

【作者】 郑毅

【导师】 熊文钊;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 美丽的西双版纳,悠久的傣族文明,灿烂的贝叶文化。长期以来,傣族的民族文化传统都是通过佛寺教育这一特殊形式来完成——男童年满7岁就出家为僧,在佛寺中学习南传上座部佛教、傣语言文字以及丰富的民族文化知识,从而在还俗后成为傣族的“知识分子”。佛寺即学校,佛爷即老师。然而这种兼具宗教信仰和民族文化权利双重内涵的传统教育模式却同代表着受教育权的义务教育制度的诸多法律安排之间产生了强大的张力。上学抑或是出家?学校抑或是佛寺?传统与现代的冲突,权利与权利的激荡,国家法与习惯法的际会,民族文化与主流文明的碰撞,构成了本文所欲关注的核心面向。全文开篇设置了导论,该部分主要针对本文的一些基础性和前提性问题进行全面介绍,包括选题的由来,研究背景、意义和现状,创新之处,重点与难点以及研究方法等。正文部分则可大致分为如下三个板块。首先,对西双版纳地区傣族佛寺教育与义务教育关系的历史、现状及最新发展进行全面而深入的描述,并作适当的实证分析与归纳总结。这又可分为两个部分。在第一章中,主要是结合手头掌握的有关资料和调研成果,对西双版纳和西双版纳傣族、南传上座部佛教以及西双版纳傣族传统的佛寺教育的基本情况进行介绍。在第二章中,主要是对于西双版纳地区义务教育和佛寺教育的现状调研及实证分析。包括对调研相关事项的前提性说明、佛寺教育和义务教育的现状、当前对义务教育和佛寺教育关系的协调以及义务教育和佛寺教育关系的新发展等内容进行介绍和分析。前两章肩负着“提出问题”的使命,旨在为本文的后续分析提供一个明晰而完整的考察样本。其次,对西双版纳傣族佛寺教育与义务教育的关系进行法学分析。即从理论、规范、比较、案例等综合视角展开全面而深入的论证。在范围上涉及作为核心的基本权利冲突,尤其是本文首倡的同一主体的基本权利冲突理论,以及在此基础上衍生而出的权力与权力的冲突、权利与权力的冲突以及国家法和习惯法的冲突等。该部分主要由如下章节构成。第三章主要是对于佛寺教育和义务教育关系问题中涉及的基本权利的理论进行细致梳理,从而构建起权利冲突分析的基础框架。主要涉及受教育权、宗教信仰自由权、少数民族风俗习惯权和少数民族使用和发展自己的语言文字权等四个权利。第四章主要是对于基本权利冲突的一般性原理进行梳理和分析。包括对基本权利冲突基本内涵和基本范畴的论述、传统意义上解决基本权利冲突的模式的分别述评,提出基本权利冲突在同一主体上的新特点等,并同傣族佛寺教育义务教育关系问题相结合。第五章主要是对于佛寺教育和义务教育关系中的其他冲突理论,包括权力与权力冲突的理论、权利与权力冲突的理论以及国家法和习惯法的冲突理论,并同样与傣族佛寺教育和义务教育的关系问题进行紧密结合。第六章主要是对于佛寺教育和义务教育关系问题同其他其他民族、国家和地区乃至域外典型案例进行比较分析。包括同信仰南传佛教的布朗族、信仰藏传佛教的藏族和具有宗教教育传统的伊斯兰民族进行比较分析,同美国、加拿大、德国、俄罗斯、日本、泰国以及我国台湾地区的相近制度进行比较分析,以及同美国“威斯康辛州诉约德等”案这一域外典型案例进行比较分析等。可见,这四章内容主要完成“分析问题”的任务,是全文论述的核心。最后,提出调谐西双版纳傣族佛寺教育与义务教育的关系的对策和解决方案。经过现实问题的呈现和深入的法学分析后,提出对策和解决方案就成为全文论述逻辑的最终落脚点。这部分由指导思想和制度实施两章组成。在调谐佛寺教育与义务教育关系指导思想的问题上,即本文的第七章,主要涉及作为本土资源的中华民族多元一体格局理论、作为域外之鉴的多元文化主义思潮、作为核心路径的同一主体基本权利冲突的解决并最终提出作为宏观应对逻辑的“佛寺教育问题”的法治化进路等。在解决佛寺教育问题的制度机制问题上,即本文的第八章,则主要从作为基本制度的义务教育体系中傣族传统文化教育的发展机制、作为配套制度的义务教育体系中傣族文化教育发展的保障机制、作为重要制度的傣族佛寺对于宗教传承的发展与完善机制以及作为核心制度的西双版纳佛寺教育问题的法治化等方面进行详细构建。此外,在本文的余论中,针对佛寺教育与义务教育关系的相关问题作了一定的拓展和展望,这些问题有的由于文章结构的严谨性考量而未予涉及,有的由于篇幅的限制的而不能深入探讨,有的由于过于宏观而超出了本文所能承载的能力范围,但却无一不是在未来的研究中应给予足够关注的重要面向。希望本文的抛砖引玉,能够引起学界对这些问题的充分重视。综上,本文旨在以西双版纳傣族佛寺教育与义务教育冲突问题的客观描述为基础,以其中蕴含的以基本权利冲突为核心的法学要素冲突为视角,以中华民族多元一体格局理论、作为域外之鉴的多元文化主义思潮为指导,以相关法律体系的构建为目标,最终构建一套协调新时期少数民族传统文化教育与国家义务教育之间关系的良性制度框架,并以此为契机,反推法学理论的进一步深化与发展。

