

Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Micro Humid Air Turbine

【作者】 欧阳艳艳

【导师】 张士杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(工程热物理研究所) , 工程热物理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 湿空气透平(Humid Air Turbine,简称HAT)循环是新型燃气轮机循环的重要研究发展方向之一。自二十多年前被提出以来,HAT循环的研究经历了循环分析、关键技术研发等过程,目前正在向微、小型系统的原型实验、示范验证迈进。作为机组特性研究的一种手段,动态性能研究在机组运行分析、故障诊断、控制系统的设计调试以及人员培训等工作中都起着重要作用。随着HAT循环的研究发展,从微、小型规模起步进行HAT循环系统动态性能研究,掌握其动态特性及其运行规律成为亟待开展的工作。针对这一问题,本文建立了微型HAT循环的动态及其控制系统模型;分析了微燃机简单、回热和HAT循环在启动、变负荷和停机各个典型动态过程的动态性能,比较了控制系统模式、参数以及系统转动惯性、容积惯性和热惯性等因素对系统动态性能的影响。在此基础上,结合本实验室的百千瓦级微型HAT循环原型试验台试验数据,验证了本文动态模拟的准确性。本文的主要工作及结果如下:①构建了微型HAT循环各单元部件动态模型,包括压气机、燃烧室、透平、换热器(气/气换热器—回热器和气/水换热器—后冷器、省煤器)、湿化器、转轴转动惯性、容积惯性、气道热惯性、燃料供给系统以及控制系统模型。②建立了微型HAT循环的核心单元—微燃机简单循环的动态模型,进行了启动、变负荷和停机过程等各个典型动态过程的模拟,分析了控制系统模式、参数以及系统转动惯性、容积惯性和热惯性等因素对系统动态性能的影响。结果表明,各种惯性越小,简单循环各个动态过程的响应越快;启动和变负荷动态模拟中可以忽略容积惯性的影响,而在停机过程中,应考虑高温区容积惯性的影响;各个典型过程中均必须考虑热惯性的影响,尤其是高温气道热惯性的影响;在负荷扰动幅度最大的甩负荷过程中,简单循环的转速超调量仍维持在合理的范围内。③建立了微燃机回热循环的动态模型,分析了微燃机简单和回热循环在各个典型动态过程中的差异。结果表明,回热器的热惯性是影响系统平衡稳定性的重要因素,在动态模拟中不能忽略;甩负荷过程中,回热循环必须采取燃料阀门控制措施,以防止较高的转速超调量。④建立了微型HAT循环的动态模型,分析了湿式(启动开始即集成湿化过程)和干式(先以回热状态启动,再切换至湿化状态)两种启动模式的动态特性,对启动、变负荷等各个典型动态过程进行了模拟,并与微燃机简单、回热循环进行了对比。结果表明,干式和湿式两种启动模式均可快速启动;相对于简单、回热循环,新设计HAT循环的启动过程中的压气机运行点远离喘振线;HAT循环中较大的热惯性使得其在各个动态过程中的转速超调量较大;在甩负荷过程中,HAT循环除应采取阀门控制措施外,还需要采取压气机后放气措施,才能有效防止较高的转速超调量。⑤基于极大似然估计法,利用微燃机试验数据反推了厂商保密的压气机特性方程参数、微燃机部件设计参数等特性信息,进而建立了百千瓦级HAT循环原型试验台的动态模型。对各个动态过程的模拟数据和试验数据进行对比,验证了本文动态模拟的准确性。上述结果可为微型HAT循环的发展和应用以及控制系统设计提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 Humid Air Turbine (HAT) cycle is an important research direction of new advanced gas turbine cycle. Since been proposed twenty years ago, the thermodynamic analysis and key technology research of HAT cycle have been carried out, and the cycle research will focus on the prototype experiment and demonstration in the near future. As a means of plant performance research, dynamic simulation plays an important role in the plant operation, fault diagnosis, control system design, staff training and so on. With the development of HAT cycle, the dynamic simulation and the dynamic performance analysis of small HAT cycle become important issues to be solved.Aiming at this problem, the dynamic model of micro HAT cycle with control system was established; the dynamic performance of simple cycle, recuperative cycle and HAT cycle was analyzed and compared during the startup, load change and shutdown processes; the system performance with different controller modes and parameters, different rotational inertia, volume inertia and thermal inertia was compared respectively. Finally, the dynamic performance during those typical dynamic processes was verified by the results from operating experience in the100kW micro HAT prototype experiment device. The main works and conclusions are as follows:1. Key components models of micro HAT cycle were built, including compressor, combustor, turbine, heat exchanger (gas-gas heat exchanger:recuperator and gas-liquid heat exchanger:aftercooler and economizer), humidifier, shaft rotational inertia model, volume inertia model, thermal inertia model, fuel supply system and control system.2. The dynamic model of micro simple cycle, which is the key unit of the micro HAT cycle, was built; the dynamic performance of startup, load change and shutdown was analyzed, and the system performance with different controller modes and parameters, different rotational inertia, volume inertia and thermal inertia was compared respectively. It is proved that, a smaller inertia yields a faster response of simple cycle during those typical dynamic processes; during the startup and load change processes, the volume inertia can be ignored, but the volume inertia of the high temperature zone should be considered during the shutdown process; and the thermal inertia should be considered during all those dynamic processes, especially the high thermal inertial; the overspeed of the simple cycle is maintained within reasonable range during the load rejection process, which is the largest load disturbance.3. The dynamic model of the micro recuperative cycle was built, the differences between simple and recuperative cycle during those typical dynamic processes, were compared. It is proved that, the thermal inertia of recuperator is so large that cannot be ignored. During the load rejection process, recuperative cycle have to control the gas valve to avoid the high overspeed.4. The dynamic model of micro HAT cycle was built, the dynamic performance of two starting sequences, one with the humidification process fully integrated from the beginning (humid mode) and one without (dry mode), was compared, and the differences of simple cycle, recuperative cycle and HAT cycle were compared during startup and load change processes. It is proved that, the two starting sequences can both start quickly. The large thermal inertia of the HAT cycle makes a high overspeed during load change process. During the load rejection process, except for the gas valve control method, it is has to bleed off the compressed air from the compressor, in order to avoid the high overspeed.5. Based on the maximum likelihood estimation method, the compressor characteristic model parameters and the design parameters of micro gas turbine’s components were estimated from the experimental data; with this information, the dynamic model of the micro HAT cycle based on micro gas turbine was built, and the dynamic simulation processes were validated by the experimental data of the100kW micro HAT prototype experiment device.These conclusions provide references for the development, application and control system design of the HAT cycle.


