朝进行艺术交流的国家而言。与唐朝进行艺术交流的国家很多,如西域诸国、印度、波斯、大食、朝鲜半岛三国、日本、骠国、希腊、吐火罗、拂菻等,本文只选取了与唐朝进行艺术交流较全面的几个国家进行论述,如西域诸国、拂菻、希腊、印度、波斯、大食、朝鲜半岛三国和日本。本文共有四章内容。第一章为概论,共四节,主要介绍了论文写作的有关内容,包括研究意义、研究现状与学术评述、研究思路与方法、资料来源等。第二章为“高度繁荣的唐代艺术”,共二节。首先从乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画、雕塑等方面叙述了唐代艺术繁荣的表现,然后探究了唐代艺术繁荣的原因,即经济发达、政治稳定、思想文化环境宽松、统治者的倡导、对传统艺术的继承和发展以及对外艺术交流。第二章内容,一方面可以作为唐代中外艺术交流的背景,另一方面又引出了第三章的内容,即“对外艺术交流”是唐代艺术繁荣的一个重要原因。第三章为“唐代的中外艺术交流”,共八节。分别论述了唐与西域、罗马、希腊、印度、波斯、大食、朝鲜半岛、日本的艺术交流。和这些国家的艺术交流基本上都涉及到乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画、雕塑等领域。本章一方面充分利用了文献资料,另一方面又全面搜集了考古资料,从而增强了文章的科学性和说服力。此外,本章还合理吸收了前人的研究成果,尤其对一些有争议的问题,本文还提出了自己的看法。第四章为“唐代中外艺术交流的当代思考”,亦有八节:第一节论述了对外艺术交流的原因。唐代中外艺术交流成绩卓著,主要是因为国力强盛、对外交通发达和统治者重视。第二节论述了中外艺术交流的特点。唐代的中外艺术交流呈现出鲜明的特点,即交流的广泛性、浓郁的政治色彩和明显的不平衡性。第三节论述了中外艺术交流的途径。唐代中外艺术交流的途径主要有官方互派使者和留学生、商业贸易、人口流动、宗教传播、战争等。第四节论述了中外艺术交流的阶段性。唐代的中外艺术交流可分为三个阶段,第一阶段为前奏期,为唐高祖统治时期;第二阶段为高峰期,时间从太宗时期到玄宗统治的前期;第三阶段为衰落期,是指从唐玄宗统治后期至唐朝灭亡的历史时期。第五节论述了中外艺术交流的地域性。唐代中外艺术交流的地域性表现在异域艺术输入中国和中国艺术输出异域两个方面。异域艺术输入中国的地域性主要有:都城长安是唐代对外艺术交流的中心;丝路沿线地区是外来艺术传播的重点区域。中国艺术输出异域的地域性主要有:受唐代艺术影响的主要国家都在亚洲;朝鲜半岛和日本受唐代艺术的影响最深。第六节论述了中外艺术交流的意义。唐代的中外艺术交流不但促进了世界艺术的发展,而且还丰富了人们的艺术生活和精神生活。此外,唐代中外艺术交流还扩大了唐朝在世界上的政治影响,促进了中国和异域间友好关系的发展。第七节论述了唐代艺术的世界地位。唐代艺术是中世纪世界上最发达、最辉煌的艺术之一,对许多国家的艺术都产生了深远的影响。这一方面是因为唐代艺术有坚实的社会基础,另一方面则是因为它能敞开胸怀,虚心接纳异质艺术。此外,唐代艺术也能够合理地对异质艺术进行吸收、改造和融合。第八节论述了唐代中外艺术交流的当代启示。虽然今天的中外艺术交流形势喜人,但我们还是要虚心汲取唐代对外艺术交流的经验,要不断发展生产力,增强中国的综合国力;要有开放的胸怀,坚定地推行对外艺术交流;要通过多种途径和世界各国进行艺术交流。只有这样,中国艺术才能永久地屹立于世界艺术之林。总之,本文利用各种资料,使用多种研究方法,弄清了唐与诸国间在乐舞、百戏、书法、绘画、雕塑等艺术领域的交流情况,总结、提炼了唐代对外艺术交流的理论。其中的一些理论对今天的艺术交流仍有借鉴意义,从而使本文的写作具有了现实意义。

【Abstract】 The paper has discussed the art exchange between the Tang Dynasty and the foreign countries. Based on these facts, the paper has also explored and researched the useful theories. This is a relatively large subject. First of all, the extent of art is large. The area of art is very wide, and changes with the times. The ancient art mainly includes music, dance, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, acrobatic drama,building, etc.The category of art is also increasingly broad,with the development of the times and the progress of the society. Modern art includes photography, film, graphic design, in addition to the content of the traditional art. This paper will only research the music, dance,calligraphy, painting, sculpture and acrobatics. Secondly, there are many countries that have exchanged arts with the Tang Dynasty, such as the Western Region,India, the Persian, Arabia, the Korean peninsula, Japan, Biao kingdom, Greece, Rome,etc. This paper only discusses the several countries that have exchanged comprehensive arts with the Tang dynasty,such as the Western Region,India, the Persian, Arabia, the Korean peninsula, Japan, Greece and Rome.This paper consists of four chapters.The first chapter is theintroduction,including four sections.It mainaly discusses the contents that relate the writing of this paper,such as the reason of selecting the topic,the review of the research achievements, the research ideas and methods,the data sources,etc.The second chapter is the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty’s art.It has two sections. Firstly, this chapter has narrated the prosperity of the art in the Tang Dynasty from music,dance, calligraphy, painting, sculpture and acrobatic drama. Secondly,it has explored the causes of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty art. The reasons are the development of economy, political stability, the comfortable environment of politics, the advocation of the rulers, the inheritance and development from the traditional art, the art exchange with the foreign countries.The third chapter is the art exchange between the Tang Dynasty and the foreign countries.It has eight sections. The chapter has discussed the art exchange between the Tang Dynasty and the foreign countries,such as the Western Region, Rome, Greece, India, Persia, Arab, the Korean Peninsula, Japan.This chapter