

The Research of Visual Simulation of Morphological Structure Change of Cunninghamia Lanceolata Based on Physiological and Ecological Model

【作者】 卢康宁

【导师】 鞠洪波;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和信息技术的不断进步,树木的三维可视化模拟正受到越来越多的学者关注,近年来更是取得了长足的发展。树木三维可视化模拟技术已经成为当前研究树木的有效手段,在展示树木形态结构以及树木生长变化过程等方面有其独特的优势,为深入研究树木形态结构变化机制以及生长过程开辟了新的技术途径,其最终目的是构建外在形态结构和内在功能都与真实树木相一致的模型,并应用计算机手段以可视化的方式呈现最终的模拟结果。树木的生命活动在某种程度上表现为树木形态结构、生理生态过程和环境之间的交互作用结果。实现对树木三维形态结构和生理功能的并行模拟成为当前树木模拟的主要发展方向。杉木作为我国特有的用材树种,在国民经济建设中发挥着重要的作用。本研究以杉木为研究对象,综合考虑环境因素对杉木生长的影响,选取对杉木生长影响较大的环境因子做为驱动变量,利用光合作用产物的生产以及在杉木根、主干、茎以及叶子上的分配来建立杉木的生理生态模型,实现对杉木生长的定量化模拟;通过建立杉木的形态结构模型以及与生理生态模型的关系,实现了通过控制环境变量来影响杉木生物量的生产与分配,并通过生物量来控制杉木形态结构变化的过程。通过宏观层面的环境—生物量—结构之间的关系,简化了研究的难度,也为研究环境因素对树木生长的影响提供了新的技术方法。本研究的主要内容和结论如下:(1)从杉木光合作用、呼吸作用以及光合产物生产与分配、水分平衡、环境响应等方面建立了杉木的生理生态模型,实现了不同环境条件下杉木不同组分生物量的变化情况,为定量化模拟杉木的生长情况提供了依据。(2)以植物构筑型理论为依据,分析了杉木的形态结构特征,得出杉木的总体分枝率和逐级分枝率随着年龄的变化逐渐增大;杉木一、二级枝分枝角度符合正态分布,分别集中于50°~80°和50°~100°之间;杉木一级枝方位角符合均匀分布,二级枝方位角多分布在水平方向上。(3)以杉木的形态结构特征为基础,应用IFS方法建立了杉木的形态结构模型。根据树冠的生长空间,应用幂函数以树高、枝下高、冠幅和冠高为自变量建立了冠形曲线函数,并通过生长曲线函数控制变量的取值范围。应用不同年份的杉木冠形形状结合IFS方法实现了对杉木的动态生长模拟并建立了相应的控制模块。所采用的方法能够建立常见的树种冠形,对于模拟其他树种的形态提供了参考。(4)在得出杉木不同组分生物量和形态结构模型的基础上,建立生物量和结构之间的关系。通过树干的异速生长方程建立树干体积与树干生物量的关系得出了树干形状的参数,为模拟树干提供了依据;通过调查数据分析了杉木生长中分枝的变化情况,主要有分枝轮数、分枝位置以及每年死亡的分枝数量,应用分枝生物量和冠形确定了杉木分枝的情况;通过叶生物量和叶之间的关系确定了叶量,并对叶子的分布情况进行了讨论。(5)在前文介绍的相关理论和方法的基础之上,通过计算机编程语言和计算机图形学的相关知识完成了杉木形态结构与生长的三维可视化模拟系统的开发工作,实现了对杉木形态结构与生长的三维可视化模拟,输出了不同形态结构参数和环境条件下的模拟结果。树木可视化模拟技术的应用为林业信息化建设提供形象、直观地观测平台和快速便捷的工具,具有广泛的实用价值,使林业科学研究和生产实践从费时费力的现场观测转移到方便、直观、逼真的三维可视化模拟环境,促进了林业管理和科学研究。已有的研究中关于树木的模拟多注重视觉意义上的像,而忽略了树木本身的特征,在实际的应用中有其局限性,缺少理论支撑。本文从影响杉木生长的环境条件出发来建立杉木对环境的响应机制,并以计算机可视化的方式展现了影响结果,具有非常好的发展空间。在今后的研究中,需要对生理生态模型进行不断完善,深入考虑杉木的内在生长机制与环境的交互反馈作用,加强模型理论与实际的结合,对模型参数进行优化,积累调查数据对模型进行可靠性的验证,同时也为研究杉木和林业生产提供有力的支撑工具。

