

【作者】 郭小转

【导师】 云峰;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 元朝是蒙古族入主中原所建立的统一的多民族国家,这种多民族的交流、融合使元代文学处在多元文化氛围中。这种氛围对元代所有的文学样式都有深远影响,包括元诗,特别是元代边塞诗。元诗,特别是元代边塞诗的创作,力图突破唐诗、宋诗的束缚,虽取得了不俗的成就,但由于受后世对元曲研究的关注,被弱化了。我们在元代多元文化背景中对元代边塞诗的研究,实际上是对元诗,特别是元代边塞诗创作成就的一种回归或重视。在中国诗歌,特别是边塞诗发展史上,元代边塞诗正处于上承唐宋、下启明清的连接位置。若失去了对它的客观对待,对中国古代诗歌,特别是边塞诗发展的整体观照便可能会有所偏颇,这是我们应该注意的。元代边塞诗在整个边塞诗发展史上有着承上启下的作用,本文从继承与发展两个方面去考察多元文化背景中元代边塞诗的发展:一方面,元代边塞诗中有许多传统题材,这些诗歌在征夫思妇、边塞风光等方面很好地继承了唐代边塞诗的优良传统;另一方面,即使是这些传统题材的元代边塞诗中也独具特色。如元代对雁意象的涵义延伸等。此外,西征诗与扈从诗又是边塞诗在元代的新发展,它们在多元文化背景中熠熠生辉。在元代的多元文化背景中,我们从政治、经济、文化等多方面入手,对与边塞诗联系紧密的御前奏闻、质子军、上都分省,农业、牧业和渔猎,元代文人心态及多元文化并存等内容重点介绍。在其后的作品分析中,则有机穿插如怯薛制度、藏传佛教等重要内容。对元代多元文化背景的介绍是研究元代边塞诗的准备阶段,在接下来的几章中,拟从继承和发展两方面对元代边塞诗的现状进行分析。“边塞诗”与“元代边塞诗”是关系紧密的两个概念。元代边塞的特殊性使元代边塞诗具有与前代更为丰富的内容。这就需要通过对传统边塞诗的概括和分析,去发现和归纳元代边塞诗所独具的时代性和民族性。对边塞战争的描写,对征夫思妇的描述,对边塞风光的描绘等都是边塞诗的传统内容。在元代边塞诗中,还特意选取了捣衣、雁等题材与意象去解读其背后的社会内涵。成吉思汗及其子孙的三次西征是蒙古汗国及元朝时期历史中的重大事件,也是元代边塞诗中西征诗的重要内容。本文通过对第一次西征的介绍,重点突出在此过程中所产生的西征诗。丘处机和耶律楚材为代表的西征诗人对元代边塞诗的发展作出了重要贡献,在此表现出来的边塞诗内容的拓展和情感的变化,都是元代边塞诗发展的重要表现。忽必烈建元后,两都制成为元朝的重要制度,元朝皇帝每年巡幸上都成为国之重事。扈从人员在此过程中所创作的扈从诗也为元代边塞诗画上了浓墨重彩的一笔。元上都的自然物产、风俗人情等成为元代边塞诗中的重要题材,而融合了边塞诗与宫词两种题材的元代宫词又成为扈从诗中的亮点,成为元代边塞诗中的特殊组成部分,也为宫词和边塞诗的发展做出了贡献。元代边塞诗的发展首先体现在疆域扩大带来的内容拓展。与汉唐疆域相比,元代疆域有着明显的扩大。蒙古汗国及元朝时期复杂的疆域组成也带来了边塞诗内容的拓展。其次,在描述方法与思想情感方面,元代边塞诗亦表现出了很大的发展空间。元代边塞诗的写实手法与客观描述,以及对边塞自然风物习俗的热爱之情等都是它明显的变化。再次,在元代边塞诗创作队伍中的少数民族诗人群体和边塞诗创作体式中的组诗加注等形式,也为元代边塞诗的发展做了很好的注脚。最后,从诗歌史的角度去观照元代边塞诗和元诗,更容易看出元代多元文化背景对元诗,特别是元代边塞诗创作的重要影响。

