

Studies on Biological Control of Monochamus Alternatus Hope by Using Insect Natural Enemies

【作者】 杨远亮

【导师】 杨忠岐;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林保护学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 松褐天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)是危害马尾松(Pinus masoniana)、油松(P.tabuleaformis)等我国主要针叶树种的重大害虫,同时又是传播松材线虫病的媒介昆虫。为了探索松褐天牛的无公害防治技术,本研究从环境保护和生物多样性保护的理念出发,着重探讨了利用天敌昆虫开展松褐天牛生物防治的技术,以期为生产上防治该害虫提供科技支撑、合理评价天敌在生产上的控害能力及制定天敌的林间释放应用技术规程提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.在室内进行了3种肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼龄幼虫的寄生试验,评估了3种肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼虫攻击和寄生能力的强弱。结果表明,松褐天牛肿腿蜂(Sclerodermus sp.)在成虫补充营养阶段对松褐天牛幼虫的致死率、寄生率及寄主死亡率分别为75.56%、61.11%和90%,这3项指标均高于落叶松吉丁肿腿蜂(Sclerodermus sp.)和管氏肿腿蜂(S. guani Xiao et Wu)。3种肿腿蜂平均单管子代蜂出蜂数量分别为81.38、52.05和73.71头,差异不显著(df=2,89, F=3.009, P=0.0545)。在一定范围内,寄主个体越大育出的子代出蜂数量越高。松褐天牛肿腿蜂的子代蜂繁育总数分别是落叶松吉丁肿腿蜂和管氏肿腿蜂的2.84倍和1.58倍。表明松褐天牛肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼虫的寄生能力最强。2.室内研究了松褐天牛肿腿蜂和管氏肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼虫的控制作用,结果显示,2种肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼虫的寄生率均随着蜂数量的增加而增加,松褐天牛肿腿蜂对松褐天牛幼虫的寄生率显著高于管氏肿腿蜂。室内松褐天牛肿腿蜂对松褐天牛低龄幼虫的寄生率最高达到了60%,其成虫补充营养时对1~3龄天牛幼虫的平均致死率分别为95.7%、85.9%和57.9%。寄主初孵幼虫至3龄前为松褐天牛肿腿蜂防治松褐天牛的最佳时期。3.补充营养习性对松褐天牛肿腿蜂寄生控制能力具有显著影响。在室内试验中,刚羽化的未补充营养的雌蜂的寄生效率高于已补充营养后的雌蜂近5倍。释放2组松褐天牛肿腿蜂后具有效寄生行为的雌蜂的数量比例变化很大,有效寄生能力的肿腿蜂率最高为15%,最低为2%。松褐天牛肿腿蜂寄生松褐天牛幼虫不受寄主木段聚集程度的影响。从肿腿蜂单一个体来看,每头肿腿蜂雌蜂补充营养取食而致死的松褐天牛幼虫数和产卵寄生致死的松褐天牛幼虫数为2.1~7.7头。4.研究了花绒寄甲(Dastarcus helophoroides Fairmaire)对松褐天牛中老龄幼虫的控制作用。结果表明,室内试验中,释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫后,不同胸径受害木段中松褐天牛幼虫被寄生的数量比例变化较大,以5~8cm胸径的木段中松褐天牛幼虫的寄生率最高,达72.41%,显著高于10~15cm和>18cm胸径的木段中的松褐天牛幼虫(49.52%和49.06%)(释放花绒寄甲卵:df=2,8, F=25.947, P=0.0011;释放花绒寄甲成虫:df=2,8,F=28.556, P=0.0009);分别在5月、7月和9月三个时期释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫,三个时期中的松褐天牛幼虫寄生率分别为68.50%、21.63%和30.29%,5月份释放的寄生率显著高于7月和9月(释放花绒寄甲卵:df=2,8, F=41.297, P=0.0003;释放花绒寄甲成虫:df=2,8, F=17.608, P=0.0031)。在释放花绒寄甲卵的3个试验林中,松褐天牛幼虫的平均株虫口校正减退率为48.54%,平均被害株校正减退率为63.07%;在释放花绒寄甲成虫的3个试验林中,松褐天牛幼虫的平均株虫口校正减退率为47.00%,平均被害株校正减退率为68.00%。5.利用生命表方法评价了人工释放天敌对林间松褐天牛种群的控制作用。结果显示,释放松褐天牛肿腿蜂和花绒寄甲区与对照区(未释天敌)的松褐天牛种群趋势指数(I)分别为1.09和6.95,天敌释放区松褐天牛自然种群增长数量仅为对照区的15.68%。表明在生物防治区松褐天牛肿腿蜂和花绒寄甲的寄生作用是控制松褐天牛种群数量的重要因子。本文在系统研究了松褐天牛的两类重要天敌——肿腿蜂和花绒寄甲的生物学和生态学特性的基础上,通过调查松褐天牛的种群动态,适时人工释放松褐天牛肿腿蜂防治松褐天牛低龄幼虫,释放花绒寄甲防治松褐天牛中老龄幼虫和蛹。在以松褐天牛种群为目标害虫的生物群落系统中,通过人工释放天敌增加松褐天牛的昆虫天敌这一生物作用因子,协同林间自然存在的其他生物控制因子,构建了一条以生物防治为主的松褐天牛综合治理技术途径。使防治区松褐天牛的种群密度得到了有效控制,达到了良好的防治效果。更重要的是,由于显著降低了林间松材线虫病的传播媒介松褐天牛的种群数量,因而还可有效预防松材线虫病。