【Abstract】 Everything is charming, the beautiful Xishuangbanna, the centuries-old Dai’s culture and the glorious Pattra-leaf culture. For a long time, Dai inherit its traditional culture with a special kind of pattern—temple education. All the Dai boys have to become a monk when they are7-years-old, and learn on the teaching of Hinayana, Dai’s traditional borderism and the culture of their own ethnic group. And they will become intelligentsia when they secularization. They see temples and abbot as schools and teachers. Such traditional pattern of education, which contain the double connotation both of religionary faith and the cultural rights of ethnic group, is in the face of a huge which from the a series of legal arrangement of compulsory education system as an representation of the right to receive education. How to make a choice? Becaoming a monk or a student? School or temple? The collision between tradition and the mordern, fundamental right and the other ones, national laws and customary laws, culture of ethnic group and mainstream civilization, are all the main points we pay attention to.Before the main parts, there is a preamble mainly for explaining the basic and precondition problems. It includes origin of the issue, the background, significance and actuality of the correlative research, innovative points, emphases, difficulties and the researching ways and means. The straight matter should be divided into three parts. The first part makes a comprehensive and in-depth description on the history, actuality and the up to date development of the relation between the temple and compulsory education in Xishuangbanna. And it also provides appropriate precondition explanation and the inductive. There are two chapters in this part. Chapter1introduces the basc situation of Xishuangbanna, Dai in Xishuangbanna, Hinayana and Dai’s temple education. Chapter2commits itself to introduce the status quo of the temple and compulsory education, with the basis of indagation and positivism analysis. It includes many important parts as follows: precondition explanation about the indagation, the status quo of the temple and compulsory education, actual countermeasure to such collision and the new current and development. These two chapters juest exsist for putting forward problems. They provide a clear and integrate swatch for the following analyse.The second part make a law analyse to the relation between the temple and compulsory education in Xishuangbanna. It is the comprehensive and in-depth argumentation with the view angle of theories, criterions, compares and cases. Its content includes theory of the collision between different congstitutional rights which is regarded as the core, especially the collision on identical person which is first pointed out by this study. With this basis, there are other different collisions between different rights, different powers, rights&powers, and national laws and customary laws. This part includes four chapters as follows. Chapter3makes meticulous pectination on the theories of fundamental rights which have correlation with temple and compulsory education to construct a basic analytical framework of the collision between different rights. There are four improtant parts such as the right to receive education, the freedom to religionary faith, the freedom to nationalities’own folkways and customs and the freedom to use and develop nationalities’own spoken and written languages. Chapter4focuses on the basal theory of the collision between different congstitutional rights. It contains some important elements such as basic connotation and category, countermeasures to this kind of collision in traditional visual angle and relevant analysis, and the new characteristics when the conflicting fundamental rights belong to the same person. As a complementarity Chapter5relates to other kinds of collision between different rights, different powers, rights&powers, and national laws&customary laws. These two chapters are combined with Dai’s education issue tightly. Chapter6focuses on comparing Dai’s problem with different ethnic group (such as Bulang, Tibetan and other ethnic groups believe in Islam), country (such as USA and Canada in America, Germany and Russia in Europe, Japan and Thailand in Asia),area (such as Taiwan) and the typical cases (such as Wisconsin v. Yoder(406U.S.205(1972))). All in all, comparative analysis in the core way in this chapter. All in all, these four chapters are focus on analyse with the angle of law.The last part is with the hope of providing scientific countermeasures to Dai’s education issue. With the basis of issus description and the law-analyse, providing countermeasures becomes the core pivot of the whole study. This part has two chapters:the guiding ideology and the implementary system. Chapter7focuses on the issues as follows:the Pattern of Diversity in Unity of the Chinese Nation which as native resource, the multiculturalism which as foreign reference, the contermeasure to conflicting fundamental rights belong to the same person which as core way, and the legalization which as a conter-logic. As the last chapter, Chpter8provides details of the legalization mentioned above, includes the developmental system of Dai’s traditional culture bases on compulsory education (the basic system), the guarantee system of Dai’s traditional culture bases on compulsory education (the supporting system), the developmental system on inheritance of Hinayana bases on temples (the important system) and the legalization of the temple education in Xishuangbanna (the core system).Morever, in the part of other discussion, the study makes some expanded research on relative issues. Such issues are not be brought into the study because of the pureness of framework, limited space, over macroscopical level and so on. But we have no doubt that their importance to this research. May the prompt here should makes academe to pay sufficient attention to them.To sum up, the article tries to constribute a compatible institutional framework to harmonize the education of ethnic groups’traditional culture and the national compulsory education, with the visual angle of collision between different legal elements, the guidance of the Pattern of Diversity in Unity of the Chinese Nation and the multiculturalism, the target of construction of legal system. And also choose this moment to develop the theories of law.

  • 【分类号】G522.3;B948
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】977
  • 攻读期成果

