

【作者】 周文

【导师】 任新民;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 马克思主义民族理论与政策, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “在现实中,无数国际纷争与民族冲突往往蕴含着民族心理认同的内在动力;在学界中,民族心理认同问题又是民族学、人类学、社会心理学等学科共同关注的焦点之一。”②在多民族国家,它的发展状况既影响个体心理健康,又影响民族传统文化的保持、多民族国家的和谐统一。佤族是典型的跨境民族之一,长期历史形成的民族心理在改革开放的冲击下,出现了极为显著的变化,这种变化表现出愈来愈快的趋势,这种变化又集中体现在民族代际之间的差异上,且特点鲜明。因此,研究将佤族心理认同的代际差异与民族认同理论相结合意义突出,力图通过厘清佤族心理认同的概念和结构,客观描述佤族心理认同的代际差异,揭示发生佤族心理认同的代际差异的社会原因和内在因素,寻找佤族本民族心理认同与国家心理认同之问的重合点,进一步丰富和发展中国民族理论,推动民族心理认同研究,从而为民族政策的制定和其他民族研究提供客观依据和理论依据。本研究从佤族心理认同的界定和结构入手,力求以理论探索与实证研究相结合,立足佤族实际,借鉴国内外研究成果,采取问卷法、田野调查法收集资料,运用相关、差异分析等统计方法,从多种角度系统分析佤族心理认同代际之间的差异特点,分析佤族心理认同代际差异的情境影响因素,探寻本民族心理认同和中华民族心理认同整合的现实基础,揭示两个层次心理认同达到整合、融合和重合将是一个艰苦的、长期的、复杂的过程。论文在佤族心理认同代际差异研究的基本构想上,围绕以往研究存在的问题,概括佤族历史、民族身份的确立,以及佤族特征,提出佤族心理认同的界定与结构。佤族心理认同是民族意识的深层次心理,是对民族身份和民族特征的认知和评价,在此基础上产生的民族情感,其实现过程要依靠民族成员对民族事务的行为卷入。其结构包含两个层次、四个维度。在多民族中国,民族心理认同包含本民族心理认同和中华民族心理认同两个层次,分为民族身份认同、民族特征认同、归属感和民族行为卷入四个成份。在翻译修订国内外民族心理认同量表、开放式调查结果的基础上,编制中文版佤族心理认同问卷,为实证研究提供测量工具;对307名佤族被试进行问卷调查,并对年龄、文化程度、职业、不同地域等调查数据进行差异比较,总结不同年代的佤族对本民族和中华民族的心理认同特点;深刻剖析情境性因素、民族优惠政策因素和经济利益因素等对佤族心理认同的影响;现实中,佤族心理认同内部层次的整合是成功的、协调的,但当前的整合尚未完结,国家心理认同与本民族心理认同的不和谐问题仍是需要我们长期应对的。从研究的结果可以看出:佤族心理认同的代际差异特点表现为本民族心理认同高度一致,80年代的佤族对中华民族的心理认同显著高于本民族。其中,中华民族心理认同的发展趋势是年龄越大,认同度越低,80年代佤族心理认同度最高;同时,新中国成立以来,佤族的中华民族心理认同还经历了认同与危机并存、严重危机、极度危机到稳定的认同四个阶段。

【Abstract】 In reality numerous international disputes and national conflicts are often imbued with the inner motive of ethnic psychological identity, while in the academic community①, the issue of ethnic psychological identity is one of the common focuses of ethnology, anthropology, social psychology and other disciplines. In multi-ethnic countries ethnic psychological identity is one of the permanent features of a nationality whose development affects both the psychological health of individuals, the maintenance of a traditional national culture and the harmonious unity of a nation with multiple ethnic groups. The Wa nationality is one of the typical cross-border ethnics, the ethnic psychology formed in a long time has significant due to the impacts of contemporary reform and development. This change in ethnic psychology has been demonstrating a faster trend and is mainly embodied in remarkable intergeneration differences and characteristics.Therefore this paper carries exceptional significance by combing the study of intergenerational differences in psychological identity among the Wa with the theoretical study of ethnic psychological identity. Through the objective description of the intergenerational psychological identity differences of the Wa, this article tries to reveal the social and internal reasons leading to intergenerational psychological differences, seek the coincidence between the Wa ethnic psychological identity and the overall national identification, establish the concept, structure and developmental model of ethnic psychological identity, further enrich and refresh the Chinese nationality theory to promote and enhance the study of psychological identity among direct nations, which will provide reference for the formulation of national policy and the study of other ethnic groups. Exploring the fundamental integration between the Wa’s ethnic psychological identity and the psychological identification of the Chinese nationalities based on practice to achieve the coincidence the two levels of psychological identity will be a difficult, long-term, complex process.The study starts with the definition and structure of ethnic psychological identity among the Wa and seeks to combine theoretical exploration with evidence-based research. Based on the realities of the Wa nationality, the paper systematically analyzes ethnic psychological identity in this area from multiple angles such as through correlation and variance-based statistical analysis of data collected by a large number of questionnaires and field survey with reference to other research findings made in China and abroad, the intergenerational differences in psychological identity among the wa, the contextual influential factors thereof as well as the models to integrate the psychological identity of this specific ethnic group with that of the overall the Chinese nationalities. In some way the Was’psychological identity can be regarded as a sense of belonging in cognitive and evaluation of national identity and national feature on the basis of national sentiment, and the implementation process must rely on the involvement of the behavior of the national members of the ethnic affairs. Based on the current concepts of ethnic psychological identity, the paper proposes the structure of ethnic psychological identity which composes two levels and four dimensions.In China, a country with diverse nationalities, ethnic psychological identity comprises two levels and four factors: national identity, national symbol, sense of belonging, and national psychological behaviors. On the base of the proposition of the study of ethnic psychological identity among the Wa, the article sums up the establishment of the Wa’s history and its national identity and national feature in accordance with the issues raised in previous researches, presents the definition and structure of the psychological identity of the Wa. Meanwhile, the process of the formal questionnaires for ethnic psychological identity of the Wa is due to the basic theory of psychological identity. The questionnaires offer a measurement tool for evidence-based research, the comparison of differences found in the research data regarding ages, educational level, professions and positions by collecting from the questionnaires answered by307Was, summarizes the features of the psychological identity of the Wa and with the overall Chinese nationalities and analyzes the factors influencing the psychological identity of Wa. The paper raises the challenges confronted by the psychological identity of the Wa from the research data, proposes the integration of the two levels of psychological identities through models of regional development, cultural integration and educational promotion so as to advance the diverse, yet unified landscape of the Chinese nationalities will be paid close attention to.It is concluded from the results of research:the features of the intergenerational differences in psychological identity among the Wa is that their level of identification with their own nationality is highly consistent, and they all identify more greatly the overall Chinese identity than with their own nationality. The development trend of psychological identity is that for the Wa the older they are the lower the level of identification. For instance, it is the lowest among those who were born in the1960s, but the highest among those born in the1980s. In a word ethnic psychological identity with the overall Chinese nationalities is remarkably higher than with their own individual nationality. At the same time, ethnic psychological identity face challenges facets from economic globalization, social migration, low level of education, and imbalanced economic growth and cultural integration mode and so on. for the reason that a conclusion can be reached since the founding of new China, the Was’ psychological identity of the Chinese nationalities ever experienced a period during which the identity coexists with the crisis including severe crisis, extreme crisis and stable recognition that were called four stages.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