【Abstract】 With the development of computer and information technologies, the application of thecomputer for three-dimensional visual simulation of tree’s morphological structure has beengot more and more attention. The visual simulation technology of trees has become an effectivemethod. It is a new approach and have some advantages in the expression of tree’smorphological structure and growth of process. The ultimate goal of the technology is todevelop a model which is consistent with the real trees on the external morphological structureand internal function, and display the visual simulation results. Tree life activities are theinteractive results between the morphological structure, physiological and ecological processesand the environment. The parallel simulation of three-dimensional morphology structure andphysiological functions has become the major trend of the current tree simulation.Cunninghamia lanceolata as an unique timber species in China plays an important role inthe national economy. In this study, based on the Cunninghamia lanceolata, we achieved thequantitative simulation of the growth by selecting the environmental factors which have a greatimpact on tree growth as the driving variable and built the physiological and ecological modelwith the photosynthesis production and allocation of the roots, trunk, branches and leaves. Byanalyzing the relationship between model and physiological and ecological model, the processof production and allocation of the biomass with different environment factors was achieved,and the morphological structure was depended on the biomass allocation. With the analyzedrelationship between environment factors and morphological structure, it simplified theresearch of tree three-dimensional visual simulation, and provided a new method for theresearch of impact of the environment on tree growth. Main contents and results are listed asfollows:(1) The physiological and ecological model was developed by analyzing photosynthesis,respiration, biomass production and allocation, water balance, environmental response. Basedon the model, the biomass changed with different environments. It provided a basis forquantitative growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata. (2) The morphological structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata was analyzed based on thetheory of plant architecture. Results indicated that the bifurcation ratios increased with the age;the branching angles of primary branches and secondary branches obeyd to normal distribution,and they mainly disributed from50°to80°and50°to100°, respectively; the azimuth ofprimary branches also obeyed to normal distribution, whereas the secondary branches mostlydistributed in horizontal direction.(3) Morphological structure model was established by iterative function system(IFS)based on the characteristics of morphological structure of Cunninghamia lanceolata.According to the growth space of crown, tree’s crown shape function taking Height(H), Heightunder branch(Hb), Crown width(Cr) and Height of crown(Hc) as independent variables was alsoestablished by power function. The independent vairbles values were calculated with growthcurves. Using the tree crown shapes in different years through IFS method, we achieved thesimulation of the dynamic growth and established its control module. The above method couldbe used to analyze the common tree crown and provided a method to simulate themorphological of other species.(4) The relationship between the biomass and structure was also established based on thebiomass of different components and the morphological structure model. Shape parameters ofthe trunk were abtained based on establishing the relationship between tree volume andbiomass with trunk allometry equation. Based on the survay data, the branche changes werealso analyzed, including the number of branch round, branch location and number of deaths peryear. Branch biomass and crown shape were applied in determining the branches. Leaf amountwere obtained by the function of leaf areas and the leaf biomass, and distribution of leaves wasalso discussed.(5) The3D visual simulation system of morphological structure and growth ofCunninghamia lanceolata was developed with computer programming languages andcomputer graphics based on the above theory and method. The visual results with differentmorphological structure parameters and environment were displayed using the system.The application of visual simulation technology of trees provides a intuitionistic platformand a convenient tool for forest informationization development, and havs a wide range of practical value. It promotes the forest management and scientific research for making theforestry science research and production practice from the time-consuming observation transferto convenient, direct, lifelike environment of3D visualization. The previous researches on thesimulation of the trees emphasized the vision and ignored tree characteristics, and had somelimitations in practical applications, which lacked theoretical support. In this study, we buildedthe mechanism of Cunninghamia lanceolata responsed to environment, and showed the resultsby visualization. In the future, we need to improve the physiological and ecology model,account for the interactive feedback between the internal growth mechanism and environment,strengthen the combination of the theory and practice, optimize the parameters of the modeland test the reliability of the model.