【Abstract】 Yuan Dynasty was a unified multi-ethnic country established by Mongolia nationality which came into Central Plains. The national exchange and integration made the literature of Yuan Dynasty in the multicultural atmosphere. The atmosphere had far-reaching effects to all literary style of the Yuan Dynasty, including the Yuan poetry, especially the Frontier Poems. The creation on Yuan Poetry, especially the Frontier Poems of Yuan Dynasty tried to break through the bondage of Tang Poetry and Song Poetry, although obtained great achievements, but due to the future generations researchers’attention of the Yuan Qu research, it was weakened. Our research on the Frontier Poems of Yuan Dynasty in the multicultural background is actually on the Yuan Poetry, especially the Frontier Poems in the achievement of a kind of regression or attention.. In Chinese poetry, especially the history of the development of the frontier fortress poems, Yuan frontier poetry was in the transitional position between the preceding Tang and Song poetry and the following Ming and Qing poetry. Without a disinterested appraisal of Yuan frontier poetry, a panoramic view of the whole process of Chinese ancient poems, especially the frontier poems would not be unbiased. It is worthy of our attention. The role of Yuan frontier poetry in the whole process of frontier poetry is transitional. This dissertation, from the aspects of inheritance and innovation, examines the development of Yuan frontier poetry in its multicultural background. On the one hand, many traditional subjects were adopted in a lot of Yuan frontier poems. They, through the vivid description of the emotions of the recruited solders fortressing the national border and the worrying wives at home, as well as the beautiful sceneries greatly inherited the excellent tradition in Tang frontier poetry. On the other hand, even in those Yuan frontier poems with traditional subjects, there existed unique characteristics of Yuan Dynasty, for example, the extension of the image of wild goose. Furthermore, poems about the conquest to the west and cortege poems, the new species of frontier poetry in Yuan Dynasty, were brilliant against the multicultural background. This dissertation explores the political, economical, culture and other aspects of Yuan Empire, to be specific, it attempts an introduction to the reporting to the Majesty, troops of the hostages, and the high-rank officials in the Upper Capital, etc. which were closely related to the contemporary frontier poems, to the agriculture, husbandry, fishing and hunting industries, to the psychology of Yuan men of letters, and to the coexistence of multiple cultures in detail. The kesig system as well as the Tibetan Buddhism is organically interspersed in the latter analysis of poetic works. After these preparatory introduction to the multicultural background is made, the following chapters are to analyse the current situations of Yuan frontier poetry from two perspectives of inheritance and development.Frontier poetry and the frontier poetry of Yuan Dynasty are two concepts that have a close relationship each other. The particularity of the importance of Yuan frontier makes the understanding of Yuan frontier poetry richer more than that in the previous dynasties. We need to find and induce its epochal and national character by categorizing and analyzing the traditional subjects of the frontier poetry, such as descriptions of frontier wars, of the recruited frontier soldiers and worrying wives at home, and of the beautiful sceneries along the border, etc. The subjects of pounding the clothes, wild goose, and Mongolia larks are specially selected to interpret the social implication.The three expeditions to the West of Genghis Khan and his offspring were great events in the Mongolia and Yuan history, and they function as an important background of the poems about the conquest to the west in Yuan frontier poetry. Through an introduction to the first expedition, this dissertation emphasizes the appearance of poems about the conquest to the west during the process. Poets who wrote poems about the conquest to the west, Qiu Chuji and Yelvchucai as representatives, made great contributions to the development of Yuan frontier poetry. Both the changes of sensibilities and the extension of its subject are important representation of the development of Yuan frontier poetry. After Kublai Khan established the Yuan Empire, two-capital system being settled down as basic, the annual inspecting tours of the Yuan emperors thus became of vital importance. The escorting officials and soldiers, who composed cortege poems during the tour, also drew a splendid stroke upon the luxurious painting of Yuan frontier poetry. The natural resources and ethnical customs and habits in the Upper Capital became important subjects of Yuan frontier poetry, whereas the palace lyrics of Yuan Dynasty, with a combination of the subjects of frontier poetry and palace lyrics, also presented a bright hue in the cortege poetry, which, as a special component of Yuan frontier poetry, contributed a lot to the development of place lyric and frontier poetry.The development of Yuan frontier poetry, firstly, resides in the extension of its subject due to the expansion of territory. Compared with the territories of Hans and Tang, the Yuan domain was an obvious expansion. The complicated components of territory of the Yuan Empire brought about a corresponding extension of the content of frontier poetry. Secondly, Yuan frontier poetry demonstrated great vacancy of development in both writing techniques and expressing feelings. The true-to-life and objective description, as well as the strong love for the natural scenery and ethnical customs along the frontier is an apparent change. Moreover, the composition of the poets of ethnical minorities, together with the annotated and group forms of poetry works as good examples as great improvement of Yan frontier poetry. Finally, examining Yuan poetry and Yuan frontier poetry as a whole from a view of the history of poetry is easier to see it is important influence that in the multicultural background for Yuan poetry, especially the frontier fortress poem creation.