【Abstract】 The pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, is transmitted by Monochamusalternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), which are not only the primary vector of B.xylophilus in China but also the important woodborers of native coniferous forests.To explorethe non-pubic hazard sustained way to control the pine sawyer, M. alternatus, the study onbiological control of M. alternatus by using insect natural enemies was carried out by author.These findings may serve as reference for establishment of technical criterions for naturalenemy release in forests and rational evaluation on the ability of natural enemies against thepest in fields.1. Study on breeding three species of Sclerodermus (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) specieswith larvae of M. alternatus. The lethality rate, parasitism rate and mortality of hosts ofSclerodermus sp1. were75.56%,61.11%and90%respectively, were better than Sclerodermussp2. and S. guani in same conditions. Offspring’s number per tube of the three bethylid specieswere81.38,52.05and73.71, were comparatively accordant and the difference is notsignificant(df=2,89, F=3.009, P=0.0545). The main factors effecting offspring’s number pertube was size of the host larvae. Offspring’s total number of Sclerodermus sp. was2.84and1.58times better than Sclerodermus sp2. and S. guani respectively.2. Using two species of Sclerodermus parasitoids to control the young larvae of M.alternatus was studied. Laboratory experiment indicated that Sclerodermus sp. could kill95.7%of the1st instar larvae,85.9%of the2nd instar larvae, and57.9%of the3rd instar larvaof the pine sawyer by stinging and host-feeding. In addition, the parasitoid completed ageneration on the2nd-3rd instar host larvae(parasitism); Parasitism rates of two species ofSclerodermus to M. alternatus young larvae increased with the increase of parasitoid density.However, the maximum parasitism rate of Sclerodermus sp. could be up to60%in the lab, wasmuch higher than S. guani. And the periods to control M. alternatus larvae using Sclerodermussp. were in the year after the eggs hatched and before3rd inster larvae stage. 3. Control rate of Sclerodermus sp. on the young larvae of M. alternatus. The response ofthis parasitoid to its host, in field and indoor mesh, was shown to be highly variable andunpredictable and between2%and15%of all parasitioids released entered a target pinesawyer-infested cutlog. The parasitoid did not respond differently to aggregations of1,3, or6pine sawyer-infested cutlogs. However, the performance of Sclerodermus sp. released ascarrying immature eggs of parasitized hosts was up to five times approximately better thanwhen the parasitoid was released as carrying mature eggs. Individual performance was, a singleparasitoid killed, on average, by a combination of host-feeding and parasitism, between2.1and7.7individual larva of the pine sawyer.4. Bio-control of M. alternatus by releasing eggs and adults of the parasitoid D.helophoroides. The parasitoid respond differently to DBH of5-8cm,10-15cm, or>18cmpine sawyer-infested cutlogs. The highest parasitism rate was72.41%in DBH of5-8cmcutlogs, significant difference between else(releasing eggs:df=2,8, F=25.947, P=0.0011;releasing adults:df=2,8, F=28.556, P=0.0009). During three periods(May, July, September) ofreleasing the parasitoid respectively, the parasitism rates of the pine sawyer larvae orderly were68.50%,21.63%and30.29%, May period was the best(releasing eggs:df=2,8, F=41.297,P=0.0003;releasing adults:df=2,8, F=17.608, P=0.0031).Among three plots of releasing theparasitoid eggs, the mean correction reducing rate of the pine sawyer larvae per tree was48.54%, and the mean correction reducing rate of infested trees was63.07%. Among threeplots of releasing the parasitoid adults, mean correction reducing rate of the pine sawyer larvaeper tree was47.00%, and the mean correction reducing rate of infested trees was68.00%. Thecontrolling results by releasing adults of the parasitoid were a little better than releasing eggs ofthe parasitoid by comparing the controlling effect, however there was no significant differencebetween them.5. Assessment of control effectiveness of natural enemies (Sclerodermus sp. and D.helophoroides) on M. alternatus by life table. Index of population trend of M. alternatus was1.09in biocontrol area, while6.95in CK area. The quantity of the second generation of M.alternatus in biocontrol area decreased to15.68percent of CK area. Results showed that the parasitoids(Sclerodermus sp. and D. helophoroides) are the dominant factors affecting thepopulation of M. alternatus.In this dissertation,the biology and ecology of Sclerodermus sp. and D. helophoroideswhich parasited on the M. alternatus, and releasing these natural enemies in field at differencedevelopment stages of M. alternatus, to control larvae and pupa of this pest, was studied. Baseon introduce biological factors—natural enemies of M. alternatus artificially into the forestecosystem, and combined with other biological factors in forest, to constructed the integratedmanagement techniques of M. alternatus mainly by biological control. Finally, population of M.alternatus was controled, and more important the spread and increase of pine wilt diseasecould be prevented effectively.