has not only maked full use of the literature data, but also the archaeological data in order to make it more scientific. In addition, the chapter has also absorbed the predecessor’s research achievement. This paper has also put forward its own ideas of some controversial issues.The fourth chapter is the thinking about the art exchange between foreign countries and the Tang Dynasty. It also has eight sections.The first section has discussed the reasons why the Tang Dynasty has exchanged art with the foreign countries.The reasons are strong national strength, developed traffic and the attention of the rulers.The second section has discussed the characteristics of the art exchange. The Tang Dynasty’s art exchange with the foreign countries has presented distinct characteristics.They were universality, the rich political color and obvious imbalance.The third section has discussed the ways of the art exchange.The ways are students and angels who have been sent by the government, commercial trade, the flow of population, the communication of the religious,wars,etc.The fourth section has discussed the phases of the art exchange. The art exchange can be divided into three periods.The first period has been the prelude.The time was from the construction of the Tang Dynasty to the government of Tang Tai Zong. The second period has been the peak.It was the period when Tang Gao Zong, Wu Ze Tian and Tang Xuan Zong ruled. The third period has been the decline.It was from the late period of Tang Xuan Zong’s government to the perish of the Tang Dynasty.The fifth section has discussed the regional characteristics of art exchange. The regional characteristics of the foreign art input China were that the capital of Chang’an was the center of art exchange, the regions along the silk road were the key areas of the foreign art input China. The regional characteristics of Chinese art input the foreign countries were that the countries whose art was deeply influenced by Chinese art were in Asia,the arts of the Korean Peninsula and Japan were influenced most deeply by Chinese art.The sixth section has discussed the significance of art exchange.The art exchange not only has promoted the common development and progress of the world art, but also has enriched people’s art life and mental life. In addition, the art exchange has also extended the political influence of the Tang Dynasty in the world, promoted the development of friendly relations between ChinA and foreign countries.The seventh section has discussed the station of the Tang Dynasty’s art in the world. The art of the Tang Dynasty was one of the most developed and brilliant art in the world.It has had a profound influence to the art of many states. On the one hand, it was because the art of the Tang Dynasty had a solid social basis, on the other hand, it was because it could open arms and be ready to accept the heterogeneous art. In addition, the art of the Tang Dynasty could reasonably absorb and reconstruct the heterogeneous art.The eighth section has discussed the enlightenment of art exchange. Although today’s art exchange are gratifying, we still need to learn experience from the art exchange of the Tang Dynasty. We need to continue developing the productive forces and enhance our comprehensive national strength; We need have an open mind to firmly implement art exchange; We need all kinds of ways to exchange art with other countries.In a word, using various materials and research methods,this paper has found out the facts of the art exchange in music, calligraphy, painting, sculpture, acrobatic drama between the Tang Dynasty and the foreign countries. This paper has also summarized the theory of art exchange, some of which is still usefull to today’s art exchange.

【关键词】 唐代艺术交流乐舞百戏书法绘画雕塑
【Key words】 the Tang Dynastythe Exchange of ArtMusicDanceAcrobaticCalligraphyPaintingSculpture
  • 【分类号】K242;J110.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】2720
  • 攻读期成果

